4 Clickbank Alternatives To Make Easy Money From

If you have ever tried but failed to sign up to Clickbank then you would have probably looked on the internet for Clickbank alternatives that you join to promote digital products.

The truth is there are many articles sharing Clickbank alternatives but they are not the same, some are CPA networks, and some sell physical products. Whereas Clickbank is an affiliate network that just sells digital products, which of course is totally different. So to reiterate Clickbank is not a CPA network nor does it sell physical products. That means if you are looking for an alternative you want something that is the same.

clickbank affiliate network

Join Clickbank Here

I have yet to find an article that solely delivers on this request, so I created my own and here it is. Before I cover the four alternatives let me run through why you would be looking for a different site, to begin with.

Why Not Clickbank

  • Sign Up Restriction – There are certain countries that are not permitted to use Clickbank. If you are a resident of one of these then you will need to search for an alternative.
  • Payment Restrictions – Many people prefer to use Paypal when being paid their commissions. As of this article, Clickbank does not pay via Paypal
  • Product Restriction – Although Clickbank is currently the largest digital affiliate network, there could be a chance that they do not hold the product that you wish to promote. Again an alternative network could help.

Read more here about making money with Clickbank

Now I have explained why you may need to look for another network let’s run through 4 commonly used sites that ALL focus solely on digital products.

1. JVZoo

jvzoo affiliate network

Join JVZoo Here

How to Join JVZoo

JVZoo has a simple sign up process to create your account, you can choose between a seller or an affiliate or both. If you don’t have a product to sell then choose the affiliate route.

There is no cost to join JVZoo.

What Products To Do Offer

The products do vary on JVZoo, but most are software or E-courses about internet marketing, although you will find some popular products selling well in categories such as Cooking and Food.

product marketplace jvzoo

Unlike Clickbank, in order to promote a product you must place a request to the product owner explaining how you are going to promote it and why they should except you. Once you have made over 25 sales across the platform then most sellers will allow automatic approval. Having things such as a following on Social platforms and or an email list always helps.

Read more on the best email marketing service should you need to start building your list.

I have used this platform and promote various products and have only been rejected once. if this happens then choose another product.

How Much Can You Make On JVZoo

These sort of questions are, of course, impossible to answer as it depends on a variety of things. But here are a couple of tips to help you.

  • Choose products by known sellers with a good track record. This will mean that the product would be a good product. Many on JVZoo can be disappointing, to say the least.
  • Look for products that have a sales funnel this will mean that you have the opportunity to make more sales with upsells in the funnel.

Commissions are good ranging from 50% up to 100% for some front end products in funnels, yet another reason the promote these.

Email Marketing Integration

One of the best things about JVZoo is that you can integrate your email marketing service (if your service allows) I have been using AWeber and they fully integrate with my account so I am able to build a targeted list around a specific niche or even product. This then enables you to cross-promote similar products to your list, gaining you more sales.

Read more details about JVZoo affiliate network here

2. Digistore24

digistore24 affiliate network

Join Digistore24 Here

This is the newest affiliate network in this list, and with this comes some downsides the main one being that there are currently just over 170 products available to promote. These are across various niches and there are some that you will not find on any other network, so worth a look.

Is Digistore24 Free To Join

Yes, Digistore24 is totally free to join and always will be. Again a simple sign up procedure by adding a few details. Members are growing fast as they start to discover the new network.

What Products Can You Promote On Digistore24

digistore product listing

They have currently four different sections that you can promote. Digital products is by far the largest section with 171 different products currently. Products range across 25 niches and all the most popular ones are listed.

They also have a category for events and seminars which I have not seen on any other network yet. This is obviously just been added as currently there is nothing to promote, so watch this space for them to start being added.

The last two sections are services and physical products (these are mainly supplements).

I like the way that they are pushing boundaries and trying new things I am sure given a few years and this network will be one of the most popular with affiliates and vendors alike.

How Easy Is It To Promote Digistore24 Products

Promotion is very simple, just choose the product you want to promote and hit the promote button on the right-hand side of the listing. A pop-up window appears with your affiliate link. It’s as simple as that.


You can now get promoting your affiliate link.

Commissions can vary dramatically on this network. I have seen them as low as 10% right up to 90%. Remember though 10% of something is better than 90% of nothing so choose proven products that sell.

Email and Membership Systems

Digistore allows integration with not only email marketing services but also some membership software too. This gives even more flexibility to make even more sales as an affiliate and vendor.

All the popular companies are again available in the there published list on their website.

Did you know?

It’s really easy to start an affiliate marketing business even if you have no money.

3.Warrior Plus

warrior plus affiliate network

Join Warrior Plus Here

Warrior Plus is the affiliate network branch of an old internet marketing forum called “The Warrior Forum”. It was a natural progression as internet marketers were already trying to promote their products.

It’s Free To Join

Warrior Plus keeps to the trend of all the other affiliate networks and has a free membership. Just a simple process gives you access to their product marketplace.

Once you are logged in you will be presented with a list of the top-selling products of the day. You can search for yesterday, 7 days ago and a month ago. Ideal if you are looking for a product that continues to sell.

You can also set up alerts and also get notifications of the deal of the day.

What Products Are Available on Warrior Plus

warrior plus deal of the day

Online marketing solutions are the main topic within the marketplace with nearly 10,000 products. Affiliate Marketing accounts for the majority of these with over 2700 items.

Each product is given a star rating so you can quickly scan the products to see which ones are liked the most.

By clicking on the product owner you can see from their profile how many of each product they have sold.

There are many products that you will have to avoid as quality is top of this network. Probably why you don’t see many high ticket offers.

Getting Paid

You can get paid instantly via Paypal, Stripe or a combination of both if you choose. Commissions can vary but on average they are about 50%. These tend to be one-off payments but some products do have upsells for more sales and some recurring offers too.


WP has similar integrations in place as JVzoo and Digistore24. With all the main brands catered for.

I must admit this platform is probably my least favorite, one because of the quality of products and two the user experience of the site.

Individual Brands

Before I cover the final Clickbank alternative I just want to say that there are many businesses, companies and brands that have there own range of products and services. These products are top quality and you will never see these on any affiliate network so always research within your niche when looking to promote.

One that I promote is in the WordPress themes and plugins niche. They have a whole range of individual products and or a membership program that gives you access to them all.

This is currently my top-selling product range. You can discover more about Thrive Themes and their affiliate program on this article

This leads me nicely to my last alternative company that sells digital products…


clickfunnels affiliate program

Join Clickfunnels Affiliate Program

As I have already mentioned Clickfunnels is not an affiliate network but does have many products that you can promote. They also give some amazing training for their affiliates to help them gain success.

Their lead product is the Clickfunnels system which is a simple drag and drop sales funnel creation system where online businesses can build and market their own funnels.

The beauty of this product for an affiliate is that it is a recurring monthly payment for the client, but every time they keep using the system you keep getting paid.

Commissions start from 20% and build to 40% as you refer more people.

They have many products that you can promote such as physical books that you can give away free (There are due to launch the new Traffic Secrets book March 17th) So super excited to get this I already have some of their books. They are great!

Other products include “one funnel away challenge” and “30 days summit”

They have plenty of upsells within each funnel, including audios, TS live event recordings, and box sets to name just a few.

You can place your order for the new Traffic Secrets book here (just pay postage)


As you can see if you are having issues signing up to Clickbank there are good alternatives that you can use. Remember too there is nothing stopping you signing up to all these networks and programs.

As affiliate marketers, you can promote as many products as you wish this is just one of the advantages of having your own affiliate marketing business.

Personally I am signed up with all these networks and have earned commissions on all of them (except Digistores as only recently joined them) Warrior Plus is my least favorite. And I think I might get to like Digistores the best but only time will tell on that one.

Do you have a favorite affiliate network?

Let me know which one by dropping a comment below it would great to see which network comes out on top.

If you are looking for affiliate marketing training then check out the banner below where you can get full training on starting and growing your own affiliate marketing business. You can join for free and I will be available for you to coach you for free. I will connect with you once you have signed up.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase
through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps
me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own business

6 thoughts on “4 Clickbank Alternatives To Make Easy Money From”

  1. A very nice article! I like you mentioned this topic as I got accepted by the Clickbank just like a week ago. ( I was applying around 6-8 months ago). So there would be my first question straight away: do you think it is wise to start to work with them? I am very thankful that you put here this list of potential replacement of affiliate networks. I am pleased and glad to hear that you personally have earned by working with them. I have to prove JVZo is one I am using and you asked for recommendations for other affiliate programs. I do work with CJ, where the choices are quite bright and the payments are convenient. I would recommend it. Thank you for your share.

    • Thanks for your comments Julius, Yes I would recommend Clickbank, although nit sure why it took that long to be accepted. Indeed CJ (Commission Junction) is another great site. 

  2. The Clickbank alternatives that you’ve listed here are new to me.  I always thought that Clickbank was the only resource for finding digital products to market as an affiliate.

    I’ve looked at all 4 from your recommendations and they all look like they could work for me, but i’m eager to see what new offers they are going to have in the events and seminars category as i’ve never seen affiliate offers for that type of products before.

    • Glad you found it useful Donald. Yes the seminars and events on Digistore24 does look interesting. 

  3. Well I know about ClickBank and JVZoo. I was not aware that the latter promoted mostly digital products though. Of Digistore24 I knew nothing about and I have read a bit about Worrior Plus I knew little. I was for a few months a member of ClickFunnels but didn’t – still don’t – understand the program and felt overwhelmed. I cancelled my membership. I have a question for you though; how do you choose the product you want to promote? Can you give an example.So far I have only promoted from ClickBank. Even while I was a member of ClickFunnel I did not promote it. I couldn’t figure out how to go about it and be successful.

    • Hey Russell thanks for sharing your experience. Difficult to recommend products for you to promote as it will depend on your niche. With Clickbank choose products that have a fairly high gravity score and also if possible recurring commissions. Check out my full article on Clickbank 


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