What Is The Best WordPress Hosting Site

man fed up searching for website hostingAre you fed up trying to discover what hosting to use when starting a website?  Although does anybody actually search web hosting before they start their website or blog? The truth is the majority of people will either go by a recommendation of what someone is already using or they are driven by price. But, what drives most mad are posts that list the top 10 hosting companies and then never really recommend a particular one, then you are back to square one having to make the decision yourself.

I thought I would take away the need to search at all and tell you what is the best WordPress Hosting site that I would currently use if starting from scratch today. So all you need to decide is when you are starting.

I think you may be surprised by my suggestion!

Before I dive into this in-depth article let’s just answer the one question I get asked a lot by my clients. (I am a web designer at Designed-4-u.com) The question is:-

Does WordPress Provide Free Hosting

The honest answer is, of course, yes they do, but let me explain why free is not always the best option.

You have two options when using the WordPress platform. You can have WordPress host your site for free or you can self-host. There are various reasons why I would always suggest self-hosting and definitely if you are a small business and or into running an E-Commerce site.

Here they are in no particular order.

  1. By self-hosting, you actually own the website and the domain name this like I have said is critical for anyone looking to run your website as your business.
  2. WordPress is a super versatile platform and can be developed easily by plugins that you can add to your site to enhance its capabilities. You are limited on what plugins you can add if you host on the WordPress.com free platform
  3. By self-hosting, you are in full control of your website, which is what you want after all.
  4. Having your very own domain name is a must for branding your business online, by self-hosting your domain is easy the brand as is would be www.mywebsitebrand.com whereas if its hosted on WordPress then it would look like www.mywebsitebrand.wordpress.com as you can see not as easily recognizable.
  5. WordPress works well because of the huge choice of themes that you can use, these are restricted to a few on the WordPress hosting.

An Alternative Free Hosting Option. What Is The Best Free Hosting Site?

Now for some reasons free is the only option to start a website. If this is the case for you then consider joining Wealthy Affiliate as a starter member (which is free) where you are given two free websites, the difference is that when you are ready to upgrade they can switch your old site directly across to your new domain in seconds. Plus as a starter member, you can free training, support, and tools to help you begin. For details on Wealthy Affiliate head over to my full review.

Ok so if I am telling you to self-host, where can you do this

What Is The Best Hosting Site

Ar this point in the article I could go on and list the top 10 hosting companies or even do some comparison details such as Hostgator Vs Bluehost, but all of this still leaves you the consumer pondering over which one to choose.

I have worked with various different hosting providers within my web design business and have compiled much research and come up with one overall company that I feel would be the best WordPress hosting for beginners, the best WordPress hosting for bloggers in fact for anyone building any type of website.

The company I would recommend is Bluehost

Bluehost shared hosting

Is Bluehost WordPress Hosting Worth It

Before I get onto how much it will cost you to host your new website on Bluehost I just want to go through the 4 things that I look for in a hosting company. Bear in mind these don’t have to be the best for everything I am looking for the best overall package.

Uptime – This is the time in which Bluehost’s servers have been live. Any downtime means your website is not being seen so this needs to very high. Between December 2017- March 2019 they recorded an uptime of 99.99% which is brilliant.

Speed – The next thing to look for is the speed of their servers not a critical thing but something that is good for user experience and obtaining high rankings in the search engines.

Customer Support – If you have an issue with your website and you need to sorted then you need to be able to contact someone who can help. Bluehost operates a 24/7 customer support service via live chat and a knowledge base on their website.

Price – The last thing I then look at is the price, its no good having a great price if the servers keep going down, or the speed is rubbish. But as you can Bluehost fairs well in both these categories. And they are very competitive when it comes to price too.

Bluehost Hosting Plans

So how much is Bluehost hosting and what are the plans that they offer.

best wordpress hosting plans

They offer 3 types of hosting plan Shared, VPS and Dedicated. In this article, I am going to concentrate on the best WordPress hosting deals using the shared packages as I feel that most people would only need this level of hosting. It’s ideal for hobbyists, bloggers, and even small businesses

Shared Hosting Features

bluehost hosting plans

Bluehost shared hosting plans start from as little as $3.95 a month for the basic package and rises to $8.95 a month for the Pro package with the choice and choice plus packages in between. They offer a huge range of features in all their packages and for a full list visit the Bluehost website.

I am going to list the most common features here that you would be looking for in any package. All of these are in their Basic plan.

  • 1 Website to host
  • 50GB of Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 1 Domain Name
  • 5 Parked Domains
  • 25 Sub Domains

Like I said the Basic package covers everything you could need to get up and running with your website. Remember you could always upgrade to have unlimited websites, bandwidth, storage and domains at any time.

Other Solutions Offered

Bluehost also offers help with website design, marketing, and search engine optimization, so you can concentrate on building your business.

When it comes to Pay Per Click they can be there to hold your hand as the decide how to spend the $200 in advertising credits across Google and Microsoft. Note these are only available if you are a new customer to these ads networks.

Maybe you have a website already and are not happy with the hosting solution you currently have in place. That’s no problem as Bluehost are able to migrate up to 5 websites from your current hosting company.

bluehost solutions

Bluehost Customer Services

Before I wrap up I just wanted to say about one of the most important aspects of any hosting company and that is the customer services department. Let’s face it the internet is prone to breaking and when it does we all go into panic mode. If you are older like me that panic is reduced by remembering when there was no internet, personal computers, and even mobile phones…!

But, either way, if you have issues that are affecting your website (online business) you need to know that someone has your back. Bluehost certainly does this…

bluehost customer support

  • 24/7 Chat Support – Being able to get on live chat and sort out issues is vital to any business whether you are just starting out or an established brand online. Their friendly and knowledgable chat team is excellent and is highly rated in the industry.
  • Ticket Support – If your question is not urgent then you can always raise a support ticket and leave the team to get back to you, which they normally do within 24-48 hours.
  • Knowledge Base – You may even find that your query is covered in their support knowledge base. They include answers to the most common questions that are asked plus, instructions, how-tos’, articles and guides.
  • System Status – Because Bluehost has many different servers around the world, to give you optimal performance if you have an issue you can check for issues with specific servers.

I think this shows you that Bluehost is dedicated to helping you when things go wrong or you have questions that need answering.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, by giving you a more in-depth look at this Bluehost review you can see that they offer everything you need to start and grow your website online. I have tried to take this article away from a big long list of hosting companies and actually give you enough information so all you have to do is sign up and get started.

If you have any questions regarding any issues then please fill free to leave them in the comments area below and I would be more than happy to try and answer them.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own affiliate business

4 thoughts on “What Is The Best WordPress Hosting Site”

  1. I actually love bluehost hosting and I would recommend it to my friends. It’s more user-friendly in my opinion. Though I already have my own hosting. Anyway, this is a very well written article and indeed really helpful and informative! Will go ahead and share this one with my friends. For sure they will benefit from this. All the best! Thank you!

    • Thanks for your comments AJ … Nice to know that you love Bluehost too 🙂

  2. Thanks very much for education. Even though I haven’t started, I think I know the best place to start from.

    • Pleasure Sam, Glad it has helped you for when you take the plunge… Here if you need any help 🙂


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