Thrive Themes Membership – Turn Your Website Into A Lead Conversion Machine

What Is Thrive Themes Membership

thrive themes membershipIf you have a WordPress website then the chances are you have heard of Thrive Themes. If you haven’t heard of them well keep reading as I think you might just get excited.

If you have not even started your WordPress site yet then read my post on building a website for free as this will get you up and live on the internet. Only then can you add Thrive to your site to build an amazing conversion-focused website.

Thrive membership consist of WordPress themes and plugins designed with conversions in mind, meaning you can then turn more of your visitors into leads, subscribers and paying clients. More on Thrive Themes Membership here.

Quick Stats

Name – Thrive Themes Membership

Website –

Owner – Shane Melaugh

Price – $19 – $30 a month

Overall Rating – 10 out of 10

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Who Is Thrive Membership For

So who is going to get the most out of the Thrive Membership? Here’s just a small selection of people that would benefit from using their products.

  • Small Businesses Owners,
  • Entrepreneurs,
  • Internet Marketers
  • Affiliate marketers
  • Network Marketers
  • Web Designers
  • Digital Marketers
  • Virtual Assistants

Basically, anybody that wants to increase their profits online.

What Do Get With Thrive Themes Membership

The Thrive Membership consists of WordPress themes and plugins which have conversions as there focus. In this section, I will go through each product and explain how it will help you in your business.

It’s all amazing value and I think you will be surprised when I go through the pricing later in this article, so stick around!

Thrive Themes

thrive themes mock up of wordpress themesWith many WordPress themes, they are very limited in what you can do regarding editing. Unless you have knowledge of HTML (Most People Don’t) then you will get constantly frustrated.

By using one of Thrive’s premium themes you will have much more flexibility when building your website. And save you heaps of time too heck we can all do with more time.

WordPress Page Builder – Thrive Architect

overview of thrive architect drag and drop editorProbably the best drag and drop front end editor for WordPress. This means that you can build pages and posts and see exactly what your changes are going to look like without exiting the editor. This makes it even quicker and easier to create stunning pages for your website.

There are no limitations. You can use this front end editor in conjunction with any WordPress theme you like. So there is no need to change your existing theme to benefit from Thrive Architect. For a more in-depth overview of all the elements and features read my WordPress page builder article.

Landing Pages

Every business online will need landing pages bit without page builders you are always going to be limited to what you can do. Thrive have over 220 pre-built landing pages templates that you can upload with just a couple of clicks. They are all fully customizable so you never have to worry about blending in with your branding, look and feel of your website.

Build Your Email Lists Even Quicker With Thrive Leads

thrive leads landing page mock up

Building an email list is probably one of the most important things every online business must do. Thrive leads helps you do this with ease. It allows you to use various optin options across your site to get people onto your list. These offers can be totally separate and you can target specific offers to certain pages or posts.

There is also the option of split testing different opt-ins against each other and then have the winner continue to be displayed automatically. There are various optin formats available and to many to go through in detail here, but if you want to know more about them read my Thrive leads complete overview.

Keep Your Visitors Longer By Using Clever Widgets

thrive membership clever widgets in actionHave you ever been to a website, seen an optin form for their amazing online course, signed up and then on returning to their site keep getting the same course being promoted… Hum frustrating, to say the least, in fact, you may well just click away and never visit again.

By using the clever widgets’ product you can choose different offers to display within your widget areas once someone has signed up to a particular offer.

This has major benefits.

As already said it will stop people from getting bombarded with the same offer after receiving it. You will also be able to offer these people relevant offers as you already know what they are interested in.

You can also show different content in the sidebar for each separate blog post making the offers very targeted to what the post is about. This will help you sell more.

For affiliate marketers, this is pure gold!

Reduce Your Bounce Rate – Headline Optimizer

headline optimiser in thrive theme membership for testing headlines

Your headline is the first thing that visitors see when they arrive in your article. Having a great headline will entice your reader to continue and want to read on. This reduces the number of visitors that bounce straight off your site and helps with your organic search engine rankings.

So what if you could test which headlines or sales page hooks work best. With the optimizer, you can do this and what’s more, they will automatically update to the winning headline once the test is complete.

Thrive Ultimatum

Use this tool on your squeeze pages and watch your sales increase. This works really well when offering special offers and discounts to new subscribers or existing people on your list.

Leverage Great Testimonials

Thrive Ovation does just this by collecting testimonials and managing your feedback across your site. Simply drive people to custom pages for each of your products to give you feedback that you can sort and add to your site.

I Have A Question For You

thrive quiz builder overview of drag and drop builder

In fact, with Thrive quiz builder I could build a brilliant quiz targeted directly to you. Quizzes have become very popular recently and are a great way to get people engaged on your site and of course optin to your email list.

With this plugin, you will be able to build amazing quizzes in a matter of minutes for your visitors.

Thrive Optimize

This product works in conjunction with Thrive Architect and enables you to split test your pages within your WordPress dashboard. The super affiliates have been A/B testing for years and have an unfair advantage, now you can level up the playing field.

Thrive Apprentice

details of thrive university courses available on thrive themes website

This plugin can be used in two different ways as you begin your blogging journey you can use it to create professional online courses that you can give away to build your list.

As your business grows you can incorporate it with a membership plugin and develop into paid courses all of which you can deliver directly from the WordPress dashboard. This will alleviate the need to pay monthly fees to sites such as Teachable.

Either way a great addition to making your visitor experience a great one and building your brand online even quicker.

One Great Price

thrive membership monthly, yearly and agency pricing optionsNow I know what you are thinking this is going to mega-money. Let’s face it other companies charge $99 a month for just one plugin you are getting access to all the plugins mentioned above and their premium themes. Not only that you get to use this not only website you own but up to 25 websites… and you get to do this for under 20 bucks a month, yep you read that right if you pay for a 12-month period it works out at just $19 a month ($30 if choosing to pay quarterly…

Well hello! Are they insane! Quite probably, they could charge that just for their page builder alone. In fact, some other companies charge more!

Heck… If this hasn’t tempted you into purchasing the Thrive Membership then I am not sure what will!

Well, maybe this then…

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

They even give you a 30-day money-back guarantee so you have ZERO reasons not to be heading over and purchasing right now.

If you are a web designer for a small amount you can even upgrade to the agency license and pass the fees onto your clients.

If you are still here there is, EVEN MORE, to tell you about.

Continued Support, Training & Updates

WordPress is always making changes so plugins have to be updated too.

No worries!

Thrive has you covered you will not only get full unlimited support on any issues you have but ALL future updates will be free of charge, so you don’t have to worry about things going out-of-date and not performing well on your website.

New Products

Plus, any new products that Thrive develop in the future you will get access to as long as you are a paid-up member. When I first joined there were only three plugins and the themes but now they have a full arsenal of products with more to come I am sure.

Ongoing Training

Thrive University is open to all, but only a handful of courses are for non-members. As a member, you currently get access to 41 courses just another reason why you should be using Thrive.

thrive membership university courses overview


Having used Thrive products over the last few years and seen the company grow I have yet to find another company that can touch them for what they offer.

I would normally add and pros and cons section into all my reviews but I truly can’t find anything to find fault with, as regards to the pros as you have read there just too many.

The short of it is if you are looking long term for your business and want to have access to all the tools available then I would totally recommend the Thrive Themes Membership. The products are simple to use and the ongoing support is second to none. This coupled with the risk-free money back guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Go try it today

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

how to start your own affiliate business

12 thoughts on “Thrive Themes Membership – Turn Your Website Into A Lead Conversion Machine”

  1. Hi there,

    I use Thrive Architect, and managed to combine Aweber optin forms with a Thrive thank you page and confirmation page.  At first it was a bit of a learning curve and I asked for help on a number of occasions, but the staff were very helpful and I managed to get this pages looking very sleek.

    Thrive Themes over deliver and are very much worth the money. I am very glad I am with them.  

    If you not sure about choosing them, just try to look around and see if you can find anything like this online that gives you so much for a decent price!

    • Glad you have found them a great company Stella with the products and support you have received already. I have yet to find another company that offers everything that Thrive does. 🙂

  2. I have a WordPress website, So, I’m familiar with Thrive themes. I found the plugins lightweight and easily integrated into my WordPress websites.
    It’s great to see my websites generating more leads now. I would recommend Thrive Themes Membership to anyone who wants to do more than just launch content with their website. Do you know if Thrive has any more products being launched in the near future?

    • Hi Bibian, Great to see that you are liking Thrive Products and that they are helping you get more leads. As regards to other products, I don’t think they have any planned in the near future.

  3. I enjoyed reading your website. You explain the benefits of Thrive excellently as you did with the relationship to affiliate marketing in general and driving paying traffic to one’s website. You also did a great job of explaining what Thrive is when you state, “Thrive membership consist of WordPress themes and plugins designed with conversions in mind, meaning you can then turn more of your visitors into leads, subscribers and paying clients.

    I was also very impressed by your Thrive Architect explanation. If I have had one complaint about WA it is that the site-builder is not very user-friendly.  I want to be able to build pages and posts and see exactly what my changes are going to look like without exiting the editor.  This is an extremely attractive feature. 

    Thank you!

    • Thrive Architect is an amazing tool as is the whole suite of products from Thrive. Wealthy Affiliate is not a front end editor and just uses the normal WordPress platform. But you can add all the Thrive products to your WA sites. 

  4. WOW! this is amazing, the first thing that caught my eye was the clever widget because I have visited websites and I was offered, something and I was happy so I went back and I was offered the same thing, so I said to myself, since I am a website owner, I would like to finder a way to offer different things to visitors especially if they have already been on my site before.

    I think the Clever widget is awesome.
    I also like the fact that the cost of thrive theme membership is not so crazy, I was actually reading this review with one eye shut because I thought all these things are going to cost me a fortune.
    I think this is a great way to grow one’s online business.

    Thank you for this great review, I am so glad that yours was the first site that popped when I did my search for ways to improve my blog.


    • Thanks, Rose, Yes clever widget is a great plugin and brilliant if you are building a list. When customers have already signed up when you send them back to your site you can set up targeted offers just for them. This works amazingly well for Affiliate Marketing.

  5. I would love to be able to upgrade one of my sites to Thrive .I have heard nothing but good things about them over the years. Until reading your article however I had no idea of just how much they had to offer!!
    Which Thrive theme would you recommend for a Self Help site ? If I go with the Thrive Architect how difficult is the learning curve ?

    • Hi Cathy, Thanks for dropping by. Yes Thrive is amazing value indeed. As regards to Themes I would choose Rise Focus or Luxe as they are a bit cleaning to the eye. But remember all the Thrive plugins work with any WordPress theme. Thrive Architect will need some learning but if you already use WordPress you will pick it up in no time.

  6. I am planning to launch a new Amazon affiliate website, however, I have a limited budget so do you suggest Thrive theme or any other theme which is for one-time payment.

    • I would always recommend thrive themed membership but if money is tight then you can purchase all the themes and plugins as and when you need them for one off payments. This means you can add more as your site grows. I would suggest getting thrive architect first as this gives you your page builder that you can use with any theme.


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