Viral Pay (It’s Changed Its Name Again) Don’t Get Scammed!

viral pay twenty five dollar bonusHeck, why wouldn’t you want to get paid $25 just for signing up to a website, well that’s what Viral Pay claims it will pay you as a bonus. With me being an inquisitive type I thought I would grab their money and see what exactly Viral Pay is all about.

Update December 2019 This is my second update about Viral Pay and I just wanted to get the point across that this business doesn’t pay out so DO NOT join it. 

It is also been renamed a couple of times called Viral Dollars and Referral Pay so look out for these too. The website is identical and the outcome would be the same.

By all means, read through the rest of the article where I show you how they failed to pay me over $800 read it and discover for yourself.

If you are looking for a legit way to make money online then check out my no1 recommendation. This is how I am making money every month.

What Is Viral Pay

Viral Pay Co was founded in 2015. It claims to help avid social media users turn their time on their favorite platforms into cash.

Well, let’s just see how I can do this then.

I am off to sign up, hang around and I will be back to fill you in on the content within the membership area.

UPDATE – 20th April 2019 Viral Pay is no longer but all the links go to a new site called Viral Dollars DO NOT JOIN THIS IT’S A SCAM! If you are looking to start a business online then look at my NO1 Recommendation

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Quick Stats

Name – Viral Pay (as of April 19th Now Called Viral Dollars)

Website –

Owners –  Not Known

Price – Free

Overall Ranking – 0 out of 10Welcome to viral pay notice

Once signed up I got a message you see here… it says I can get people to click my link and I earn $2 not a significant amount of cash but get 1000 clicks a month and that’s serious money. What’s more, if any of these people actually join I get another $10 per person so even if just 10% of people join (for free) that’s another $1000 bucks per month.

So where’s the catch this is too easy and where’s the money coming from to pay me.

Let’s dig deeper!

Does Viral Pay Work

Now in my members’ dashboard and I see I have already been allocated the $25 they promised me before I joined. I updated my payment details. I might as well have the $25 for my time in writing this review … lol

I have also been given a manager with a Skype address. That’s cool hopefully will not need to contact her.

It also gives me details of an address in Australia, nor sure how real this is either.

Dashboard Overview

How Can I Earn Money Using Viral Pay

Although it claimed about using social networks to earn money, this is not mentioned here but there are other ways to can earn for your time.

These include referring friends, colleagues and other members’ to VP. Completing surveys and creating YouTube videos and downloading apps. As you will agree all pretty simple tasks.

Viral pay task earning figures

As you can see there is money to be had here but, as yet there is no mention of where this money is coming from.

Refer and Earn

This is just your referral link, although in these sections it says $5 for clicks and $10 when someone joins. It will be interesting to see which one is correct.

Task Wall

Complete each task and receive $25 a time. These vary from signing up with your email (and confirming it so no crap emails) to, adding your phone number or completing a short survey.

I am in the UK and these are all targeted with offers from big brand names such as Asda, Marks & Spencer and Primark to name a few. I am presuming these offers will reflect your country.

Well, I went and filled in a survey where I just bombarded with different questions and offers… I have been entered in a draw for 1000 pounds of Asda vouchers I will report back how I did but not really expecting to win. I should also have earned myself $25 for this task too. Nothing has been added yet! UPDATE Oh I had a text to phone a number to be added to the draw I didn’t call!

Update April 2019 – I have attempted to complete the 4 tasks needed to then request a payout. It says I have 3 completed but whatever I do the 4th seems to allude me. 

Promotional Posts

These are just images for promoting Viral Pay so nothing exciting there.

Upload A Video To YouTube

Do your own Youtube video saying that Viral Pay is great and how you have just earned easy money and they will pay you $50. Hey, they even give you the title, description, and tags to use… Great how easy to earn $50, Arghh Hang on still not got my $25 to the survey and do I really want to place myself as promoting this… Not really!

Cash Out Viral pay cashout requirements

Yeah, let’s go and get out my $25 bonus they gave me on signing up.


Oh looks like I have to do some work promoting Viral Pay before they pay me my bonus then.

I have to get at least 20 clicks, 5 referrals and complete at least 4 wall tasks.

I would hate to cheat the system as they put it…

$30 Surveys and Apps

There is also another tab with $30 surveys and apps before I head on to site training let’s just see what this is all about. Don’t get too excited it just takes me back to the task wall.

Update April 2019 – After completing all the tasks it seems to not like what I have done and I only have 3 tasks completed. No able to complete 4 as of yet. It sounds a bit dodgy to me.


Very little training and what was there was useless I suppose most people know how to do surveys but a full 2-minute overview of the site how it works and what you have to do to qualify for your $25 would have been good. I suppose most people wouldn’t even bother signing up if they knew they had to actually do some work for their $25 bonus.

Red Flags

For me there are a couple of red flags here:-

The first being that there is no mention of who owns Viral Pay only that they have a sister site that has been online for years. When people don’t want to be revealed as owners of the company you always have to ask the question why!

The second reason would be giving your personal details out across various sites especially if the owner isn’t visible. Are your details safe? Would they be sold on?

Final Comments

Well, that was as I expected really, it’s a numbers game for them the more information they can collect the better. Like me, most people who sign up lured in by a free $25 bonus will I am sure to take at least one survey and of course, that’s what they want.

Is this legit of course it is they don’t promise anything and you don’t have to part with any money, but beware if I had made that phone to enter the draw how much would this have cost me?

After all, they have to make money somewhere and of course, I can’t verify this as I didn’t make the call.

If you have time to fill in surveys and don’t mind getting bombarded with follow up calls and emails then why not sign up and give it a go.

Update April 2019 – Although I have achieved a cash pot of $724viral pay dashboard overview to date because they have yet to agree with me completing 4 tasks I am unable to request a withdrawal of funds.


You could look at starting your own online affiliate business, one that you control and are proud to tell your friends and family about. What’s more, you can start this for free if you look at joining a site like Wealthy Affiliate.

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Read my review on Wealthy Affiliate and then create your free account I will gladly hook up with you inside the members’ area and help you to success.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

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80 thoughts on “Viral Pay (It’s Changed Its Name Again) Don’t Get Scammed!”

  1. I had literally just stumbled across Viral Pay right before reading this…and I’m glad I read it.

    That sounds like a market research company that thrives on the percentage of people who will not follow through enough to get paid. They make thousands of dollars, and they MIGHT have to pay out $100 for every 1000 people that complete a survey.

    Not a scam, but not very ethical.

    Thanks for this.

    • Tyler I think you are spot on there. Like you say not really that ethical

    • U completed ALL required task. My payment was scheduled to be deposited on 04/28/2019. As of today it has NOT bewn deposited. I was directed to contact Sandra Elsen on Skype. @viraldollars but there is NO such person.

      • Yes I did try and contact her via skype, someone did answer some of my questions but then disappeared … like you say 100% Fraud

    • You are right this is a SCAM. I did a review on them a while back then now like you said they turned from Viral a pay to Viral Dollars.

      Also they Changed their name again from Viral Dollars to Clout Bucks.

      Clout Bucks is their new name if you don’t know already they are still around.

      There are other ones to I did a video on Clout Pay on YouTube. I have gotten a lot of not so nice comments because I know it’s a scam and a lot of people call Clout Pay a legit company.

      My YouTube name is Matthew stalker if you want to check out my Clout Pay Review (SCAM).

      Also Wealthy Affiliate is a good place to start for the newbies that want to learn how to make money with a blog.

      There is a few outher scams out there. Notion cash, referral pay, those are the few I could name off the top of my head from reviewing them. There are others though.

      At least you updated your site to let others know that Viral Pay is a scam. Thanks for the review I hope the best


      • Thanks for your comments Matt, and also the heads up on the new name, when will they stop! I will check out you YT sometime thanks again

          • Indeed check out my other post about viral dollars and referral pay.

  2. I have a payment pending for the 16th. (Apparently when you cash out there is a 14 day waiting period.) do you think I’m actually going to get paid? Orrrrr am I waiting for pigs to fly? I cashed out at $340

    • Well there’s a question Teena, I haven’t continued with my account since this review so unable to answer that. I think if payments had not been paid out then the company would not still be around, so hopefully your payment will arrive. This is why I am only recommending great companies such as Wealthy Affiliate which does pay out and enables you to build a solid online business.

      • I have a payment pending for tomorrow April 14 and I will come back and let you know if I get paid! A friend of mine was supposed to get his today but they denied his payment. They told him some of his referrals were fraudulent and he actually did make up some fake referrals so with that being said maybe they do research some of the accounts. But I will definitely come back and let y’all know if I get paid my 934$ I’m “supposed” to receive!!

        • I built up and cashed out for the 1st time with $259. A couple days before I was supposed to receive my payment after waiting 14 days, they suddenly cancelled it because my referalls or clicks were fraudulent. When I know for a fact none of them were. I don’t have time to sit and go through the ways they list on their fraud policy to gain the referalls/clicks. I just shared my link like I was supposed to and my family and friends helped me get what I need. So yeah, I wasted all that time just to not get paid in the end. And when I tried to contact their fraud department through both email and Skype, no one responds. So nothing but a huge scam.

      • No Teena they are going to say that you commit ed fraud. this has happened to 3 of my friends

    • No you will not receive anything.. I cashed out at $396 and the day before I looked and they said my account would be cancelled because of me defrauding them.. bullshit it’s just a scam!!!!

    • I don’t know of anybody yet … I am still trying to complete the 4 tasks it asks and then I will be testing the payment system. I will report back on this article but I would say don’t hold your breathe.

      • I know of a couple of my friends that have cashed out and bern paid one has acyually made approx. $1000

        • Did they really get paid? My scheduled cash out is tomorrow

          • No one has proved any payments gave been received yet… I am requesting payout today. Still having issues with it letting me complete the tasks. You us know if you get paid and I will keep you updated too.

    • I didn’t I made $396 was due to have my money sent tomorrow and I just looked and it says my account will be cancelled because I defrauded them. That’s bullshit!! It’s just a scam

  3. This better be legit cause I sat on my ass for days to cash out 5000 dollars

    • Richeedah, have you requested a payout yet ? I would have tested it after completing the 4 tasks. I am still trying to complete these so I can test the payouts I will keep you updated.

      • Im supposed to recieve payment tomorrow april 19th. I also got a confermed payment so like when u cash out they have it pending mine was confermed. My friend on facebook i actually know her she cashed out 600$ she is still using it. She just doesnt kike that each time u cash out u gotta do all that bs over Again I will try to find this post tomorrow and let u nice ppl know if i actually got paid

        • Thanks Khris I have just finally managed to complete the fourth task, they are checking all my stats before confirming but should have $844 coming my way, but lets wait and see .. Good luck with your payment

        • How are you supposed to do everything over agin? Eventually you will run out of tasks being that they say you may only complete each task one time…correct?

          • I think you only have to do the tasks once but not sure on that one only time will tell.

    • Well you sat on your ass for nothing, just like I did.. I didn’t I made $396 was due to have my money sent tomorrow and I just looked and it says my account will be cancelled because I defrauded them. That’s bullshit!! It’s just a scam

  4. Has someone actually got paid from this or is it a scam I need more proof because if it’s a scam I’m sueing or some

    • Brian, I am trying to complete 4 tasks so that I can request a payout. It will not add tasks to my account I have contacted support via Skype and they haven’t come up with anything yet. Some one did post a comment yesterday about a friend getting paid but no proof as yet. I wouldn’t hold your breathe, it is sounding rather scammy to me.

      • Tasks are not my perticular problem,as I’ve somehow managed to complete 9 of them. My clicks are at about 130. Total earnings 475. My problem seems to be referrals they’ve only given me credit for one and I know I should have more as I have personal friends who have registered and I have not been given credit. So it looks like they make it hard if not imposible to get a complete.

        • You have done well getting all those tasks completed.. what about referrals?

  5. I only completed 1 task I’m struggling completing more …anyone who completed all task please tell me how to do it.

    • If I knew the secret I would definitely reveal it I have managed 3 tasks but the four is seeming impossible

  6. Hey guys!
    Just confirmed with the friend I signed up through and basically on the payment date they tell you that you commuted fraud and don’t pay you. Scammmmmers!!!!! Don’t waste your time

    • Exactly… This just happened to me. I made $396 was due to have my money sent tomorrow and I just looked and it says my account will be cancelled because I defrauded them. That’s bullshit!! It’s just a scam

    • Please read through my review and the comments that others have made … There is NO business with Viral Pay. If you want a solid business model then check out my no1 recommendation.


    • Unfortunately the clicks you can not control or check I have had my payout confirmed for May so be interesting to see if they pay me.

    • The old site has gone .. I can not login to my old details to new site so don’t think my confirmed payment will arrive now.

      • I logged into the new site with the same account so i think its real.. I also got confirmed for my payments meaning theyre done being under review. But we’ll have to see

        • I had only just had my $800 plus confirmed when they pulled the old site. There is no record of my payout in the new site, I would not hold your breathe for your payout.

  8. it is a scam, I started getting HUNDREDS of emails and texts (yikes) and NO money. the old site is 100% gone.

    • Indeed Raven, well that was always going to happen all the links now point to a site called Viral Dollars when you sign up it’s exactly the same.

    • Taylor, don’t waste your time they will never pay you. Read the other comments here. If you want to start your own online business look at my no 1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate

  9. I’m supposed to receive payment tmrw I’ll let you know what happens

  10. I cashed out awhile back, im waiting for my payment may 1st. they said it was confirmed. do u think I will get it still? did it say the same for u and then said u did fraud? lmk cause I feel like I wasted my time but people havent shown me the same scenario

    • Hi Jahi, My payment was confirmed, but then my account was shut down when it changed from Viral Pay to Viral Dollars although my link still works. I am not expecting to see the $840 they owe me. Although I am looking forward to my payment from the Wealthy Affiliate site

  11. Straight up fake!!! I was going to receive my payment on April 29 today is April 28. I go to check the status as I checked it earlier today it was fine. I checked it around 11:30pm it said my account was a fraud will be deleted after 7 days. I did everything right.

  12. This is shit!!! I’ve been trying to complete the tasks everyday, but nothing has been credited to my task bar. Anyone please help how to do them, i think am not following the right steps.

    • Lori please read my updates on this post and the other comments. Even if you did complete the tasks you will not get paid. Please don’t waste your time. Check out my no 1 recommendation

  13. So I cashed out my payment my status said it’s pending later like 4hours I send another cash out still my status was pending for review the next day I added some cash again out and my status now changed to confirmed what should I do am I sure the cash I will receive or impossible

    • Hi Joel, I am afraid that you will not get paid upon payment the company will notify you that you have broken the laws and not pay out that is what happens. Sorry!

    • Not to my knowledge Perla… I would stay well clear and don’t waste your time.

  14. I cash out with clout pay for $523 Suppose to receive it today but haven’t got anything

  15. i have been trying to cash out my money but it gets very hard because for me so am requesting kindly your assistance.

    • No one can assist you Peter Viral pay is a scam and they will not pay you out no matter what you do. Move on and find a better way of making money.

  16. cks: 100% | Referrals: 100% | Tasks: 100% | Total: 100%

    Track how close you are to reaching the requirements for your first cashout!

    You successfully submited request for Cash Out!
    Payment ID Scheduled Date Amount Status View
    2120 2019-07-15 $255.00 Under Review View
    15 days waiting and I think they will not pay

    • If you read my article I can definitely say you will NOT get this money. Check out my no1 recommendation for a legit way to earn online.

  17. Screenshot posted above is now similar to Use 2 earn homepage after login. I have completed all tasks. Requested for Cashout today. During cashout it was shown cashout hardly takes 24-48 hours. Let me see If it helps.

    • There are many duplicated sites out there Raj. Let us know how you get on with any cash outs 🙂

    • Thanks for the heads up I think this is the fourth or fifth name change in a year.


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