The Conversion Pros Review – The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Every business these days needs to have a multitude of tools, software, systems, and more importantly, leads to enable any sort of success. Even if you are an online marketer you still have to have certain tools to run your business efficiently.

Now the internet is crammed full of tools promising more traffic, automating this, one-click that. So when I first came across The Conversion Pros I was intrigued to see if their suite of marketing tools was worth shouting about.

So in the interest of my followers, I thought I should take a closer look. So I did just that and below is what I discovered.

Quick Stats

  • Name – The Conversion Pros
  • Owners –  David Dubbs
  • Price – 14 Day Free Trial – $50 A Month
  • Overall Rating – 6 out of 10

What Is The Conversion Pros

the conversion pros

On first impressions when you visit their website you would be sure that it is a collection of marketing tools to help you grow your business, well, of course, it is just that but with a hidden agenda that is not even mentioned before you sign up.

One of the pluses was that they do offer a 14-day free trial, so time to see if my theory was correct.

Hold tight and I will reveal all later on in this article.

What Tools Do You Get With The Conversion Pros

Okay, let’s break down exactly what tools you get access to when you become a member of The Conversion Pros.

Page Builder

The first tool listed is a page builder. These are of course very common now. They are using the same system whereby you select your template and then go about customizing it by dragging in other elements such as videos, images, and text boxes.

Sites such as Divi, Clickfunnels, Builderall, Beaver Building, and my favorite Thrive Architect all use similar systems to build custom pages

Having used page builders myself for many years, they are very easy to use and customize, my only concern with these templates is that they lack quality and look a little basic. Plus you are limited to a few designs, although they may have added more by the time you read this.

Part of the reason I love Thrive Architect is that they have over 220 pre-built templates which are amazing.

conversion pros capture pages image

I must admit these types of capture pages do not look that great. Also, bear in mind that hosting, these pages are part of your membership which is great until you want to move away from their platform, you could lose all your pages and indeed your business.

This is a way to keep you paying your monthly membership…

I personally like to have full control over all my web pages so I build all my web pages on self-hosted WordPress sites. As I mentioned before you can use tools such as Thrive Architect, to build your pages as it is built to work with the WordPress platform.

In this post, I show you how to create a landing page with WordPress Page Builder Thrive Architect.

If you wanted more control over your web pages to read my post on how to build a website from scratch

Email AutoResponder

In order to collect the data from your customers who land on your lead capture pages, you will need what is known as an email autoresponder.

This piece of the marketing system is key. It enables you to email people automatically once they have signed up to receive more information via your capture page. You can even set up whole campaigns that then run on autopilot, saving you time and money.

I do have one concern though… and that is, all your customers’ details are stored within the Conversion Pros marketing system so again you could lose them all if you decided to stop paying for the membership.

This software is of course not new and there are literally hundreds of email service providers you could choose if you were not requiring TCP’s one.

Again being in full control of your business is something that I would recommend.

I have used a company called AWeber to capture leads and send all my email campaigns for over 10 years now. If you are looking to have the same control over your business you may want to.

Read my full honest AWeber review online email marketing services

SMS Broadcaster

I have to confess I know little about this tool as the only experience I have had was several years ago and I am sure that technology has moved on since then.

The SMS broadcaster will send text messages directly to your list. Open rates do tend to be high as we are prone to look every time we hear our phones ping. Only putting this marketing strategy to the test will truly see if it works.

But, that said I very rarely read these texts fully and normally end up blocking them. Maybe you can relate to this too. Like any marketing, it’s a numbers game… People obviously do get results with this, but only time will tell in your niche.

Invoice Builder

Humm… I think most people can create an invoice template in word, PowerPoint, or some other free tool. I don’t think there is any value with this at all…

There are a few other tools included such as URL shorteners and blog creators both of which are totally free all over the internet so why would you need to pay $50 for them.

Looks like they are just adding more to fluff out the value, to justify the price they are charging.

Purchasing Leads

At the back end of this marketing system, The Conversion Pros offer qualified leads for your business. I must admit that whenever this has been offered in any business before the quality of the leads are awful. I would always tell any of my followers never to buy leads, email addresses, or followers for social media, they really are a waste of money.

purchasing leads via conversion pros

I do wonder if the marketing system is a ploy to get people into the business and then sell them crap leads, maybe we will never know unless you do know! Let me know in the comments if you have had experience in buying leads from TCP or any other company be great to get some feedback on the subject.

Is Conversion Pros Worth The Money

If you stumbled across The Conversion Pros and were new to online marketing then would probably think you are getting a great deal, but having been around the internet game now for nearly a decade, I know that there are many better products and training that you can get access to which will help you even more than The Conversion Pros marketing suite.

What do I like about The Conversion Pros

  • 14 Day Free Trial, always happy with free trials so pleased to see it here. It does at least prove that they are confident about their products.
  • I do like the concept of everything in one place, but having full control is paramount I wouldn’t want to be tied into paying if I needed to use other products in the future

What I dislike about The Conversion Pros

  • The price is not too expensive, but the problem is I know there are better quality sites out there which will give you more training, websites, and products plus they can work out half the price.
  • Not having actual control over your landing pages and autoresponder is another dislike, after all, you are trying to build a business, the last thing you want is for everything to disappear just as your business is growing
  • Low-quality training and products. I like to use quality products that work well for what they are designed to do.

Knowing what I do now, there are a few products that I would recommend that you can use to start your own online business and continue with as your business grows.

The program I started with is Wealthy Affiliate, which not only allows you a free website with hosting but also gives you step by step training courses on everything you need to know. The training is also ongoing every week through live webinars. They boast over 2 million members so they must be doing something right.

Read more about my journey a Wealthy Affiliate review – is success guaranteed.

As I have already mentioned, the email marketing company I would recommend is one I have been happily using for over ten years.  That is AWeber.

I have had no issues at all with them and my opens rates are over 50% which is huge compared to the industry norm.  It’s simple to set up and use and they even offer a free 30-day free trial

Read more about creating targeted email marketing lists – 7 tips to success!

Building landing pages have become so easy over the last few years and there are many page builders that can be purchased for a single one-off payment which long term will save you hundreds of dollars. They also have far more features and elements that you can use. I use Thrive Architect with over 220 prebuilt templates and they are always adding new features and elements too.

Learn how to make a landing page in the article

This following video will show you how easy it is to build pages, check it out

Conversion Pro Affiliate Program

When you dive more into the affiliate program associated with Conversion Pros you quickly notice that unlike most affiliate programs, this one you can only make money when you are already a member. This basically means it will cost you $50 a month to promote TCP.

Personally, I would never join an affiliate program that you had to pay for. Especially, with the nature of this business as most affiliate marketers will already be using products similar to the marketing suite revealed here.

Although the generous 50/50 split on the monthly subscriptions is, of course, tempting and some will join, I would not go joining TCP just to make money. There are plenty of products with affiliate programs you can join for free.

Wealthy Affiliate you can promote as a free member no upgrade ever needed


Although I never want to knock any business, that aims to help others I also have to be honest to you and if I think there are better quality and more beneficial products around I would always point them out.

As regards to whether you decide to use The Conversion Pros instead of the products I have recommended is course up to you. I have used various marketing suites similar to this over time and always found them expensive and the quality poor. When a company focuses on one product they

I personally will be sticking with the products I am already using…

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own business

15 thoughts on “The Conversion Pros Review – The Good, The Bad And The Ugly”

  1. Here Martin! Thanks for reviewing this site. As a beginner and new to online marketing, I’ve got the basic knowledge I needed to sign up for Conversion Pros. I also admire the facts that I get to try it out for 14 days as it will be more than enough days to understand how it works before subscribing for it. 

    I find this review very helpful. Thanks!

    • Glad this has helped, come back and let us know how you found it. 🙂

  2. Great review here on The Conversion Pros. Look is very important to me in a web page so it’s good to know right away that quality is lacking in this department. Not having full control of my business in not an option really. I totally agree about the SMS broadcaster. These types of messages can be annoying and actually counter-productive. While the price is ok, I will definitely be steering clear of The Conversion Pros thanks to your review. Wealthy Affiliate is for sure a better options and any reader here would do well to follow your link and see what it’s all about. Thanks and I look forward to more outstanding reviews!

  3. I don’t like when you have total dependency on a platform for your website and this is what I see here. Most control is handled to them and their servers and you have little control of everything. Also $50 a month? There are far better platforms with far more value at half the price of that so even by looking at this and nothing else this is not a very competitive tool.

    • Thanks for your comment Stratos I am glad to see you agree with my verdict 

  4. Many thanks to you for sharing such wonderful titles with us .Every business needs to have a lot of tools, software, systems and these have led me to enable success .As I do online marketing, I need many good tools to manage my business .The Internet now offers many tools to bring in more traffic, and I have taken the tools I need from them and have been able to bring enough traffic to my business. I collected marketing tools to help businesses grow .Through The Conversion Pros, I have found many tools for the success of my business and here I am a member .I selected my template and customized it by dragging it to other elements like video, images, and text boxes. It is very easy to use and customize .Each software has a positive and negative site just as this software also has a positive and negative site which you have excellently highlighted through your article. 

    Lastly, I hope that by reading your article, everyone will get to know about this software and will share their new experience with you soon.

    • Hey Shanta, good to hear your experiences with The Conversion Pros products. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  5. Hello Martin.

    After reading your review of the conversion pros and the number of negative points and associated costs if I signed with this organization I see that I must rely on your experience and rather opt for your recommendation to join Wealthy Affiliate instead to benefit from all the advantages attached to the offer of this company.

    Thank you for your review and the points you raised to help us in our choices.

    • Thanks for your comments Claude I am glad it has helped you make a decision, I will connect on WA with you. 

  6. Hello, As we know every business needs to have a lot of tools, software, systems and these have led me to enable success .As I do online marketing, I need many good tools to manage my business .The Internet now offers many tools to bring in more traffic, and I have taken the tools I need from them and have been able to bring enough traffic to my business. I follow your first recommendation and also suggestion everyone to join as soon as possible. It is the best affiliate training as well as everything like(support, hosting, blogging, live chat, etc) online.

  7. Bait and switch is the name for these kind of reviews. Wealthy affiliate affiliates seem to do many of these kind of reviews.They find a popular program online, review it saying a few kind words and then tell their audience to sign with wealthy affiliate instead of the reviewed program because the program is not as good as wealthy affiliate. If this person had 50 or more signups from TCP then this article would be completely different. I am not a TCP member by the way, but this is how many blog reviewers get signups in their own programs and they know it even if they won’t admit it.

    • Totally agree with you Kevin apart from one thing I actually think that affiliate marketing is a much easier and better way to earn money and using a membership site such as Wealthy Affiliate will help create a passive income stream. I do give balanced reviews of all the businesses I review and have tried all of these business models in the past can’t find anything better than affiliate marketing. Thanks for dropping by and leaving your comments.


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