Small Business Lead Generation Using AWeber

As we all know business lead generation can be a very time-consuming job. That’s why so many companies these days are turning to email marketing to help with this. Email marketing service companies have been around for about 20 years plus and some say it was invented by a company called AWeber.

I have been using AWeber for the last 9 years so in this article I thought I would run through a detailed review of the company and how you can benefit from using their website and features.

What Is AWeber Used For

Aweber is used by hundreds of thousands of small business owners and entrepreneurs across the world to collect, track and manage their leads.

AWeber was at the forefront when we first started using email marketing service providers and although there are many others that are now in this market, it still remains as one the best email marketing companies in the industry.

With AWeber, you can not only build optin templates to capture your customer’s details but also send them regular emails without even lifting a finger as this can all be fully automated leaving you to run your business.

This is amazing for affiliate marketers like me as it creates a totally passive business model.

There are many other features that you can benefit from and I will go through the major ones further into the review in the meantime let’s tell you how much this amazing software will cost you.

How Much Does AWeber Cost

aweber pricing

Firstly, before I dive into the AWeber pricing structure I just wanted to say, you can actually try AWeber on their 30-day free trial. This still gives you access to all the features. In fact, at no time do you need to upgrade your payment option to get more features as you get them all across all pricing bands.

As you can see packages start from just $19 a month which when you work out that if you had to deal with this manually it would take you hours.

Like I mentioned before you get access to all the features and your plan only increases as your list grows this is great as many of the others only give you the major features and then you have to increase your plan to get everything.

Aweber Compared To The Competition

So how do AWebers prices compare with some of the other companies?

AWeber is

  • Slightly more expensive than Get Response (although you don’t get all the features included)
  • About the same as MailChimp
  • Cheaper than ConvertKit (very popular with bloggers these days)
  • Massively less than Infusionsoft (Even with their 50% discount at the moment)

Now there is much more available too but I definitely recommend trying AWeber’s 30-day trial before anywhere else.

AWeber Features

As I have already said no matter which pricing plan you decide on, you get all these features and more.

Drag and Drop Email Builder

drag and drop aweber editor

Creating HTML emails has never been so easy with the drag and drop editor. This allows you to drag elements on the page and edit in real-time. You can also add videos, audios, images, buttons, coupons and even logos for easy customization.

You can even send a preview to make sure everything looks good and all the links are working.


templates in aweber for email marketing

Choose from over 700 mobile responsive designs. If you still have problems finding what you want then you can have their design team do you a custom template. Brilliant for branding yourself or your business.


Aweber can be integrated into many different applications and brands here is just a few big names that you may have heard of.

These are just a few as they have many others too but this list would go on for ages. All integrations are by either copying the HTML code or by simple API (application process interface) 

aweber integrations

Optin Options

You also have two options when it comes to creating your lists.

Single Opt-in

Single optin basically means that when a customer signs up to your list they will immediately be added to your list and redirected to a page of your choice. I would recommend a thank you page for this, but of course, it will depend on what you are offering to entice people to join your list.

Double Opt-in

This method creates an email as soon as the customers sign up for your list. The email is a confirmation that the person has to agree that they do require you to send further emails including what you were initially offered. If they don’t click the confirmation link then no further emails will be delivered.

Choosing which one to use can be difficult but with some testing, you can quickly assess which one works best. Which nicely takes us on to the next feature.

Split Testing

Although this designed to test different landing pages and optin forms and not between single or double optins it is still a vital feature that every online marketer needs to have access to.

Split testing would normally be on different headlines, images or call to actions. Side Note:- If testing, just test one element at a time otherwise you don’t know whether certain things enhance or decrease your conversions.

Email Automation

Not only can you set up campaigns of pre-written emails and have them sent on specific days and times but you can also use tags and triggers so that when someone clicks on one of your emails it adds them to another email campaign.

This is amazing for any business entrepreneur as you can have people signed up for one email campaign and then switch them to another one by the actions they take.

To your customers, this can make you the go-to expert within your niche very quickly indeed.

Sign Up Forms

sign up forms in aweber

Your sign up forms is a massive part of your sales funnel. This is the front end that customers will enter their details to join your list.

There are loads of designs to choose from, you can change the fonts and colors to suit your brand and add/delete elements at a click of the mouse.

If you are integrating with page builders such as Thrive Architect then you just need the code or API and all the design elements can be done directly on your website. Making it even easier to add and brand your optins.

Importing A-List

If you already have a list with another email service provider, that’s cool if you switch to Aweber you can import your existing list directly into your new account. Best of all your customers do not have to re-sign up to your list again.

So moving from your old provider has never been easier.

free email writing templates

Tracking and Reporting

For every email that you send you can get a full report which will help you make the necessary changes to improve your email marketing and give a better user experience.

Your subscribers are less likely to unsubscribe then and your sales will rocket.

Tracking is a must-have tool that can help you evaluate open and click rates. Vital for building solid email campaigns.

Knowledge-Based Training

aweber knowledge base

If you have any questions and need to find out information then you can visit their knowledge base. They give step by step instructions on how to do things and in some cases, you can even watch video training.

The knowledge base is easily accessible from your account and covers everything you would need to know about. Meaning you never get stuck with how to do anything.

Award-Winning Support

Finally, if you have any issues that you need solving or questions that are not covered in the knowledge base then you can always turn to the AWeber award-winning customer support.

There are three ways you can contact them.

  • You could send an email
  • Chat via their live 24 hour one to one chat feature
  • Phone them directly

Wrapping Up

As you see from the features I have presented here, AWeber is positioned well for all your small business lead generation. I think it’s great that you can test drive the company for 30 days before making a long term commitment. I took the trial and I am still using them 9 years later. The cost becomes irrelevant as you start earning every month from your list.

AWeber is a company that keeps up with new technology and just adds it to the features already available where some companies will increase prices as things change.

I would fully recommend using AWeber for your email marketing.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

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8 thoughts on “Small Business Lead Generation Using AWeber”

  1. Email marketing has grown to become one of the best and most useful marketing strategies for both small and big business owners and it is because of its effectiveness in generating useful leads that are very prone to becoming conversions. This is very great to know about Aweber and I can say it has got some quite excellent features and the pricing seems a bit high though. However, if it is giving the best, who cares how much it costs. Great post

    • Thanks for dropping by … indeed email marketing is a very underused marketing strategy for businesses, but they are learning fast.

  2. Hi,

    Great informative post for those who want to start email marketing. From the last two years, I am involved in Online Business. But I never think about email marketing which reason I am suffering now . I have understood how important to capture lead from online marketing.

    So, as I am new in email marketing I don’t have any idea about that. As I understand from your post, Aweber is one of the best email marketing providers. I have two questions I get any training or users guidelines from Aweber? And as you said they have 30 days free trial, so shall I need to provide my payment options or card details when I will register?

    • They do have video tutorials and a great knowledge base of Qand A’s if you get stuck. Yes you do have to enter your payment details when you sign up but be sure to click the monthly payment and then the first month is free. You can also cancel at any time too. 

  3. Email marketing has become the supplements for marketing for small businesses and I cannot blame them, it is simply effective and working. Though I am just piling my email list, however, I gave friends who have gotten a lot of conversions from using email marketing in their businesses. Thanks for suggesting Aweber and for doing a great overview of it. I have heard quite a couple of things about it and I’m willing to make use of it too. Thumbs up

    • Hi Tracy Thanks for your comments it certainly is something to look at for small businesses these days. Let me know if you have anymore questions. Happy to help 🙂

  4. Hi Martin,

    I appreciate this comprehensive AWeber review as I think it’s time for me to make a switch. The Drag and Drop features of this tool look impressive.  One thing that really grabs my attention is the ability to import your existing subscriber list. I’ve had some considerations about how time-consuming making a change to my current service might be. It looks like you’ve been with AWeber for a very long time. Do you have any experience with the list importation tool?

    Thanks for an intriguing review and any help you can provide!

    • Hi Linda, As regards to importing your list, unfortunately, I have no experience of this myself as I have been with Aweber since I started online about 9 years ago. Maybe sign up for the 30 day trial and then contact support they are amazing. If you find its then not for you then just cancel before the 30 days and its cost you nothing. 


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