How To Do Keyword Research For Content Marketing

content marketing

Learning how to do keyword research for content marketing, is vital if you are ever going to succeed online. Done correctly you can gain from massive organic traffic to your website. Done wrong, you then have to find others ways to get traffic which can prove very time-consuming.

What Are Keywords

If you are new to the internet and making money niche then lets just quickly run through and explain what a keyword is. A keyword is a single word or phrase that someone types in to the search engines when trying to solve a problem, or look up something.

As an online marketer it is a great idea to know what people are searching for and then create content based around these keywords and phrases. Most marketers when first starting out do this totally wrong, they start writing blogs, shooting videos and creating freebies without researching first. They then struggle to get people to view their content. Why is this? Simple no one is looking for the content they have created.

Using The Power Of Google

Google is just amazing, what did we do before Google, oh how I love Google. Okay enough love for Google lets show you how you can use it to research keywords and phrases.

For the best results I would clear your cookies and cache on your laptop or PC. This will ignore your browsing history so you will get a truer search.

Head to or for me in the UK.

Then start typing keywords that you want to research for your content.

As you can see I have typed in Dog Treat and Google have suggested all the other keyword phrases, this is great because Google gets this information from people who are already searching for these terms… Well hello give the people what they want.

dog treat keyword example
Dog Treat Keyword Search Example

Alphabet Soup

Not the Heinz Alphabet Spaghetti version you had as a child but still great all the same 🙂

The more popular the keyword the less likely you are to be able to rank high in the search engines. It is a lot easy to rank for what we call long tail keywords as we have just mentioned. But to find some gems out there you could use the Alphabet Soup technique… let me explain more.

Place in the Google search bar your chosen long tail keyword, then add one at a time the letters of the alphabet either at the beginner or end of the phrase Google will then give you even more suggestions. Now these may have be producing a lot less traffic but the competition is way less too.

Alphabet soup example
Alphabet soup Keyword technique

You can continue this through the whole alphabet and gain some ideas for content that you would never of thought of.

Let’s Do Some Maths

One page one ranking top keyword say produces 1500 visitors to your website per month. Bare in mind this could take months of hard work to achieve this high ranking.

What about creating 50 posts for long tail keyword phrases that on average get 45 monthly visitors. That’s a total of 2,250. That’s why if you have a new website or only just starting to create content choose good long tail keywords over main keywords. Of course as your site gets more authority then you could try more competitive keywords.

Let’s Dive Deeper

Using tools such as Jaaxy can help you go even deeper and get more stats and analysis, all of which will help you succeed.

Jaaxy is an amazing tool and even the lite version can give you some very quick results.

Jaaxy Dog Treat keyword search
Jaaxy Keyword search example

On every search they give you the estimated traffic, plus how much you can achieve by ranking on page one. They give you the amount of other sites that are ranking for this keyword and by scoring the keyword you can instantly see if you have a good chance of a page one ranking.

Together with a built in Alphabet Soup feature this saves you a huge amount of time.

You can also track your rankings by using the site rank feature… SSSHHHH… and spy on your competitions’ rankings too.

I also love the saved list feature. This enables you to add keywords to lists to come back too in the future. So one day of research can get me 50-60 content keyword ideas… all I have to do then is create them.

Why not check out Jaaxy for yourself with a free account or just start typing in the box below.

>> My #1 Recommendation you must read this review

Summing Up

You now know what a keyword is and how to do keyword research for content marketing. Go and have a play on Google researching and be sure to take a test drive of Jaaxy for free to see how to take things to the next level, and save you time.

Let me know you thoughts on Keyword research, Jaaxy plus any other tips and techniques that you have found that have worked for you. Please share via the comments below.

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through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps
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keyword research image keywords for Google ranking

14 thoughts on “How To Do Keyword Research For Content Marketing”

  1. Hi,

    This is really useful stuff, but, I have a question. If you have a keyword with lots of traffic and not many competitors, this is obviously a good thing. But, what if the competitors you do have are huge multinational companies? Is it worth even trying to compete with them?

    • Hi Tom, Now that’s a great question normally if you have multinations dominating the search engines I would normally say forget it… but if its saying there is not many competitors then its certainly worth a go and see where you can rank. Even though you may not rank high in the search engines you still have a great piece of content you can share on the social networks and forums so your time in creating it is never wasted. Go for it 🙂

  2. thank you for this great post on keywords, you have really described how to search for them very clearly. I like yiur idea of just using google, good tip! Jaaxy looks like a useful tool, I have also heard of keysearch,  havebyou ever used that tool? Do you know how the two compare? What are the advantages of jaaxy?

    • Thanks your questions Chris. I have not heard of key search. I will have a look at it and see how it compares. Jaaxy I love the speed of the searches especially the alphabet soup. Having metrics. To help assess if a keyword is êasy to rank for is great too, other tools give the keywords but not the metrics.

  3. I never really thought of using the Google suggest setup before for keyword research – that’s probably one of the most effective long tail keyword tools out there when you think about it (and it’s free!). 

    Out of all the paid options of keyword tool on the market, could I ask which one you prefer using overall?

    • Thanks for your comment Chris. I must admit I have only used a couple of paid keyword tools which are Market Samurai and Jaaxy they are both great but Jaaxy has the ability to give me far more information. So Jaaxy it is… 🙂

  4. This is solid advice and awesome guide!   I agree with you that Alphabet Soup method is a great way to find some solid long tail keywords.     I just started using Jaaxy and it is very useful.

    When entering into a different niche sometimes i find it hard to get started.  Do you have any recommendations for getting started with keywords in a brand new niche?

    • Hi Barry, Thanks for your comment and question. When you research a new niche, start with the niche itself as this is going to be a strong keyword in itself. Then use the techniques mentioned to drill down for long tail keywords that will be easier to rank for. Trust this helps 🙂

  5. Admin, dear! Your topic is a medicine for me. If you can answer to my simple exercises with your examples. 

    I also enter the “dog treat” in the address bar of Google. But keywords do not fall out. Only About 384,000,000 results (0.40 seconds) appear. If I do:  =>Tools => Verbatims, 

    Then I get 4 interrogative sentences: People also ask:What are the best treats for dogs?

    What can I give my dog for a treat?

    How do you make homemade dog treats?

    Can I use all purpose flour to make dog treats?

    Apparently these 4 sentences are the long tail keywords and everything goes right.

    I really want to ask in person. Your explanations are constructive.

    Of course your instruction is valuable. I will exercise. 

    Thank. Mark

    • Mark sounds like you have used the top search bar, if you have typed in you should have a search bar in the middle of the page. Start typing and suggestions will appear below… don’t click to search though as you will get the results so as the ones you found. Trust this helps you

      • Dear Martin = Admin! I am already grateful to you that you showed your participation. I have been stuck on it like in concrete for several months. Time flows very quickly. Let me ask your advice sometimes when I’m stuck. My daughter and grandchildren live in London. Sincerely. Mark.

        • Hi Mark, No problem glad to help, note I have deleted your email from the approved comment as you may get people spamming you. Message me on WA if you need any help.

  6. Great article Martin, as someone who is new to affiliate marketing I feel that one of my toughest tasks is coming up with strong keywords to write content off of. I will be trying the alphabet soup method soon. Thank you!

    • Glad you enjoyed the article Dereck. Indeed and soup is always good for you …LOL


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