Income Shift Pro Review

Income shift pro reviewWhen I first came across the name Income Shift Pro my first thoughts were this site will increase my income to a better place. So often though you just get sucked into the wording that marketers use.

I thought I would do some investigation and discover, whether one, they can shift my income and two how they plan to do it.

Before I go through my findings here are some quick stats about ISP.

Name – Income Shift Pro

Website –

Owners – Bill?

Price – $25 a month

Overall Rating – 3 out of 10

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First Appearances

On doing an initial search I could only find a login page which I can only presume that you need to be invited to join this site. With this in mind, I found a link to enable me to see the actual home page for more information.

Here’s what info I found.

income shift pro informationEasy To Start

According to their home page sign up is easy and only takes 10 minutes to do. It doesn’t sound like a simple name and email then.

Professional Website

Great looks like they give me a professional website just for signing up, I am presuming again that this could be just an affiliate link that is created making the landing page tracked to you. I don’t mind that this means all my hard work sending traffic would pay off.

Although not sure what I would be promoting yet which is always a concern. Maybe I am just a bit skeptical.

Residual Income

My ears pricked up as we all know residual income is the best! Sounds like they are even going to do the selling for me with their teams or maybe I am reading this wrong.

Instant Product Access

Useful valuable products that everyone can use, can you tell what it is yet? Nope neither can I lol.

Fix your credit, save on taxes, protect your identity. Wow! these are big things why is this company not really promoting these so people sign up immediately maybe there is a catch. Let’s see what they mention in the video below.

Hopefully, everything will have become clearer than it is right now!

Video Presentation

Well, nothing changes here it’s the same video layout that I have seen time after time on the internet when promoting income-generating product sites. This one just lays out why you need more income but as yet have only said that Income Shift Pro has a system that will not only give you cash now but create you wealth for the future.

Oh and you need no experience here at all, but then they say they training you on all their income-producing methods. Hum!

ISP video screenshotYes, this suits absolutely everyone but, of course, they would say that…

All I need is a laptop and the ability to copy and paste links into Facebook, Twitter and similar sites you can get paid.

Now there is a downside to this as we know if 100 s or 1000s of people are spamming links to the social sites they will probably get banned. If you need to learn how to do this type of marketing then read the best affiliate marketing training.weekly proof of earnings from Income shift pro

I just about to fall asleep when they started showing the proof of income screenshots of people making serious money with their system.

There is, of course, no mention that probably 99% of their members make nothing like these figures or even anything at all.

As you can see these figures are huge remember this is weekly for just copying and pasting links to social media. Maybe their system is just very expensive… Maybe they will even tell us some time that would be nice.

Marketing Plan

Aha, they have a marketing plan for us, they have my attention again.

  • Copy Ad (these are all created for you so just a copy and paste needed)
  • Choose the website you want to post it to. (Facebook etc )
  • Press the button to post it.

Well, it is a simple marketing plan so far.

No Limits

There are NO limits on the number of ads you can copy and paste on a daily basis. Honestly, this isn’t a real business it’s just spamming ads across the internet. They were totally right when they said no experience needed and anybody could do this. It would be better to place a limit that way people would possibly click through and see what it’s all about. no selling no limits with income shift pro

But, here is the funny thing the ads take you to the same page I am now on. Their statement says no selling required this video does all the telling and selling for you.

I have been watching and they haven’t even told me what the product is yet let alone where to buy it from.

How on earth is this going to generate the income we saw in the image earlier.

Finally, They Got To The Product

Well when I say product it’s actually a trusted personal financial company called Myecon that has been trading for 12 years. My econ has an A rating with the better business bureau (I think we could be heading down the multi-level marketing route now.

They have over 50,000 people already using their life-changing products. Plus there’s at least another 250 million people in the USA alone that need these products. Really!

Income For Now

MyEcon pays up to 240% advance commissions on a $34.95 monthly membership so you are basically getting a premium amount just to get people to sign up. Apparently, you get a varying amount on the monthly membership too. It sounds good for you but not the company as they seem to be losing money in the first few months.

myEcon income breakdown

As you can see from the image MyEcon is a multi-level marketing company and as we already know that most people in MLM companies only ever recruit less than two people, you may well struggle to earn the big sums of residual income that they claim in the video.

Wealth For Later

Okay, we are now getting somewhere, MyEcon has a legal tax loop that they show you so you can pay fewer taxes (but this is only in the USA) Sorry all you other folks worldwide you will have to look at alternative money making businesses such as my No1 Recommendation.

They also then show you how you can take the money you have saved and invest it to make even more money.

They will restore and maintain your credit score which, in turn, will get you better deals on mortgages, car repayments, utility bills, and insurance to name a few.


These seem to be all about MyEcon but they do talk about an automated system used by Income Shift Pro, but as yet I have not seen anything about the system on their website. Maybe that’s still to come.

I must admit the video is so long-winded I would have given up and clicked away by now if I wasn’t reviewing this for you.

Income Shift Pro Marketing System

Wow! After an amazing amount of time the video has FINALLY mentioned what you get in their marketing system, which is basically some lead capture pages and an email marketing where you can then automate your responses to people who are interested in joining MyEcon. This will cost you $25 a month which is a fair price for this sort of system. Although, there are plenty of these systems around so nothing new here. You do however get $5 every month per person you refer to the Income shift pro marketing system.

I must admit in all my time online I have never seen such a complicated way of promoting a business. Income Shift Pro is just a middleman to MyEcon. Which in turn is just another MLM company that actually has a very weak and unsustainable product

Let’s face it if this is an unknown tax loophole then in time this will be closed by the US government. And as they state on the video their are hundreds of companies that will help you increase your credit score. So this is not rocket science.

In fact, I did a quick search on Google and found loads of companies offering to reduce your credit score, there were even free articles with tips on how to do this.


Well, this has been the most long-winded presentation I have ever watched, confusing and full of hype about how you can change your life, create wealth, etc … you know the videos.

Now Income Shift Pros marketing system may just be the best thing about this site although it is only set up specifically to work with MyEcon which is my opinion will be a tough sell as I have proved already the products are weak, to say the least.

In my opinion, I would stay well clear of ISP and MyEcon as this will just cost you just shy of $60 a month my no guaranteed income.

An Alternative

If you are serious about creating a great solid business, that can be run from anywhere in the world then check out the review I have done about Wealthy Affiliate this is my NO1 Recommendation and hey you can put your credit card away as you can hook up with a starter membership absolutely FREE, there is also free websites, training, support, and tools to get you started. What have you got to lose NOTHING!
start your own affiliate business

8 thoughts on “Income Shift Pro Review”

  1. Hmmm,

    Seems remarkably similar to Traffic Monsoon.  Bad ending unfortunately.  Scam it seems to be so scam it probably is.  Please put up reviews on what works….scams are so many for the penny!  We need reviews on what is useful and beneficial to sell on WA.

    Looking forward to hearing from  you!  

    • Hi Stella, I have not come across traffic monsoon yet. Maybe that’s worth a review sometime. Unfortunately there are far too many scams out there the more that can be reviewed and exposed the better in my book. 

  2. I know some of us might not really recommend income shift pro but I think it is not entirely for everyone because I have taken part in it. It is actually only designed for people that are part of myEcon. For those that are not members of myEcon they should not bother getting income shift pro and for those that are a member I think it is a really good system to have because it works with the myEcon program by organizing the leads that are brought into the program. So for anyone looking into this program they really need to know what exactly it is meant for before deciding if it is for them or not

    • Thanks Jay, How did you find the system ? Be great to know from someone who has worked it. Problem is they don’t really tell you what its about on the website which is a shame as like you say their system probably works well.

  3. Hello Martin and thank you for this review. It is really helpful for people who need more information about a program before buying it. Doing proper research before buying something is really a good idea. 

    Especially when who is the owner of a program is not clear, the program is very risky to join. I have seen so many programs like this one and most of them are scams. 

    You can’t make money just coping and pasting links like this site suggests. There is no easy way to make money online. The best method in my opinion is creating a blog and building your website-brand. Affiliate marketing really works for making money online and I’ve tried it.

    • Totally agree with you. There is no easy way to make money these days people are just to wise about being scammed. Yes indeed affiliate marketing is a safe and brilliant way to build an online income. 

  4. Hello, I really appreciate your time and effort on writing this review about Income Shift Pro.

    The way you laid it out is perfect and informative. I love how you mentioned that spamming links is not a viable option to make money online, it is just common sense that you’ll either get banned or people are too smart nowadays to fall for something like that. I can definitely see how Income Shift Pro is just a waste of time and money. I’ll check out your No. 1 recommendation instead. Thanks for this article.


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