Can You Really Make Money With 1 Click Affiliate Site (Full Review)

What is 1 Click Affiliate Site

1 click affiliate site reviewIn this 1 Click Affiliate Site Review I will be going through their claims with a fine tooth comb. Their main claim is to get you up and running within 60 seconds. A bold claim indeed, can it be done? The system itself is using the affiliate marketing model of generating commissions from sales of other peoples products.

This is of course totally legit and a great way to start a business online.

However, there a few things you need to be aware of when using Ankur Shukla’s own website.

Let’s get started…

Quick Stats

Name – 1 Click Affiliate Sites

Website –

Owners – Ankur Shukla

Price – $26.11 (One time fee) or $24 (yearly)

Overall Rating – 6.5 out of 10

Web Url

The first thing I noticed is that the URL is only a subdomain from a company called Convertri which has nothing at all to do with the product owner Ankur Shukla. More on this later as I go through the review but. it’s quite a key issue so keep reading.

This means that there is

  • no need to buy hosting,
  • no need to purchase a domain name,
  • no writing your own content
  • no setting up your site
  • and no techy stuff to worry about.

In fact, everything is done for you. You just sit back and do absolutely nothing.

The Unique Site Launcher

The actual site you will be using for the site is called internet and is set on a WordPress platform. Once you have purchased your 1 click affiliate site license you can then log into the WordPress dashboard.

This is, of course, nothing new here so far as you can add users to any WordPress dashboard. The 1 Click Affiliate Site plugin is already live all you have to do is fill in all the required details.

Connect Multiple Networks

Some details required are your ID’s from the three sites that the system uses to generate commissions.

They are:

  • JV Zoo – This is a huge market place for both affiliates and product owners to sell digital products.
  • Warrior Plus – Starting off as the Warrior Forum the sale of digital products was added later and called Warrior Plus.
  • Clickbank – The old of the sites with probably the widest range of product niches. Some products can be of low quality.

All of these sites are free to join, and you can earn unlimited commissions. You just copy and paste your ID’s into the relevant boxes and click update.

Affiliate Link

You also get your very own affiliate link which when used automatically changes all the affiliate links on the website to your affiliate links. Very clever if it works!

Pre Loaded Content

Ankur has already written 30 review articles covering products from JV Zoo, Warrior Plus, and Clickbank. He has included relevant images and added video reviews. You even get graphics and call to action buttons too.

This means you never have to write any content yourself, although if you did want to he said you can send him the proof and if any good he will upload on to the site.

If you hate writing, sources images and creating videos then this is a dream solution for you.

It really is set up and sit back or is it?

Built-In Traffic

Hum really! They’re built in traffic system is you posting the links to the articles on your own social media accounts. This is no different from adding a social sharing plugin to your own site and doing exactly the same.

It’s not something you need to be paying for.

Do They Supply Traffic?

According to the intro video, there is a feature where they will send traffic to the site for you. Not really explained in detail but from what I understand all organic traffic (currently 5,000 visitors a month) your link is rotated, but this could mean just a few visitors a month.

Let’s do some quick math. If they have sold 500 licenses this is being conservative. The 5,000 visitors will be divided between these 500 people so just a measly 10 each. As we all know 10 visitors a month will get you nowhere fast.


They do also offer some free bonuses worth nearly $600 lets’ run through them one by one.



Free training on how you can earn $8000 a month just by giving away free stuff.

I think this is definitely email marketing and how you can give gifts away to get people to sign up to your email list.

Welcome Mat Plugin

A welcome mat as an optin page that appears over the website page you land on and offers you a gift to subscribe.

Obviously a great tool for building an email list, aha I see a pattern here.

Plugins such as Thrive Leads give you this type of optin form as well as many more. This can be added to any WordPress site for just $67 one time fee.

Training on Email Lists

The final bonus is training on creating a HUGE email list in just seven days.

What I Like About 1 Click Affiliate Sites

Everything Done For You

One of the only things I like about this product is that everything is newbie friendly, and you don’t even need to know how to create your first blog post, create images or even worry about finding relevant videos and uploading them.

Additional Training on Email Marketing

You do get some additional training included as bonuses. This I think would be vital as you are taught how to build an email list and use the power of an email marketing system to drive traffic and sales.

What I Dislike About 1 Click Affiliate Sites

You Don’t Own the Site

That’s right you are just piggybacking on Ankur site on a domain name owned by him on hosting paid for by him. You have no control over this site at all. If he was to decide to take the site down you would no say at all. All the hard work in promoting it would be wasted.

Still, Need to Send Traffic

There is, of course, no such thing a free ride in the online world yes everything can be set up and created for you but, you still need to get people to click through and visit the site.

There are of course 100’s of ways to generate traffic, but this takes time and money to do.

Loads of Others Promoting

As Ankur pointed out you will be taking over his site, so will everyone else who buys his product. There could be 1000s of people all promoting the same products.

Now there’s nothing wrong with that as that is what the affiliate marketing model is all about. But at least if you build your own website you can make your content better, different and dominate the market.

Same Content for All

Affiliate Marketing works best when you create your own content, with your own branding, I am not sure quite how well this content will work if all are promoting it. Returning visitors may get a little confused and then not buy.

No Cookies

There is no mention of any cookies being used on the site. This means you could send people to the site and they could return via the organic search and someone else would get the credit for any sales. Not keen on that one at all!


The price for a single license is currently $26.11 one time fee.

There were mentions in the video on the sales page about monthly fees but nothing set up yet so I think this may be a marketing tactic to get you to buy quickly.

There are some upgrades that you can purchase these include

  • Traffic and Leads Upgrade $47
  • Site Upgrade Pro including monthly additional articles $47 a month


There are some FAQs on the site, but other than that I don’t think any support is given, but that said if you are not actually doing anything so there shouldn’t be any problems.

As with all JVZoo products, there is a 30-day money back guarantee which you could use if needed. However, with any affiliate marketing, you will need to give it time to see results. In fact well past your 30 day guarantee period.


This product is aimed at the get-rich-quick sector really and as we all know building a solid online business takes hard work and time. Although it all looks like a quick way to earn huge commissions with everything already done for you, I do personally think you will struggle without paying for traffic.

By all means, try 1 Click Affiliate Site out and prove me wrong after all you have their 30-day money back guarantee if needed.

If you like the concept of affiliate marketing and would like to work hard and set up your very own business online, one that you own and are in full control of I would suggest you check out the free starter membership over at Wealthy Affiliate. You can have two free websites, free training, and support and free tools to use.

Plus I am there to hand if you need any help or guidance.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own affiliate business

16 thoughts on “Can You Really Make Money With 1 Click Affiliate Site (Full Review)”

  1. One thing that bothers me about the One Click Affiliate Site is that surely there are hundreds of other affiliate marketers out there doing the exact same thing so what is going to make my site any different to the others if I purchase this program?

    This seems to me like all the other programs out there that offer “Done For You Websites” where you have to do everything yourself apart from writing the content which is OK I guess but how many people around the world are doing this kind of thing already

    When you say that you don’t even own the site does that mean they can just take it from you at any point?

    • Hey Matthew, Thanks for your points and question. They state on their website that they have had over 6000 affiliates start their own 1 click affiliate sites, so that’s a heck of a lot of people all promoting the same identical content. 

      As regards to them taking down the site at any point is true, Ankur is in full control here. You could lose everything overnight for sure.  

  2. Hello, 
    You wrote a very interesting post. I love it when people make honest reviews with pros and cons. 
    The 1 click affiliate site seems indeed more orientated to the people wanting to become rich quick
    I totally agree with you that you need to work to make money in affiliate marketing.

    With a note of 6,5/10, Ankur Shukla’s website and the offer are not top rated. By reading your article we know why.
    However, I didn’t know that they provide training. And they have an interesting offer by telling the clients they do not need:  to purchase a domain name, writing own content.

    JVZOO and Warrior Plus seem to be good affiliate programs.  

    Thanks for this insight

    • Thanks for your comments, indeed JVZoo and Warrior Plus are great affiliate networks.  

  3. Hi, your review on 1 click affiliate is very helpful as it explain in details what the program entail from the advantages which help the newbie in affiliate marketing and the  disadvantages of building business for Ankur.

    a friend of mine have once mention it but not has detailed as it is in your post this makes your post helpful and am happy that you gave the best option which is wealthy sffiliate, with wealthy affiliate I don’t build business for any one I own business for my self.

    I will be sharing on your post on my social media so that friends can benefit from it.

    • I am glad you have found Wealthy affiliate it is an amazing membership and training platform. Thanks for sharing to much appreciated 🙂

  4. Hi,

    Thanks a lot for your honest review about 1 click affiliate site. I am in online marketing fields for only just 1 year. Still n learning phases. But the first time I have heard about 1Click Affiliate site. You explained very well and I found this site very interesting. But just one thing bothering me and that is you mentioned they didn’t mention about any cookie they have or not. And this going to be a problem. How affiliate marketer will be assured that they will get paid if they promote this product?

    • There will be n problem getting paid to promote this as it is on the JV Zoo platform so everything goes through them.

  5. I must say I’m glad with your review on making money with 1click site and stating what to expect while trying this site. I’m really intrested in making money but I take precaution to getting scammed by online personnel. Not withstanding I’m willing to give it a try. Hope it wouldn’t be difficult for newbies to make cash? 

    • Hey Dane, I am glad you have found the article useful. I wish you every success.

  6. This program actually disappointed me later when I learned the fact that it is a get rich quick program and also a done for you which gives very limited opportunity to have a lot of say over the activities going on with the website. I have high hopes for this 1click affiliate site before reading this review but after reading this, I’m so convinced that I don’t want to get myself involved with them. Thanks

  7. Thanks for the review, Martin. I’ve seen a lot of these kinds of services popping up in the digital marketplace in the last few years. My main gripe about these is the perception of ease that they use as a marketing trope. I don’t think there is anything that exist in this world that you can just pay a fee into every month and have every thing done for you. 

    Success is only guaranteed if we put in the proper amount of effort into our work, and even then, there is a bit of luck involved. I appreciate that you went over their “traffic” claims of this system. I wonder how quickly it would get saturated if the same article is being placed in front of an audience. 

    thanks for the info, Martin. People need to be made aware of how these “systems” work.  

    • Hi Wilson, Thanks for your comments, indeed as we all know it takes time and hard work to succeed and nothing else.

  8. Hello Martin,

    Thanks for bringing 1 Click Affiliate to my attention. I think I’m going to take a look at the program even though your review was less than enthusiastic. I fully agree with you, in that, it’s all about the traffic and I also agree that 1 Click Affiliate will not get you the kind of traffic that you need to succeed.

    We all know what that takes…. content, content, and content. But anyway, I really feel like sales funnels are the next evolution in our affiliate journey and in my current position, I feel I need to learn to tie all of this together.

    Would you say that 1 Click Affilaite looks to lead you from Affilaite websites into the sales funnel arena?  It seems that way to me and if so, I may give it a try.

    Thanks, Glenn

    • Hi Glenn, 1 click certainly covers about lead generation but I have found using a plugin like Thrive leads gives me the best options to build a great list which is what I am dong. You could also look at something like Clickfunnels which has everything built-in


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