JVZoo Review – The Best Affiliate Network ?

JVZoo Review

JVZoo is a SaaS (Software As A Service) that facilitates and automates online sales, marketing, and delivery. Their expansive network gives their partners the tools and solutions they need to run successful and profitable online businesses. You can either be a seller or an affiliate or even combine the two with this well-structured platform.

Launched back in 2011 it is one of the youngest affiliate networks. Top categories include E-Commerce, Business, Health and Fitness, Self Improvement and software. If you are searching for products to promote then this maybe your answer.

Quick Insights

Name – JVZoo


Price – Free

Owners – Nathan Green, Bryan Zimmerman, Chad and Laura Casselman

Overall Ranking – 8 out of 10

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The Good and the Bad

What I like about JVZoo

  • 100% Commissions – some products within the JV Zoo offer 100% commissions this would always be on the front small priced product.
  • Review copies – Some product sellers will send you a free review copy of the product before the launch date, this is great as you can do an honest review for your readers, without any costs to you.
  • Integration of Email Service Providers – You can integrate your email service provider into JV Zoo which means leads can be delivered directly onto your email list. Very Cool!

What I am not so keen on

  • Evergreen Products – Not many of the products are what you call evergreen which means they have a window of time when you can promote. Although there are some you have to do some research to find the best ones.
  • Small Commissions – Majority of the products start by offering a product of small value which means you have to sell a lot of them to make any serious money.
  • Upsells – Because of the last item upsells are used to create larger sales, of which only a percentage will buy these upsells.

Some Benefits In More Detail

Building Your Buyers List

We all know that building an email list is Paramount when it comes to business online. When people buy a product that you have promoted their details are added directly into your email list. Now that is what they call working smarter not harder.

Not only have you made a sale but you now have the details of buyers who could be interested in future products by the same vendor or even other vendors.

As you can see they can integrate with all the big players when it comes to email services providers.

Instant Sale Notifications

Keep updated with any sales you make by receiving instant notifications every time you make a sale through JV Zoo.

Let’s face it we all love emails like this, rather than the normal rubbish that fills our inbox.

Single Affiliate Links – Multiple Products

One of the major advantages with JV Zoo and vendors selling multiple products in a single funnel is that you only need to promote the one link. All the products in the funnel will be linked to you.

This is brilliant as you don’t have to worry about any upsells being missed, so you could make 3-4 sales from the same affiliate link.

Cookies For Life

When you request your affiliate links and then promote them the cookie length for these are by a lifetime.

A cookie is a piece of tracking code that is left on the visitors’ computer when they click on your affiliate link and visit the page.

Love this as you may get sales months after promoting a product, as you customer has only just made their purchase.

No wasted time when promoting then as you never know when people are ready to purchase.


Although the support for JV Zoo is great as regards to support for the individual products that you sell these queries are dealt with by the product owner, just as any other affiliate product. Leaving you with time on your hands to run your business, or play Golf !

Final Thoughts

JV Zoo is a great platform and well worth creating a free account, it’s best visited on a regular basis to keep up with any new products that are coming through that you think your visitors’ would be interested in purchasing. Be sure to follow the rules set down by the individual vendors as break these and you may not get accepted to promote any other products.

Join up now and start promoting.

Need free training, support and tools for affiliate marketing then check out Wealthy Affiliate is free to join and well worth a look.

Disclosure :- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

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7 thoughts on “JVZoo Review – The Best Affiliate Network ?”

  1. I have just one question to ask you about JVZoo…

    Something you didn’t mention within your review is if JVZoo has high-quality products to promote. For example, according to my own opinion, of course, Clickbank has tons of very low-quality products which don’t deserve anyone’s time and money.

    And Clickbank is one of the largest affiliate markets out there. Would JVZoo be better? Have you actually tried any of their products?

    What’s your take?


    • Hi Xaric, I know exactly where you are coming from great question. I will ad some more information about some of the products I have bought and promoted. There are of course the normal rubbish but I have bought some good products and still use them today (Video FX is one of them). Overall in my opinion I would say that there are some great products on JVZoo. 

  2. This is interesting. I’ve heard about JVZoo but a bit afraid of using it before reading some honest reviews. It seems this is not a scam. Compared to clickbanks, is there more variety with JVZoo? What is the minimum payout? I’m also curious about the commission structure too. I will check it for myself and see if this is suitable for my niche. Thank you.

  3. First I want to say thank you for this review.  Prior to today, I had not heard of JBZoo or their product.  I must admit that even after reading your review, I am still not clear on what automation products that JBzoo offers but I would like to know.. I am an affiliate marketer myself and my site is growing faster than I can keep up with.  If JBZoo can offer an automation solution that could possibly help me keep up I would definitely be interested in learning more.  Any further information or guidance you could provide me with would really be appreciated so much.  Again Thank You.

  4. Hi Admin,

    I have read your article on JVZoo review, i think it is a great platform and well worth creating a free account, it’s best visited on a regular basis to keep up with any new products that are coming through that i think my visitors’ would be interested in purchasing. .Although the support for JV Zoo is great as regards to support for the individual products. just as any other affiliate product. Thank you so much for your review.

  5. I’ve never used JvZoo personally myself, but that’s because I haven’t found a product that really fits in any of the niches I work in.While there are tons of products/services for someone to choose from there’s not always something that I feel comfortable promoting, but the thing is it’s free to join so as an internet marketer why would you not join?The great thing about it is you don’t have to have any experience to join, and it’s super simple to get started on their platform.After reading your review it seems that what sets JvZoo apart is that they offer lifetime commissions so if a customer doesn’t purchase right off the bat say they come back later I’ll still get credit for that sale. That alone is worth trying to find a product to promote.

  6. Hi,

    I did not know about JVZoo and SAAS as well before reading your review. I liked their business strategies and the way JVZoo works. It is really good to know about it. You have described about almost every necessary things of JVZoo in your review. So, reading your review was very helpful to me before dealing with JVZoo.

    Thanks for letting us know in such a nice way. 🙂



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