5 Easy Ways To Make Money Online [For Free]

Easy Ways To make Money Online

There are of course hundreds if not thousands of different ways to make money, but today I want to focus on some easy ways to make money online for free… I often get asked

How can I make legit money online? Do I need money to start a business online?

In this post, I am going to cover both of these questions by showing you some real ways that you can start a business online without spending a dime to get up and running.

So if you want to begin your business, go grab a pen and paper, turn off Facebook and any other distractions and let’s go and show you how to start.

1. Start A Blog

Blogging is one of the most popular ways to start a business. You can blog about any niche that you like and you can be up and running in a matter of 10 minutes.

Blogging works as you can work it in around your lifestyle and as long as you have an internet connection you can operate it from anywhere in the world. It’s well suited to stay at home Mom’s and Dad’s, Hobbyists, Entrepreneurs and anyone wanting to earn some extra cash.

How Do I Build A Blog 

There are loads of different free blogging platforms on the internet today, but I am going to show you how to get started using the largest blogging platform in the World, WordPress! In order to do this, I am going to show how to utilize a site called Wealthy Affiliate. They offer two free websites and also the training to help you build your website quickly.

So follow these 3 steps right now…

Step One – Sign Up For Free Starter Account

Just a name, email, password and user is needed. There is no credit card required to get access to your free websites and free training which will guide you to get started.

wealthy affiliate sign up page

And yes I will be in there to help you if you get stuck. I will contact you once you have signed up.

Step Two – Set Up Your Account

This is really easy you just need to add a profile image and write a short description. You are then ready to move to the final step.

Step Three – Online Entrepreneur Certification

This course involves 10 detailed lessons to guide you in getting started. At the end of it, you will have your own website live on the internet and ready to start making some money. You get all 10 lessons for free when you sign up.

online entrepreneur certification

It really could not be simpler it took me about 30 seconds to get my website live on the internet.

Start here by choosing your free domain in the box below.

2. Sell Your Stuff

You have probably, like me, got stuff lying around at home that you don’t use anymore. Gather this up and have a good sort through and find the bits that could be worth selling.

Then open a free account on EBay it will ask whether you are a business but just create a normal account until you are making a profit and then transfer to a business account.

ebay home page

Once up and running you can start to list your items I would start them at 99 cents on an Auction option or you could try a set price the choice is yours of course.

Make your listing good by adding great images, and a good descriptive description. Use relevant keywords in the title and description so your item can be found easily by hungry buyers.

Once you have sold all your stuff start selling items for friends and family and take a commission or visit salerooms and car boot sales (that’s an English term) find new items, buy them cheap and resell on eBay… hey presto you now have a business up and running.

Never underestimate what sells.

A quick personal story. I once had a lot of old wooden decking which I had changed for new decking. I asked around to get someone to take it to remove it for me but they wanted £40 -80 ($60- 100) Ouch! … So I put it on eBay for 99p in an auction. I actually sold it for £224 ($300) and they came and collected it … RESULT!

So remember what you think is rubbish is someone else’s treasure. Get sorting out LOL

You could also use sites such as Craigslist, Amazon and even Facebook have got in on the act now with local selling pages and no commission to payout either.  Remember once you start buying and selling you are liable to pay taxes on any profit.

free webinar John Crestani

3. Online Surveys

Online surveys can provide a few dollars in return for filling in surveys online. Although not a great earner you can achieve an extra income. The advantage of surveys is that you can do them anytime as long as you have an internet connection. You can even use a mobile or tablet too.

The disadvantage is that the money is not that great, which makes it difficult to scale the business up to a full time living. Also, there is a huge amount of survey companies that are scams and do not pay you. I came across Viral Pay a while ago and this is definitely one online survey site to avoid.

4. Sell Other Peoples Products & Services

If you don’t have anything sell yourself, why not sell other people’s products and services instead. This is known as Affiliate Marketing.

You can find companies within any niche that you can join as an affiliate, just do a Google search for “YOUR NICHE AFFILIATE PROGRAM” most companies allow you to join by signing up online. Commissions will vary across different programs from 2% – 100% depending on the company. The average is about 30-50%. A good thing to do is research the product too as you don’t want to be recommending something that has a poor rating.

google search for affiliate programs

Using affiliate networks are a great place to find loads of affiliate programs quickly. All affiliate programs are free to join. Never pay to join one!

Check out these networks to find affiliate products and services to promote.

  • Clickbank
  • CJ Affiliate (Formerly Commission Junction)
  • Flex Offers
  • Peerfly
  • Share A Sale
  • Offervault
  • JV Zoo
  • Rakuten Marketing
  • Amazon Associates (Yes you can make money from promoting products on Amazon)

These are just a few there are many more.

Here are some free methods to promote your affiliate products.

Social Networks – These can be a good way to do this but beware some sites don’t allow openly promoting products and you could have your account shut down so proceed with care. Be sure to read their terms and conditions before you start to post direct links.

Blogging – I have already touched on earlier and probably the best way to start affiliate marketing. You could use sites such as Amazon, Walmart, and other retail giants to find products to promote by producing articles and reviews.

Forums – Yet are another good way to promote but you will need to find forums that allow you to have links in your signature, your link within posts. The Warrior Forum or Quora are two I would recommend as they do allow promotional links in your signature. Note:- Always go to help others don’t just spam out your offers this is definitely going to get your account deleted.

Using platforms such as YouTube or Pinterest can be very lucrative too as people search for solutions to problems they have, all you have to do is find the solution and post a related video or image.

5. Your Own Products & Services

What about if you are great at writing or designing you could offer your services to others and get paid. No set up costs and you can pick the work that suits you.

You can promote these services on sites such as Upwork or Fiverr

Upwork – You can set up a free account with Upwork. Clients then post jobs to be done and if it falls within your talents then you can bid on the job. You may have to offer some freebies to get your name out there in the first weeks as you will be competing against experienced people with a good reputation already.

People Per Hour – This works very similarly to Upwork where people post jobs and you quote for them.

Fiverr – Fiverr is a great platform for selling your services. After joining you will need to set up your profile and what they call Gigs. These start at just $5 and you can add more for quick delivery or multiple tasks.

The categories include.

  • Digital Marketing
  • Graphics & Design
  • Video & Animation
  • Writing & Translation
  • Music & Audio
  • Business
  • Programming & Tech
  • Lifestyle – which covers a range of topics, even Family Geneology

fiverr gigs

Go and have a search on Fiverr yourself to give you some ideas of what you could offer.

Wrapping Up

I trust you enjoyed reading through these easy ways to make money online for free. Hopefully, these have inspired you to get going on your online journey. I personally am loving blogging and affiliate marketing and I would totally recommend these as something you can create for free and then scale to a full-time income.

If this is something that attracts you then check out my no1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate. You will learn everything you need to know, from the basics right through to operating a full-time business.

It would be great to hear about more ways that you know of or tell us about your journey so far by leaving a comment below.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own affiliate business

easy ways to make money online

16 thoughts on “5 Easy Ways To Make Money Online [For Free]”

  1. Making money online is a very lucrative business and if learnt and done the right way you would be reaping the reward for years to come. I am a big fan of owning a blog because it is like a property that belongs to you and you alone. But I would have to say that my most favorite way to making money online is email marketing.

    If you have a list that trust you and is loyal to you, you would be making money from your list for a long time and you would be living the life. It is a way of making money that a lot of people just have to learn because it has a very huge potential.

  2. Hello there. Thank you for sharing these 5 easy ways to make money online for free. I enjoyed reading through + it is informative.  I just signed up for an awesome platform to get started. I’m getting the training I need. I will start blogging and Affiliate Marketing (selling other people’s stuff) very soon. Still working on my website. Your website is nice.

    • Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment much appreciated… Every success with you blog and affiliate marketing… Be sure to check out my blogging tips site http://designed-4-u.com/blog which will help you further I am sure 🙂

  3. Hey there,

    When I started digging deeper into finding new and exciting ways to make money online, I honeslty was left pleaseantly surprised and shocked by the amount of possibillities and opportunities there are on the internet! It is a perfect time to ditch a regular 9 to 5 job (if You are sick of it of course, haha!) and start turning Your passion into creative work place and start creating valuable and meaningful content which You can share with the world! These are very unique and cool ways to start earning income online You have presented here. I really admire short and informaive descriptions to each of the option, great job! Keep up the great work 😉 

  4. there are quite a number of ways to make money online just like you have said,  and infact the list is inexhaustible.  For me as a person,  I love blogging and writting. So always I do more of writings and editing.  It’s a sure way of making money online. 

    Please i want you to do a review on back links and how it helps to make money online. 

    • Thanks for your great comment, like you say the list is endless… I wish continued success with your blogging. I have made a note for a future article on back links , thanks for the suggestion

  5. Nice post! I’ve personally found that selling used books online can be very lucrative, especially if you find multiple places to sell (and don’t just limit your markets to the big ones like Amazon and eBay).

    I’ve considered offering my services on Upwork, but heard the pay can be low. Are there any other websites you can suggest for freelance writers to offer their services (for writing blogs, web copy etc.?)

    • Thanks, Michael, used books can certainly be lucrative. As regards to offering your services, I would have suggested Upwork myself. Maybe a google search would bring up more options.

  6. When it comes to selling stuff online besides your own, people can use what is called price arbitrage. Price arbitrage is buying a product at a low price and reselling it at a higher price. For example, stores frequently have sales to move old merchandise out to make room for new merchandise. Buy the discounted products and resell on eBay or Craig’s List for a higher price and keep the profit. Thrift stores are also a good source of low-cost products.

    • Thanks for your idea Glen, some great Entrepreneurs have started massive global empires using this technique. Alan Sugar is one that springs to mind. 

  7. Great post! I guess my ultimate goal is to sell my own products and services. But I have started with a blog and trying to make money with affiliate marketing because for me it is the easiest and the most affordable way to start making money online. With experience and the revenue that I will gain, I will be able to invest in my ultimate goal.

    I really like the simple guide you presented to set-up a blog, it is the best way to go!


    • It’s great that you have that ultimate goal that you can aim for. Like you say reinvesting the money you earn from affiliate marketing back into your business will mean you reach your goal much quicker. I wish you every success on your journey 🙂

  8. Hey there,

    Blogging is a great wat to start making money online. In conjunction with affiliate marketing, it is a great combination.

    One more is dropshipping. In dropshipping, you are the seller, but you don’t keep any stock. Instead, you transfer the customer orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer, another retailer, or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to your customer.

    The difference between affiliate marketing and dropshipping is that in dropshipping you are the seller. This means you have to deal with returns, cancellations, complaints, refunds, etc. In affiliate marketing, you’re just the referrer. You do not sell anything, you just recommend products from sellers, and you get a commission from the retailer if the sale is made. No after-sales support or customer service.



    • Drop-Shipping is certainly one you could add to the list Marios, thanks for mentioning. I did try this years ago but found it difficult to get good suppliers so I stopped and started affiliate marketing instead.  


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