Promote Your Affiliate Links – 14 Proven Ways To Explore

Phone showing promotion and marketing With the growth of people looking to earn extra money, more and more people are turning to systems like affiliate marketing. The reason being it cost next to nothing to get started, there is’s no expensive outlay for stock or equipment. You can be up and running in just a matter of minutes.

If you are new to affiliate marketing then don’t worry you have found the best place to start learning how it all works, but I would recommend a quick read of this post before you continue here… Don’t worry you can head back here after and get cracking.

If you are sorted regarding affiliate marketing let’s show you 14 proven ways to promote your affiliate links so you can start getting even better results and making more money.

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Blog Posts

Blogging has become very popular as more and more people are searching and purchasing online these days. You don’t have to be an experienced web designer now to build your own blog, and what other business can you start for free from the comfort of your own home.

Once you have your blog up and running it is so easy add in some relevant affiliate links which will guide people to the solution they are after. These are really easy to add and people don’t mind clicking through and purchasing as you have supplied them with the solution to there is problem.

Be sure to disclose on your blogs that you are using affiliate links we don’t want to get in trouble now. Once you have your posts you can then promote these out to various sites across the internet.

Product ReviewsPerson doing a video review for promoting affiliate links

Creating individual product reviews for your affiliate programs that your promote is always a great way for a couple of reasons.

  • When people search for a review of a product they are nearer to making that purchase so if you do a great review and answer all their outstanding questions it is highly likely that they will go on to purchase.
  • This builds credibility and trust with your audience and as you discover more products to promote people are more inclined to come to you for answers as you have built that relationship.

Video Creation

Video is HUGE, its’s everywhere you look, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are now all showing video on their sites. Not forgetting the second biggest search engine You Tube. if, done correctly using video on You Tube will get you massive success.


Produce some freebies to give away to potential purchasers. These could be in the form of cheat sheets, checklist, guides, PowerPoint and PDF’s. Add in some affiliate links within your freebie. You could get them to give you their email to get these or give them away by just clicking a download link.

Use a site such as Canva to easily create these.

Courses and Ebooks

In time your can take this further by adding links when you start creating your own products. You then have two income streams building. Video courses, E books, Online Tutorials all work well for this method.

About Me Page

If you have a website or blog then one of the pages we always build is an about us page, utilize this by placing some affiliate links within the text of the page. If people are new to your site or want to know more about you can then direct them to this page. People will click on this links test it and see.

Resources Page

Build a resources page within your website and then add it to your main menu so when ever anyone visits your site they will see it. Also, link to it within your content. I have seen people have this resource page with an opt in to view it.

Thank You Pages

thank you message when using thank you pages to promote out Talking of opt in forms and building your email list if you are looking to use the freebie method then once your customer has opted in tom get your freebie, DON’T send them to a download page to collect it. Send them to a thank you page where you can tell them that their gift is on its way to them via email.

You can then add some links and call to action on this thank you page and remember ALL the people who sign up for this freebie will see this page so its super targeted if you offer relevant offers.

Email List

This moves us swiftly on to the next proven tactic where you can add in affiliate links.

Email marketing !

Once you have added people to your list, sent them their freebie, video course or whatever, you now have their email details stored in your email service provider. You can then set up automated emails with relevant content, tips and of course affiliate links and have them delivered at set times. You can also send broadcast emails every week, month with new updates on blogs, products and affiliate products too.

Good practice don’t send too many emails, keep them relevant and of course disclose that you have affiliate links.


Create images with call to action text and then hyperlink them to your affiliate links. These can be placed in blogs, in your side bar, on other pages within your blog. Images can be created by using Canva again and you can use various image sizes by choosing the custom dimensions’ template.

Social Networks

Some social networks do still like affiliate links just do some research before you start posting randomly as this could get your account suspended. I know Facebook are very hot on certain links. Twitter is more relaxed on links. Pinterest is okay too but great images are needed to get noticed.


Niche related forums can be an amazing place to network with potential customers. Always read the terms and conditions about links in each relevant forum.

Two great forums I have used are Quora and Warrior Forum both have areas where you can place affiliates links but do not let you post affiliate links in posts or answers to questions.

Offline Networking / EventsPeople at a meeting promoting their business

Don’t forget this one. If you attend networking events or seminars then be sure to go armed with your affiliate links. I have business cards with a couple of affiliate links on the reverse side. Give out cards and point them to the solution they are looking for, if they need more information they also have your details on the front and your website link.

Tip – Use a link shortener for the links on your card this will look more professional and save space.

Friends / Family

My final way is one that could be overlooked but don’t forget your friends and family as some of these products maybe just what they are looking for.

Be upfront that you will get a commission if they purchase or join. It always pays to be honest with any affiliate marketing.

Let me know in the comments below any great ways that you have found to promote your affiliate links, also if you are using any of these successfully.

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21 thoughts on “Promote Your Affiliate Links – 14 Proven Ways To Explore”

  1. The biggest of these that I need to get going is my email list. I’ve been creating a lot of free posts and videos via multiple platforms, but I’ve been told I need to build a list of people that follow my site in order to more directly market to them (rather than relying on them to simply come back to my site over and over). Do you have a preferred application or plugin that helps you create email lists?

    • Hi Tucker, Build an email list is an amazing ways to drive people back to your site. I use and would recommend AWeber you can check out my review here … Any questions feel free to shout 🙂 

  2. Hello, very good and informative post about proven ways of promoting affiliate links. As you mentioned, affiliate marketing became pretty popular nowadays. I think this is very good way of earning money especially if you write about things which are your passion. In 14 points you described very well what are the proven ways of promoting affiliate links. I like the most blog posts and product reviews but I use sometime also some others from your list. Thanks for sharing with us!

  3. Thanks for this amazing tips. Promoting my affiliate links has been a section I wanted to improve on. This tips will help me in getting more people to sign up with my links. I have already embarked on using my social media to promote my affiliate links. I believe social media is actually a great too is properly utilised.

    • Indeed social media if worked well can be an amazing way to promote your affiliate links. I use Twitter and get some good results.

  4. Thanks for writing this article. I really find it so helpful and I know many will find it helpful too especially newbie.and I must commend you for the job well-done by writing article to help newbie in the business 

    for now I only promote my affiliate links on social media because it is what I know how to do best for now. But there is a need to move to other channels to promote it. Thanks 

    • Thanks for your comments, social media is great and sometimes just focusing one media can produce great results

  5. Another way to promote your affiliate links is to guest blog on other related niche websites. Many bloggers are overwhelmed with running their blogs. Consequently, they may be willing to use your guest blog post instead of spending the time to create their own content. I have used guest blog posts on my site as a way to add variety and content to my site. I know the guest blogger appreciated me posting his content as it created a backlink to his site.

    • Indeed Glen other great way to promote thanks for the reminder 🙂

  6. Hello there, this is an awesome article from you on ways to promote affiliate links, let me say the one am used to and I have always be trying and it’s definitely working for me is the products reviews. I have noticed over time that when I research and take my time to review a product and post it on blog, people don’t just only read the article or review, some will definitely click on the affiliate links I shared to buy the products and I will definitely make my money from it. I will try to check other means u have written here, am particularly interested in the videos creation as wel

  7. I really love how informative your site is- it also has many links to relevant articles. I especially like that it has a page in the very beginning outlining what affiliate marketing is all about for new people and goes into a nice understandable explanation.  Also, I like that your site has a lot of information without being bombarded with too many ads! I believe this is a well-produced attractive site. The big questions, of course, is-Are you making money with your site?

    Best Wishes

    • George, as you will see this site is fairly new, so a lot of work is to be done. I am making some money but early days.

  8. Thanks for such a brilliant post, this is clearly is a motivational and helpful post to promote affiliates marketing link. This article has review 14 proven ways,i strongly agreed it work. I promote my affiliate business mainly on blogs and social media like facebook and whatsapp.

    I will bookmark this page and share within my referrals. Thanks for the insight

  9. Thank you, for sharing proven ways to promote an affiliate link on your website. I was able to get a lot of good ideas from this post. The only one the get me held up is video.>>You talked about making sure to mention affiliate links, Do you have to put a small disclosure statement on every blog post you write, or as long as you have it displayed somewhere on your site?>>I like creating product and service reviews because it shows if you really know how to use the product. And if you add examples and images how the program works, it helps people reading the review know if the product will work for them .>>I hear video is great for building an affiliate marketing business, if you don’t fear the camera.>>If your content leaves the site visitors with a great experience, most of the time the visitor will want to try your free stuff.>>I never thought of creating a resource page that subjects some of my other related products.

    • Hey Lenard thanks for your comments, I would always place a short disclosure on all posts that have affiliate links and link to the full disclosure page. Reviews are a great way to promote products. Video is great too and remember you can do a screen cast video so you dont have that fear of being on camera. Resource pages are an excellent way of adding links to products.

  10. These are really great ideas on how to promote your affiliate links. You know what they say, you cannot attach your link on just anywhere on the net or on social media platforms because they may be perceived as scams and you might get banned.

    Building an email list by offering freebies is something I have been working on for the past couple of days because I was told that the money is on the list. You can sell over and over again to a customer if you have their email. Anyway, I figured that since I haven’t actually made any sale yet, I am not convinced that I need to be paying for an autoresponder.

    I would like to hear your thoughts on this. Do you suggest I try out a free service first and then start sending out emails with my affiliate links on autopilot only when my list is more than I can handle manually? 

    By the way, its interesting you mentioned that we can add affiliate links in the About Me page, I haven’t thought of that. Oh, and I’m curious how you do it; do you add affiliate links and CTA button in each and every post?

    • Hi Alice, Building an email list is very important, I would set up a series of automated emails that promote various products and your blog posts too. This way you can then set it and forget it and drive targeted traffic back to your blog and affiliate sites. You can start with a free service such as Mailchimp but I use and recommend AWeber they do offer the first 30 days for free. Check out my full review here 

      On the about page your could CTA buttons or my top recommendations section. I would only promote a couple of products max otherwise looks a bit spammy. 

      I would add affiliate links to review pages and then link back to these within other blog posts having all your posts with affiliate links will not go down well with the search engines. 

      Trust this helps 🙂

    • Hi Alice, I would look at an autoresponder once you have some constant traffic coming to your site. I would then look at a company like AWeber (I have been using them for 9 nine years now) Regarding your posts I wouldn’t add affiliate links to all the posts but links back to the posts that have links on them. On your about page use links to product recommendations this looks more natural.


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