9 High Paying Online Jobs At Home [You Can Start Without Investment]

women working job at homeWorking a job at home has become a commonplace these days. Whether it’s stay at home Moms and Dads needing to balance the rising cost of living, people working a second job to make ends meet or others trying to escape the rat race and start their own business.

Everyone has their own reasons to look at earning extra money here are some of the common ones.

  • Getaway from a nagging boss
  • Extra money for nice vacations
  • Building up a college fund
  • Buying a new property
  • Having the freedom to work when you want too

If you are starting up your own business ideally you don’t want to be paying out for stock or paying huge start-up costs which you could do with a franchise or Network Marketing business.

I am going to show some high paying online jobs that you can run from home and start without any investment.

Read about 10 other side hustles that work

1. Freelancer

Setting up as a freelancer is a lot less complicated than people realize. Maybe you are great at graphic design, writing, translation, voiceovers, video creation if fact any skill that people would be looking for and will to pay someone to do for them.

Getting started as a freelancer is so simple and quick. Until you get more known you can use sites such as Fiverr.com and Upwork.com


Fiverr is a free site where people set up what is known as Gigs. These are tasks that can be done starting from just $5 although with add-ons you can easily get $20-$30 for one task.

Your fee is also safe as it is held in an escrow account till you have done the work and then it is released so no chasing up clients to pay.

fiverr dot com


Upwork is slightly different whereas clients post jobs that they would like done and freelancers (that would be you) can then bid on the job with a price. If successful you get the work.

One downside to Upwork is you may have to get a few tasks under your belt to gain some testimonials and get your brand noticed online. This can easily be done by using old testimonials you already have or doing a few tasks cheap or even free for friends and family.

upwork dot com

2. Take Online Surveys

This one is more for people who just want to earn some extra bucks every month. Scaling an online survey business is not very easy to do, mainly as the payouts are relatively small and they can be very time consuming to complete.

That said there are plenty of companies to choose from should you wish some extras cash. Companies such as Swagbags would be my recommendation.

Beware as there are also loads of scams out there within this sector. They will never ever pay you. Viral Pay was one of those companies that I managed to uncover.

I would recommend you do some research first and make sure that genuine people are getting paid out, otherwise, you are going to be wasting your time.

3. Virtual Assistant

VA’s are becoming more and more popular these days it’s almost like a booming industry. Ideal for stay at Moms and Dads as tasks can be varied and fitted in around other duties.

There are even dedicated websites solely for Virtual Assistants with 100’s of jobs available. They range from Technology and IT to Writing and Secretarial.

The pay is not too bad with earns between $25-$100 an hour.

Although you are your own boss a VA can still be controlled by clients and scalability can be an issue without taking up more of your time.

4. Social Media Manager

Although this business can fall into the Virtual Assistant categories of tasks, it is definitely one that stands out of its own accord and deserves an individual mention

Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last few years you will know that Social Media Marketing is a growth market and even small businesses are now using it to communicate with and generate clients.

Many businesses know that they need to be on Social Media but can’t afford the time to do it themselves. They are, however, happy to hire a social media manager to do this work for them.

Note:- If you do get involved in this sort of business be sure to create some kind of contract so both parties know exactly what is expected of them.

Social media is very time consuming and scaling the business can easily be done but you would need help by outsourcing.

5. Testing Apps & Websites

If you are a techy or a gamer then this one could be for you.

Apps for mobiles is a BIG business now and there are 100’s of new apps being created every year. Companies are always looking for testers to sit and play the games, go through the website and download the app.

Testing doesn’t take too long and you can earn up to $60 per test from sites such as UserTesting.com

user testing dot com home page

6. Start A Blog

There are many people these days that are making money from blogging. It is the ideal business to work from home. You are totally your own boss and not governed by completing tasks by a certain time frame.

There are many free blogging platforms but I would always recommend using WordPress. I would always suggest self-hosting your WordPress blog but as this article is all about starting without investment check out how you can build your blog for free. and have it live within 10 minutes.

wordpress dot org for creating websites and blogs

Blogging is very easy to get started but it can take some time and hard work to start generating income from it. Once the income starts to flow, you can scale up your earnings very quickly indeed.

I have various blogs and all our making me money on a monthly basis. Blogging is definitely a business that I would recommend that you can do from home.

There is quite a lot to learn when starting a blog and using the internet to learn is something to probably what you will have to do. So bear this in mind.

7. Creating Videos on YouTube

YouTube is becoming a phenomenon and ordinary people are now rubbing shoulders with celebrities and living the lifestyle to match.

YouTube is all about creating videos. These can be about your life, hobby or specialized subject. These days you don’t need any expensive equipment to shoot videos you can start by using your mobile phone or laptop webcam. As long as you have an internet connection you are good to go.

Here are some great tips for monetizing your YouTube business.

8. Affiliate Marketing

Firstly, if you have never heard of Affiliate Marketing and don’t know what it is all about then let’s explain how it works.

Affiliate Marketing is all about recommending other people’s products and services to possible customers. If the customers take a certain action from your unique web link then you get paid a commission. This could be just signing up for more information, downloading an app or even making a purchase.

Simple Hah!

  • There are no items to order or send out
  • No customer service to worry about
  • No staff to employ

It’s quick and easy to start and you can receive commissions after just a few days.

I absolutely love this business model and it can be added to others mention in this article too. Blogging and affiliate marketing work really well together. Many bloggers use affiliate marketing as the main income from their blogs.

You can also incorporate affiliate marketing into a YouTube business. (see the link to tips in the YouTube section)

Commissions can be a few dollars to thousands of dollars from just one click

If this business model appeals to you check out the free webinar that John Crestani is hosting. He made $33,000 from just one click doing Affiliate Marketing. Now I am not suggesting you will do the same but there are plenty of people making a great full time living doing just this.

free webinar John Crestani

9. Sell Stuff on eBay

This is really simple and you can start by decluttering your house at the same time. Selling your unwanted stuff on eBay is a great way to start a business with zero investment.

If you go through each room in your home and decide what items you no longer require. Open up a free eBay account and follow the instructions to upload your items.

Boom! Decluttering and Earn at the same time!

If you don’t have anything to sell ask family and friends if they have anything and then split the profit. As you build your business use the profits to reinvest in more items to sell.

Remember buy as cheap as you can that way you have a better chance of making more money.

One thing to also note that you will have to send these items to your customers and deal with any breakages and returns.

The long term having products that are unbreakable and light to send with a very high-profit margin is always best.

A drawback is eBays fees that they charge. They are unavoidable but calculate these in when moving forward.

Wrapping Up

Like I have shown you here there are plenty of different ways that you can earn money from the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is decide which one suits you best and then go for it!

If you want a business that is a passive income I would recommend looking at the blogging and affiliate marketing combination. If this appeals then grab my 7-day email Bootcamp which will help you get started today. An additional place to start your own business for free is with Wealthy Affiliate you can sign up as a starter member and get free websites, hosting, training and support all for free.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase
through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own affiliate business

8 thoughts on “9 High Paying Online Jobs At Home [You Can Start Without Investment]”

  1. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful article on various ways to earn money online without having a capital for investment. Though I know of freelancing and taking surveys, the other ones you listed here are strange to me. Though I have heard about affiliate marketing being a very lucrative offer for anyone but the process involved in becoming one requires having to blog and I’m not sure I have that much time to blog and created contents daily due to my other work. But I will check other options out and see how it plays out for me. Helpful content you have shared. Thanks

  2. This is great. One of the sites I like for finding online work is called flexjobs they are all location-dependent jobs. Like real jobs with benefits and all the goodies but they don’t require you to come into an office! One time I applied for a job rating search engines. It is an extreme process and I wasn’t selected so they can be very picky! Another one was writing subtitles, can you imagine getting paid to watch tv and just type out what you hear? 

    • Hey Ginger thanks for sharing your experiences it’s great to know what other companies are out there. 

  3. thanks for all the info you put here, I wish I had seen this before. I used to register and pay to any site that claimed to pay me much money. I should search and read reviews like this to avoid being scammed. 

    paid to clicks  and surveys are not my things anymore, just wasting the time. but testing the software is better because I\ve learnt so much av testing websites and finding bugs. 



    • Thanks for your comments Zahra I am glad you are sorting through the online jungle as to what works best for you. I wish you every success 🙂

  4. Thanks for the info. I have just signed up for the usertesting app.  $60 per test surely that cannot be true?  Now that I have signed up I will look into it further but great bit of info.  I am just starting out on the affiliate marketing route.  Which is your best option from the ones you have given?  Thanks

    • Hi, Darren, I am glad you have found the information useful. Yes, I was intrigued by the user testing and will be doing a review about that in a few weeks. I am currently using blogging and affiliate marketing route and earning every month now. 


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