Can You Succeed With Solo Build It? [Full Review]

What is Solo Built It

solo built it reviewFormerly Site Build It was recently rebranded to Solo Built It. In this review, I am going to look at what SBI gives you and how you can utilize it for your online business.

Like I said Site Build It was originally formed back in 1997 by Ken Evoy, they have headquarters in Montreal Canada. Originally a producer of e-books until the early 2000s when it became more like what you see today.

Solo Built It is a membership business platform of around 130,000 members’. Through their training and providing the right tools, they show you how to take an idea and turn it into a profitable online business. Although as members’ have suggested Ken himself seems to be elusive to the members’ and doesn’t frequent the site.

I will go into what you actually get in just a short while.

But I just wanted to let you know these review has been put together from research and talking to other members’ of SBI. I think you will find that sometimes because I don’t actually use this site I can give a more unbiased appraisal of it.

I actually belong to a similar site that has a much larger membership, and you can liaise directly with the owners too, (which I do frequently). Read my full review on this site too and compare it for yourself.

Maybe let me know your thoughts about both in the comments below.

Quick stats

Website –

Name – Solo Built It (Formerly Site Build It)

Owners – Ken Evoy

Price – $29 Monthly – $299 Yearly

Overall Rating – 7 out of 10

Every Thing You Need In One Place

SBI state that you don’t need anything else as all the process, the tools, and the guidance and support are all right here.

Let’s go and see then.

Solo built it optionsThe Action Guide

This is a combination of everything you will need to know about in a step by step format making it really easy to understand and implement. You can follow the process, in a written or video format depending on which you prefer. For me, I love video as I take ages to read through stuff.

Tools And Modules

States they have over 80 training modules within the SBI membership area. These are always being updated so you will always have the best information to hand for your business.

Now 80 modules seem a lot of training but not really if they are giving you everything you need to be successful I think these may fall short and could be why some people I approached have left the company.

Learning is all part of the process and the online business model is always changing the company I am with have 1000s of training modules as they do cover EVERYTHING!

Anyway more on that a little later.

Support & Community

SBI does have forums within the membership, where members’ can ask questions and get answers. Although these forums do seem to be rather inactive at times.

I managed to locate a video review for you from inside the forums to learn more about what’s inside check it out below.

The guy in the video mentions my no 1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate which is worth a look at too. You can do this easily as they have a free starter membership, which gives you access to these areas.

Brainstorm It 4

brainstorm it 4 with SBI


This is Solo Build Its keyword research tool which enables you to find keywords for your niche. You can then use their filters to narrow down your search. Keyword research is a vital part of any online business and one thing that many overlook as not important but, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Site Design

Site Design with Solo Built ItAs well as being able to purchase domain names though SBI they also supply the full package of hosting your website, they also have a fully integrated email system. Plus of course, you get their site builder and design element.

On their website, they push to use their block building system which as a web designer I do find these difficult to manage so being a complete newbie could cause you issues. Others have mentioned that they do give you a WordPress option now too, although I couldn’t find any wording about this.

I would always choose WordPress for beginners when designing a website, this platform with the Thrive Architect plugin would be my recommendation. I am unsure whether you can upload plugins even if you use the WordPress option.


One disadvantage is you can only have one site with Solo Build It. Others offer up to 50 sites for less money.

Traffic Building

Like with any business online traffic is the lifeblood of your business. You can have an amazing website and business but if no one sees it then you probably are not going to succeed.

Solo Build It relies heavily on Search Engine Traffic which is great but can be so unpredictable with Google changing the game with constant updates. This topic alone would need updating with their training on a regular basis otherwise your traffic could dry up.

Using other options for traffic, such as forums, social media, and even email marketing is always the way to go. This means that if things happen in the search engines that are beyond your control you can still have a steady flow of traffic to your business.

This concerns me that they only have 80 training modules within the members’ area. Maybe this is why the forums are quiet members’ are having to learn from a different source.

Read all about the best SEO practices and having an SEO optimization checklist for your site.

Trust Building Tools

These are an integrated email marketing system for delivering an email newsletter. Hum, in my experience newsletters don’t really work as well as other offers these days so not sure if this would be able to adapt to offer different freebies.

Everything is GDPR optimized, spam protected and reported, so you have the best chance of building a super responsive list.

They do offer a Mailchimp or AWeber integration too. I must admit this seems like a limit selection as there are plenty of email marketing systems being used now. However, I would definitely recommend AWeber for your email marketing if I had a choice. I have been using them for the last 9 years without any issues.

Who Is SBI For

Solo Build It has been designed to help anyone get their business idea off the ground and grow it to a profitable business. This would include:

  • Stay at home mums
  • Entrepreneurs
  • People who want to earn a second income
  • Bloggers
  • Network Marketers
  • Affiliate Marketers

In fact, anybody who wants to improve their lives and start their own online business.


There are a couple of prices that you can purchase. There is a $29 a month option and a discounted $299 a year which gives you a $60 saving (The Best Price). The only thing that they don’t say is whether if you purchase the 12-month option can you still take advantage of the 90-day money back guarantee!

I would probably say no as this has not been mentioned. Although it does state RISK-FREE!

90 Day Guarantee

90 day guarantee with solo built it

Although SBI doesn’t allow a free sign up they do give you a 90-day money back guarantee which is a plus. Or is it?

If you have spent 90 days trying to build your business using all their tools, hosting and even purchasing your domain name from them are you actually going to then leave. Maybe not, and if you do want to leave are they willing to let you take your website with you, or is it a case of starting over.

If they do have the WordPress option to build your site then definitely choose this as you should be able to move this if you are needed too.

SBI Successes

There are of course plenty of success stories, well at least they show some on their website. Of course, anyone can be successful if you want it bad enough. SBI does give you all the tools to be successful but as with any system, there are always going to be people who don’t take action or start but never finish.

They do give a full list of the most successful businesses that have been created using the SBI site. Here’s a screenshot selection.SBI success stories

My Verdict

As you can see SBI definitely has all the tools to successfully run an online business. But, are they are the best tools out there, possibly not! It looks like over the years they have had to adapt and have added the option of using the WordPress platform for your site and external tools such as AWeber.for the email marketing.

I am not convinced about the amount of training and support that is given either and others have said the same.

Not having a free membership I think is a drawback too. People love to have the comfort of joining and discovering what’s inside before parting with any money. Even though there is the 90-day guarantee.

That’s probably why I love my no1 recommendation as well as a free starter membership they also have ongoing weekly support and very active support groups and discussions including weekly live webinars.

I will finish up by answering two questions

Can you succeed with SBI? The answer is YES

Is there something better than SBI? My answer would be a resounding YES

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6 thoughts on “Can You Succeed With Solo Build It? [Full Review]”

  1. Thanks Martin! First I just want to say what a crisp looking site you have! I love how fresh your website looks – it’s really easy to navigate and with this in mind I can tell you are a man who knows what you are talking about. Given your experience in website development your opinion counts. So when you say the SBI website building tools are difficult to navigate, I immediately want to find another option hahaha. I don’t have patience for learning new things especially when the training material is not very useful.

    I’d have to admit, another reason I won’t be checking into SBI is the lack of free starter membership. This is concerning. So is the infrequent action from the founder. I really appreciate when the developers of the platform make an appearance and offer great assistance and trainings. It seems like a no brainer for me to choose your other recommendation with Wealthy Affiliate – It seems to tick all the boxes for me.

    Thanks for your honest review of these platforms – I look forward to joining WA on the free starter option. Thanks for recommending these options to me. I appreciate you !

    • Thanks for your comments Karsha. I look forward to helping you grow and develop your own online business and website. 

  2. Hi, Martin.
    Thanks for the exhaustive review of Solo Build It. I still wonder why they need to change their name from Site Build It to Solo Build It? I guess some legal issue may be the cause, and If I am correct then we need to be very cautious.
    The other option provided for Free Membership which itself gives strong confidence at first instance. So I would opt for the second choice and go for your No#1 Recommended Programme.
    Thanks for the Information.

    • Hi Gaurav, I didn’t mention the change of name but I did read it may have been to redirect people away from negative reviews. As this was never confirmed I felt it was not relevant to my review. 

      Indeed with the Wealthy Affiliate, free starter membership does give people the confidence to join.

  3. Hi Martin 

    Wow! This is a great informative and educative article about SBI. After reading your article, I learned about it. Good information for creating a website. The solo build is very important for online business. I do not know what a lot of people are doing here. I believe that working in a solo build can be beneficial to me. I’ll start working on a solo build very soon.

    Thank you for writing this helpful article.

    • Thanks for your comments Rana, glad you found the article useful to you. I wish you every success in your new venture. 


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