No More Mistakes When Implementing These 4 Blog Traffic Tips (Step By Step)

blog traffic tips to implement todayBlogging is becoming very popular these days. This platform is used for people to get a message out and help others. But the one thing that people seem to struggle with is getting eye balls on their blog posts. By following these 5 blog traffic tips you really should have no problems in getting some steady traffic to your website.

If you have not yet started your blog and just doing some research hey that’s cool research is a great thing. Reading this post I did recently about building a free website will help you get started.

It’s easier than you think and you could have your first site up and running in under an hour.

If you have your site up and are struggling to get traffic this could by why!

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Picking The Right Niche

Choosing the right niche is paramount to anyone s success especially when is comes to getting traffic to your site. Here’s a few pointers regarding your niche selection and how it could affect what traffic you can create.

Stick To One Niche

By only covering one niche on your blog this means that your visitors are more likely to return or click though to read other articles too. When you have various niches which are completely different then your visitors could be put off as the content is a mish mash of subjects. Some of which may not be of interest.

Is There People Searching

Niche keyword searching in Jaaxy keyword toolBe sure to do some research here. Tools such as Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool and even good old Google can help with this task. Now if you are thinking of a niche that nobody is searching for online then you will NEVER get any traffic.

Make sure your niche has enough people asking questions and looking for answers. Your blog can be the source of the solutions to their questions.


Although this post is not about making money this is still worth considering as it links heavily to traffic. Make sure there are products and services that people will buy within your niche and furthermore do some investigation and see whether you can promote these products.

This means by creating product reviews and offering solutions this in turn will drive more traffic.

Quality Content

You may have heard the saying “Content Is King” well I want to rephrase that “Good Quality Content Is King”

Let’s face it too many bloggers think that creating loads of content will get them noticed but truth is if the content is rubbish then it will have the opposite effect. By creating great quality content your visitors will return, they will bookmark your site and even sign up for your email list to keep updated when you have new posts.

This then becomes a returning visitors and you need to keep these and nurture them.

Here’s what your content should include…

Write as if you were speaking to a friend down the pub, make sure it’s well punctuated and the spelling is good. You can use spellcheck on most PC.s these days.

I would be writing at least 1000 words although more is even better. I tend to write between 1500 – 2000 words. Recent studies have shown that the optimal length for ranking high in the search engines is between 1000 – 2000 (with the average being just over 1800)

How Often Should I Write

Not only creating quality content but creating it on a consistent basis is needed to maintain a wealthy website and keep in Google’s good books.

Some people blog every day… wow! I would have to get up super early to be able to do this. 🙂 And is their content of the highest quality well, some is I am sure but some may leave a little to be desired.

There is no right answer to this question. If you are only able to blog once a week that’s fine or every day is okay too.

I try to write two posts a week and on the odd occasion I will do three. The truth is the more content you can produce the better chance of more people seeing it.

I would be realistic to yourself on this and maybe start with twice a week you can always do more.

Images and Infographics

blog traffic infographicUsing images and info graphics within your posts will make your posts feel more professional to your readers, giving them a better reader experience, which is vital so they we return in the future or even sign up to your email list.

There are of course things to beware of with these media. Copyright is the first although many people are happy for info graphics to be shared (as long as you link back to the source) but with images this is a no no and could be harmful to your site and business long term.

Always use royalty free image sites such as Unsplash, Pixabay or Pexels. There are loads of these sites just Google “royalty free images”!

Also remember that the search engines can not read images so be sure to add a detailed description in the ALT Tag on the image when you upload it. This in turn could

get you more traffic too.


Embedding relevant videos from You Tube into your posts does two things one it holds visitors on your site longer which helps in the ranking factors.

And of course Google owns You Tube so this could help them to send even more traffic your way by ranking your posts higher.

If you are into creating videos yourself then this works just as well using other peoples. Search keywords within You Tube find the best fit video and click on the share button then embed. Copy this code into your post and Voila!

SEO Your Posts

Using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in your content is a must. Now I have already touched on a few of these tasks that you need to do such as image ALT tags, embedding videos and searching the right keywords.

Now I could write a whole article just on this topic alone in fact I did just that you can go and read the full SEO Best Practices post straight after this one.

Anyway while you are here, let’s show you just a few great ways that will be good for SEO and get you more traffic. After all, that’s what this post is all about.

Internal Linking For More Views

Linking internally across your site is a great way to get eyes on more of your content. This is done within the text of your post where you can link to other relevant posts and pages.

External Links To Build Authority & Trust

Adding a link to an authority site such as Wikipedia will help with your rankings and also build trust with your readers. By linking to other sites within your niche this also gives you the opportunity to reach out to this site and mention that you have spoken and linked to their site.

This could result in them promoting your article to their audience and even linking back to your site.

Don’t Forget These Search Engines

I have spoken a lot about search engine traffic and SEO, mainly because these go hand in hand.

You also need to remember that there are two big search driven platforms that you just can’t ignore.

Pinterest search for blog traffic tipsPinning For Traffic

The first is Pinterest. That’s right have you ever gone on Pinterest and held a conversation with someone, maybe once. But have you ever searched for something within Pinterest I have many times and my wife does all the time.

By pinning images and linking them back to your site this will attract a steady stream of visitors. Unlike platforms such as Facebook and Twitter you can still get traffic from a pin that was posted months ago.

By using hashtags, keyworded titles and descriptions your pin should be picked up and shown to people searching for these solutions. Creating great images is also a main factor to success here. You can use a site like Canva to create these images.

Video is Growing

You Tube has become the 2nd largest search engine on the internet, that’s a mind blowing fact!

So when armed with this information do you think that creating videos and uploading them to You Tube would be a good thing to do to obtain some traffic. DEFINITELY!

In fact with some sites that is all they rely on for traffic.

Share Your Content

Our final section is all about sharing the content that you have already created. Whether that’s a blog post or a You Tube video by sharing you will build your brand and get more eyes on your content.

There are of course many places where you can go and share content and you will have you own favorites I must admit I like Twitter and Pinterest.

One thing I would suggest is to have a presence on as many of these sites as possible. Then choose one or two and focus most of your time on these. Once you build up a following traffic will automatically start coming from them.

Here’s a few places I would recommend trying for traffic.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Instagram
  • Forums
  • Communities
  • Pinterest
  • You Tube

Wrapping Up

So let’s just recap the 4 tips for getting traffic to your website.

  1. First you need to choose a niche and create your blog.
  2. Then produce quality content on a regular basis.
  3. Make sure everything is keyworded correctly as search engine traffic is massive
  4. Finally share your content out.

A simple yet effective process to getting traffic that has been proven to work time and time again.

Before I head off the one thing I would recommend is to join a community site such as my No1 Recommendation. There you will find free training, support and tools. They even give you two free websites you can use and all for free as a starter member. Check it out and I will meet you there.

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4 thoughts on “No More Mistakes When Implementing These 4 Blog Traffic Tips (Step By Step)”

  1. Excellent tips. I’ve come across loads of sites that seem to be focused on a niche for awhile, but then trail off and cover completely unrelated niche. And I agree with you that good quality content is absolutely king.

    And you’re right about YouTube; Bloggers should be incorporating YouTube in some way, shape or form. I’m still surprised that it’s the second largest search engine! I always thought it was Bing or Yahoo! 

    • Thanks for dropping by and leaving your  valuable comments. I must admit you got me thinking again about YT so I had to double check YT is still second behind Google

  2. Thank you for sharing the tips on getting traffic. I am following all the 4 process that you suggested but I always forget to do something. Last week I wrote this wonderful content I post an internal link but I forgot to post the external link. Tonight, I am going to edit that post now.

    I have heard that you can also get more traffic by going back and update your old post as well. I will bookmark your page and make a checklist that I can follow every time I write a content.

    Knowledge is very important as well, it is such a competitive market to be in so you need to get the latest information from the network group like WA to be up to date. Thanks for such a wonderful post.

    • Great to see that you are following these tips. Yes you can go back and update posts. Make sure that your website is over 6 months old and or your post has already been indexed. You can then make the changes and submit the url back to Google for re-indexing


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