10 Side Hustles That Work – No 6 Is My Favorite !

More and more people are looking to earn money on top of their regular job. Many people get drawn into opportunies that are scams or just do not stack up and end up costing them money as appose to earning them more.

Let me show you 10 side hustles that work. All will require some hard work on your part but as we all know there is no quick fix out there.

Buy and Sell

Buying and selling on sites such as Amazon, Ebay or even Craigslist is not only simple to set up but your ongoing upfront costs are very low or even zero. This makes it a great way to start this type of business.

You could even start by selling stuff that you no longer require. Then reinvest the profits into more stock to sell. In time you could build this type of business to a full time income.

Freelance Writing

If you have a gift for writing then maybe start a freelance career. Bloggers, small business owners and entrepreneurs are always looking to outsource this type of work.

You can create an account on sites such as Upwork or Fiverr both are free to join. There are easy to set up, but may take a while to build up a reputation as a proven writer. You can build your reputation faster by doing some work cheaper or for free to get your name out there.

Once you have a good base of clients most will use you on a monthly basis, which means you can scale your business quite easily.

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Be a Broker

Sometimes being a so called middle man can be very lucrative. There are various trades which allow you to facilitate the middle ground. This could be between small business owners and advertisers or landlords and tenants.

Trade Currency

Trading in stocks and currency can get you some healthy returns. What about Cypto currency less chance of losing your money but is it just a fad… time will tell on that one. A downside to this additional income stream is that start up costs could be higher and maybe going.

content creation pencil imageCreate content

Content creators are in demand. If you are able to create images for Pinterest and Instagram, or logo and banners for websites then you could leverage these talents for payments. Maybe you are happy being in front of the camera and could make videos or do voice over work.

Fiverr is a great site to start as its free to create an account.There are 1000s of ways to help people on Fiverr.

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is an amazing way to earn either a part income or even a full time one. Affiliate marketing works by promoting other people’s products and services in exchange for a commission.

One of the best training sites for affiliate marketing is Wealthy Affiliate you can join as a starter member for free. With free websites and free training this is well worth a look.

Set Up a Blog

Blogging, has become hugely popular over the last few years this is because it’s very easy to start a blog and you can do so without any upfront costs, although if you are doing seriously then some small costs will be required. You can blog about anything you like, hobbies, pets,interests or just your journey through life the choice is yours.

Creating a blog will be time consuming but once you are generating traffic you can easily turn this into revenue and a serious one at that. I would recommend starting with a free site and see how you like it before you commit fully. Wealthy Affiliate offer two free websites on their free membership plus they show you step by step how to get up and running. It’s my number 1 recommendation if you are starting a business.

video marketing imageVideo Marketing On You Tube

If you fancy yourself in front of the camera then You Tube is a definite, and here’s why. It’s free and you can be up and running very quickly. You tube is the second largest search engine after Google. Set up costs can be fairly low as all hat is needed is a web cam or even a mobile phone to get started. As you get more confident then video editing software, green screens and expensive mics can all be added to make your videos more professional.

Facebook Group

Facebook is huge still and groups about a specific topic can generate a revenue. I would create a private group and then all the content you share will only be seen by the group members. The secret is to help others with a problem by giving them good content and of course the solution. As the group gets bigger you can add more admins to look after it. This will free up your time to produce products, content and create money.

Mundane Work

These are what I call sites where you can take surveys, watch ads and review sites. Although time cosuming and the time ratio to pay is low, this could be an ideal way to make a some extra bucks without spending out. Do you research when it comes to choosing the best sites for this as some will be scams and not pay you.

Wrapping Up

There are loads more ways to start a business to earn some extra cash, these are just 10 side hustles that work and our proven over time. If you are using any of these methods or perhaps have your side hustle drop us a comment below and tell us about your journey so far.

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Disclosure :- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

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side hustles that work side hustles that work

10 thoughts on “10 Side Hustles That Work – No 6 Is My Favorite !”

  1. Hi there are some great ideas on here and I am joined to a couple of them. I also believe that you have hit the right target with your number 1 recommendation too. I have learned so much in the last 6 months and I know will only get better at creating extra revenue streams online as time goes on. Thanks kenny

    • Thanks for dropping by Kenny, I am glad to see everything moving in the right direction for you. I wish you continued success. Yes my no 1 Recommendation is certainly worth a look at for anyone looking to start an online business

  2. I have done some blogging, surveying and focus group just to earn a bit of an income. They do pay but it is not as lucrative as everyone has been talking. But hey in my book money is money. I have just starting to do some affiliate marketing on the WA platform as well. So far so good since I get to take things at my own pace, i’m low tech thats why but i am trying!! Do you like cryptocurrency? Lately bitcoin price goes way down and I invested in it, so i am freaking out. Hopefully the price goes up again, and i can finally get rid of it.

    • Thanks for your comments, I am sure the bitcoin will increase again, I think it will be a little like property up and down but over time up … hang on in there and you will be fine.

  3. Haha, when I read “side-hustles” I thought I was going to see some really dodgy online work but there are some serious ways to make decent money here I have to say.

    I’m an affiliate marjeter myself but always on the lookout for other ways to earn cash online but have always been nervous about trying something different. I don’t think I could work with YouTube as im not great in front of the camera but i enjoy writing so i suppose being a freelance writer or content creator would be ideal for me.

    Apart from Upwork and Fiverr, can you recommend other online writers jobs for me please?

    • Hi Matthew another site you could look at is freelancer.com … I wish you continued success

  4. Hi – thanks for sharing this informative article. Lots of great ideas. I am a full time freelance web writer but started as a side job, so it can definitely be achieved. Not sure about Facebook groups, will have to look into that. I have recently joined Wealthy Affiliate and it is allowing me to set up my own online business. All the best, Diane

    • Great to see that you have succeeded with your writing … awesome job. You will love WA Diane

  5. Wow, until very recently, I was unaware that there were so many side hustles out there that required little to no cost upfront.  

    I have used mundane work.  I have taken surveys and watched ads and videos.  It pays little and requires a lot of time so I don’t do it often.

    It’s a great thing that you chose to share these side hustles that have been proven to work.  I am currently using 2 of your 10 and working on adding a 3rd.

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks for your comments Margarette and well done on taking action I wish you every success in the future.


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