Making Money With Clickbank A Proven Step By Step Guide To Success

Before I run through how easy making money with Clickbank is to do. I want to go through some questions that people are always asking about the website.

What Is Clickbank?

Clickbank is one of the oldest affiliate networks on the internet. It has a global presence and vendors can include their products and services within the platform thus allowing other people (also known as affiliates) to then promote them for the product owners.

The products are mainly digital and consist of membership sites, ebooks, online courses, and software.

When people promote products via the Clickbank platform they, in turn, receive a commission when a sale has been completed. This is known as affiliate marketing and is becoming more and more popular as a way of generating extra cash or even full-time living.

making money with clickbank

Can Clickbank be trusted?

Clickbank is just a middleman, a bit like a broker between the vendors (product owners) and the promoters (affiliates). There operate a secure payment process so people can purchase knowing that their details are safe.

The longevity of the company is a testament to how well they are a trusted name within the online marketing community.

By stating that you don’t trust Clickbank is like stating the same for your local Walmart (or Asda if you are in the UK)

They also have an A+ rating on the Better Business Bureau website which is the highest possible.

How much does it cost to join Clickbank?

It is 100% free to join the Clickbank platform, you just need to add a few details and state whether you are wanting to be a vendor and or affiliate you can be either or both.

Although to be a vendor you will need to have your own product to add to the marketplace.

Don’t forget to add in your bank details so you can get paid…

How do I get paid through Clickbank?

Getting paid is really simple. There are currently two ways to do this. The first is by check in the mail, and the second is by bank transfer which they recently introduced.

How long does it take to get paid from Clickbank?

Unlike most affiliate networks and programs Clickbank payout every two weeks. This then takes approximately 10 days to actually receive your commission check or bank deposit

Can you actually make money with Clickbank

Let’s show to the 3 steps simple process so that you can start earning from this great affiliate platform

Step 1

Sign Up for your free account, as I have mentioned previously this is a simple task and free to do

clickbank categoriesStep 2

Click on the marketplace tab to reveal what products are available to promote.

Once in the marketplace on the left-hand side, there is a menu of different categories. This makes it much quicker to find products in a certain niche. Eg Fitness.


You now have a list of products in your chosen niche. Next, select the drop-down tab and you’re your list by gravity. Gravity is how many individual affiliates have promoted and made sales over the last two weeks. You want this to be fairly high so that you know that the product is converting and selling well.

marketplace in clickbank

If you look within the brief description of the product it shows the gravity score. 20 plus is always a good indicator that the product sells okay.

There is nothing worse than promoting something that doesn’t convert you are then wasting your time.

Step 3

Creating your hop link is the final step and probably the easiest. From the marketplace listing of the product that you have decided to promote all you have to do is click on the promote button.

hoplink generator for clickbank

Here you can be given a choice of pages to promote (some products just have one page) choose your page I normally go with the default sales page.

You can also add your own tracking code this is ideal if you are promoting in various places and want to see which one performs best.

So you now have your 3 steps completed and are now ready to start promoting your link and making some sales.

Promoting Your Links

There are two different ways to actually use your links.

Directly:- This is when you send people directly to the sales page of the product. Although the easiest and quickest way to get your links out there, the results can vary.

Also, beware that you are allowed to post direct links as not all places allow this type of link. More on that later

Landing Pages:- The other route of promoting your links would be via your own sales funnel. This tends to work well as you are giving the customer loads of value before offering them a solution to their problem they have.

My Preferred Funnel

I use a blog and write informative articles that I can then direct traffic too. I then create free giveaways such as reports, e-courses, checklists and the like that are very targeted towards the product I am promoting.

That way I know if they sign up for the freebie I know they are very targeted as a potential customer for my Clickbank product. Once on my email list, I can, of course, keep giving value and promoting more relevant products.

No blog … No problem you can start building your own for free

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Building your own list

In order to start building your own email list, you will need an email service provider so that you can collect, store and automatically email out. I have used AWeber since 2010 and found them to be everything I need. There is a small monthly fee for this but you will easily reap the benefit by having this in place.

Landing Pages

If you already have a WordPress blog (WordPress is the best blogging platform and one I would recommend) To create separate landing pages for your free gifts can be done by using a WordPress plugin like Thrive Architect. With Thrive you can create optins for your blog and landing pages fast. No technical skills are required either so super easy for a novice.

Thrive leads can also be added to enable more ways of collecting details and building your email list.

Having sorted your blog and landing pages now all you need is traffic which in some way is the easiest part.



If you are using a blog to send people to then optimizing your articles for the search engines is a good way to get some free traffic.

One downside to this method is that it can take a few months to get a good amount of traffic. The upside if google starts liking your content you will get thousands of free visitors every day.

One of the secrets to maximizing the search engines is to create a continuous stream of quality content.


Paid Adverts are definitely a much quicker option but of course, these will cost you. I would advise doing some research on long-tail keywords that are going to be much cheaper to advertise for.

There are plenty of platforms these days where you can use paid ads, here’s a list of the

most popular ones.

  • Google
  • Bing / Yahoo
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest

Social Media

Although you can use paid ads on social media sites as stated above, don’t forget you can also create free profiles and share your links on these too.

Be sure you don’t just spam links everywhere as this send your followers running in the opposite direction. Go to give advice and help others first and foremost. Quality blog posts work well on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Make sure you read through the individual terms and conditions about posting affiliate links on all your social sites.


YouTube is a great way to reach targeted people within your niche. It tends to be easier to rank higher within the YouTube search too. This means you will get free views on your videos and by adding a link in the description you can make some serious sales.

Remember you don’t have to be an expert to start a YT channel my first videos were pretty grim but the more you do the better you will become. Even the top Youtubers had to start at the beginning.

Follow these marketing tips for affiliate marketing and you will be a success.


Pinterest is a visual sharing platform but don’t underestimate it. People are using Pinterest as a research tool for information just like Google.

If you can use the right keywords and create a great pin (image) then you could get an avalanche of traffic that can last a few months if not longer.

That’s partly why I use it.

With other social networks, your post can very quickly disappear and stop driving traffic, but with Pinterest, your pins can keep being shared and clicked for months, this means it’s very easy to start generating huge traffic if you post new pins every day.

More on making money with Pinterest here

Wrapping Up

As you can see from this article it is very easy to start making money with Clickbank affiliate network. Joining and discovering products to promote is quick and easy to do.

Make sure you do some research about the product and see if they have a god gravity score and affiliate or JV page. Both these will help you when promoting it.

As I have explained there are plenty of ways to promote your links and get sales.

Learning to become a super affiliate

One of the best places I have come across in my time online for learning affiliate marketing (and blogging) is a site called Wealthy Affiliate this is a great place to get involved in and caters for newbies as well as experienced marketers.

You can join for free and get free training and use some cool tools. I will even connect with you and help you all I can. I look forward to meeting you there.

start your own business

27 thoughts on “Making Money With Clickbank A Proven Step By Step Guide To Success”

  1. Thanks for clarifying that ClickBank is trustworthy. I didn’t know much about them so I didn’t want to enter my social security number but now that you explained it I might actually try it out.
    ClickBank is great because they pay such high commissions and they don’t have as many restrictions on where you can post the links. I have heard of a lot of people making good money with ClickBank.
    I started my website with wealthy affiliate and that would be a great place to put links to ClickBank products. Thanks!

    • Glad you found this article useful. Definitely placing your affiliate links on your website would be a great way to go. 

  2. Clickbank is a great market place for any newbie who is looking for a product to promote.

    However, on the flip side, there are also many products which are not of high quality.  Before anyone wants to promote clickbank product, he or she should perform his due diligent to check if the product is of high quality.

    When it comes to bring traffic to our product page, it is always good for us to focus on one traffic tool before moving on to the next one.

    Thank you for sharing the comprehensive guide on how to get start with marketing with clickbank.

  3. hello, Martin:),

    this proven step by step guide to success in making money with ClickBank was easy to understand for me and well detailed.

    I have never sold anything from ClickBank even as an affiliate as I have not found success the few times I tried but with these well-detailed steps, I intend to give it another try.

    I would like to have a go at PPC marketing, as I think that would help me get results sooner or what do you think?

    • Trying PPC is a great idea I would start by using Bing ads as they are cheaper. This will help while you are learning how to refine the process. 

  4. I really like that Clickbank is a trustworthy brand and therefore there is peace of mind whenever I deal with this platform. I just signed up with it and I am trying to learn the ropes slowly by slowly.

    I like that you have really explained the step by step methods in a clear and understandable manner. I have already used a few landing pages and I love how they turn out. Hoping they will soon converts to a sale.

    Thank you for sharing the useful tools that we will need to see success in our Clickbank business. This is a very thorough and informative article!

    • Great that you are using landing pages. Building an email list is a great way to grow your business. I wish you every success

  5. Thank you for taking your time for the very informative and very easily approachable review about 
    making money with ClickBank. I also liked your tips to promote businesses on social media and getting more traffic
    to your website and its articles. I’m trying to learn more about affiliate marketing and online marketing generally and came across this site. 

    • Thanks for your comments, I am glad you found us we have loads of great information about affiliate and online marketing that you should find useful. 

  6. I see people becoming affiliates for click bank and I ask is it really legit because some people say click bank is the home for everything both the good and the bad. Well, now I guess you can choose what to promote yourself and its up to you to promote the bad if you like. It’s not so hard after all. Who doesn’t want to make some good commission? I’ll check it out already now. I believe is shouldn’t procrastinate and take this opportunity. Thanks.

    • Henderson, Indeed it is up to the affiliate what they promote but I would always say do your research and only promote good products. 

  7. Hi Martin.

    Thank you so much for your content which was about making money with Clickbank. You have given all the necessary information about clickbank and its affiliate programme. I do affiliate marketing and was looking for a high-commission affiliate programme. Clickbank is the answer.

    But, dont you think that clickbank should enrich their products? I meant, they dont provide product from vast niche. Time ago, I searched for clothes there but couldn’t found any good products to work with.Dont know if this is solved or not.

    Can you please tell me a little more about how can I successfully find perfect products on Clickbank?

    Thanks for the review 🙂


    • Hi Monalisha, Clickbank only deals with digital products and yes some of them a low quality but to be fair that could be said to most affiliate networks.  

  8. This is really nice, considering the fact that I’ve heard quite some bad comments about this ClickBank. These misconceptions have made me stay away from this affiliate program but coming across this post have cleared my doubt’s about this program and without much delay I’d register with ClickBank following the explanation on the steps to register on this post. Thanks for this information.

    • Thanks for dropping by Dane, Indeed Clickbank does have a reputation of having rubbish products but I must say that there also some really brilliant ones which are not to be missed.

  9. This is one of the best blogs that I have ever read so far, What I did get from reading  “Making Money With ClickBank is a Direct map to go to where I want – that is to earn money. A proven step by step guide to success. Thanks, I shall come back and sit on this blog again  Big thank you.

  10.  You have shown not only how to Making Money With Clickbank but also have illustrated side tips such as getting traffic utilizing social media in a simple way. I liked the idea about placing the link under the YouTube Channel.
    I have a question about Click bank payment system.You have mentioned that we can either get paid via Check in the mail or Bank transfer which they recently introduced. I have Paypal account linked to my local Bank account,Would it be same as bank transfer and being able to get paid the commission through it? I would be much appreciated in advance

    • Clickbank currently does not use Paypal for paying affiliates having a check sent is the next best way. 

  11. Hi, Martin.
    Thanks for your article on making money with Clickbank.
    All the steps were explained in a systematic way and it was too easy to understand the process. Clickbank has become a reputable name and we can surely use it to promote our product or become an affiliate to unlimited products offered by Clickbank. I am definitely going to try it. Thanks for the timely help.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

  12. I think affiliate marketing is a very profitable business if you proceed correctly and constantly. It is a fairly old type of business that today is not yet known enough among the crowd or that has not yet been standardized enough for that more and more people to perform this job.

    It can be considered both as a part-time job of a few hours a day, as well as a full-time job. In my case, I see it more as a source of extra income, because writing in a blog should not be considered a formal job in my view, but as a hobby to make money passively. Although there are people who are making a lot of money with this, as this type of business allows that.

    The more visible your blog is in search engines, the more audience your blog will have. The more audience related to your niche your blog has, the more possibility of perceived commission you will have. It seems like a simple business, as long as you attract customers, that is why a good SEO ranking is a key.

  13. This is exactly what I was looking for, making money with click bank.  I was not sure how to get started with Clickbank, you have explained it very clearly. Thank you for the information.

    To my understanding, I can promote Clickbank products without having a website, am I right?

    I would really like to learn about affiliate marketing. I will look into the training program you recommended.

    • Hi Christine thanks for your comments. Yes you can promote clickbank products without a website. Glad you are going to join wealthy affiliate it is the best training around

  14. “Here, as Mike Money says, we understand that we can use our technology to promote our company’s products and products to the public so that consumers can easily buy and sell their homes without any confusion, in exchange for both the consumer and the buyer. Will be However, he must first be truthful and sincere in order to earn money from online. And you have to have the humanity to work, the skills to work, the knowledge about the online, the variety of networking, the specific website, and what products are sold in a marketplace, you can work with them patiently. Inline money can be earned. Online is a means by which everything can be saved, save time and money, buy and sell as you wish and earn income at home with less money and live with honesty, hence the demand online. It will eliminate unemployment and young people will move forward they will conquer the world.”


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