Is Affiliate Marketing Possible Without A Website
I often get asked can I do Affiliate Marketing with no website, well the short answer is Yes you can, but No I wouldn’t! Let me explain what I mean by saying this.
Firstly if you are new to affiliate marketing, let’s just explain what affiliate marketing is. The best way to explain this is you are promoting others peoples’ products and services and in return if people take action or make a purchase you get paid a commission.
This can be very lucrative, and it’s a business you can start without any set up costs, making it a growing industry across all types of people.
Okay let’s dive straight into pros and cons of starting your affiliate business with no website.
Promotion of Affiliate Links Without a Website
Social Networks – As you probably know these are massive now with sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more. I would be very surprised if you were not already a member of these sites. By connecting with people within your niche you can then promote your links to them.
BEWARE ! – Not all social networks allow you to do this, and there are certain ways to do this without being classed as a spammer. Get this label and you may as well give up. So although a great source of connections. Be genuine and build relationships this can make for a slow build, but easily achieved.
> Affiliate Marketing with Twitter More Info Here
Offline Networking – Good old-fashioned talking to people face to face … remember that ! If your product or service solves a great problem that there is a huge target market for then just talking to friends, family, the bloke in the pub or even business networking events may just prove very lucrative.
Forums – Online communities are a great place to meet like-minded people, again the building of relationships is vital and this can take some time, but the rewards can be huge. Sites such as, Warrior Forum or for affiliate marketing check out Wealthy Affiliate. Some forums allow you to place links direct in your signature where people can click. Top tips are to be active and helpful and you will succeed.
Although all these ways will probably get you some results, in time, I suggest a website would help you build you a more solid business. Check out the benefits below.
The Benefits of Having a Website
Content Creation – Creating your own content is a great way to quickly brand yourself as the go to person in your niche. This content is ideal for sharing onto social networks and forums without having to worry about having your account suspended. Creating regular blogs about your niche is the best way to create content fast.
More on building a free website on this article.
Building A Solid Business – Having your own website that you own becomes the base for your business online, your shop window to the world wide web so to speak.
Builds Trust – As I have already suggested building trust online is the key to succeeding having your own website enables you to be seen as the expert, and in turn builds that trust.
Free Traffic – By creating great keyworded articles you have every chance that your posts will rank in the search engines which will give you a continuous flow of free traffic. Let’s face it we all like free traffic!
Summing Up
So to just recap… Yes you can easily start affiliate marketing with no website, but in time I would definitely look at progressing your business so that you have a website as the core of your business. If you can do it from day one!
If you have any questions, regarding online, affiliate, and email marketing then please leave a comment below. If you already have a website then post your website link and I’ll hop over and say hi.
Disclosure :- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase
through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps
me to continue giving great free content. Thanks
I completely agree with you, you “can” do it without a website and even if you do start off that way it would be best to get one. I have not tried to without a website, but I know people who have. In the long run, they end up getting a website anyway.
Great article and thank you for putting it together.
Glad you liked the article thanks for your comment. Yes indeed everyone I know has a website that they operate from. If you use a site like Wealthy Affiliate they even give you a free website so it’s not even going to cost you anything to start.
I must say I agree with you that affiliate marketing with your own website is a better idea than doing so without one. Indeed this is a better way to build relationship and trust with your target audience. And with this connection you will be better able to build your online business. I like how simple and straightforward your article is. Persons interested in becoming affiliate marketers should find this really helpful.
Thanks I am glad you enjoyed the article and you think affiliate marketers will to… 🙂
Good afternoon Martin,
I also think that having a website will be beneficial to building your business.
The better content you write the more people will trust you and will come back for more. This increases traffic which makes Google happy so you will rank better and will make you more known. It is all related and one thing influences the other.
Thank you for this clarifying post, having a website will make Affiliate Marketing easier.
Regards, Taetske
Thanks for your feedback and comments Taetske 🙂
The goal of an individual going into affiliate marketing is to be able to reach a large audience and target population, so I believe without a website, it may be a bit difficult considering some challenges that may be encountered on social media. Well, yes without a website affiliate marketing is very possible but then getting your idea to people within your niche might not be possible.
Thanks for your comment Olonisakin.
Agree 100% yes you can but I wouldn’t . It is so nice to have complete control over what and when you can put on your site . You mentioned writing keyworded content , any suggestions on keyword tools ? thanks
Thanks for dropping by Rick and your question. I would certainly use Google itself for basic keyword research and for more indepth research either Market Samurai or Jaaxy (which is my recommendation) Discover more about keyword research on this article Trust this helps 🙂