Free Affiliate Marketing Tools You Must Use

Like any business if you use the right tools it makes it so much easier and quicker, well affiliate marketing is just a business like every other. So in this article, we are going to show you what free affiliate marketing tools are out there for you to use.

Although we are covering free tools today, there will be some paid tools that you will be in need of as you grow your business but more on that in another post.

affiliate marketing tools


Now before you shout out and say that mentoring costs money, read on and discover that not all mentoring costs it’s knowing where to look!

Having someone that will answer your questions, give you guidance and give you pointers of what has, and still is working for them will save you heaps of time and money. So what if I told you there are two communities that are willing to do all this and membership is totally free.

In fact, you can get access to one of the communities and they even let you build a website for free and give you strategic training to follow for free.

The site is called Wealthy Affiliate. If you are looking to take your affiliate marketing business to the next level, then I urge you to take a look at what they have to offer for yourself. I think you may just be amazed… I was!

The other community is a Facebook group called Traffic Dominators, which is full of Entrepreneurs that are making money every month. In fact, it’s so simple to make money after you have followed the free training steps that you are guaranteed to make money.

Join the Facebook group here and go through the simple training you can thank me later… 🙂

Keyword Research

As a marketer keyword research is Paramount. This is where most marketers go wrong. The keywords you are looking for need to be long-tail keywords.

Let me explain! If you go onto Google and then start typing a keyword eg I have used dog treat now to rank for doggoogle keyword tool treat may be quite competitive but as soon as you start typing Google starts giving you longer suggestions. Google places these there because people are searching these terms. Google is your friend, use it.

You can see it has brought up a few longer keywords. Dog treat toys, dog treats recipes plus more… These are the keywords you want to rank for, although there might not be so much traffic for these searches you have a far better chance of ranking on page one.

Once you have searched on Google then use a tool such as Jaaxy (which has a free starter membership). Jaaxy will give you far more information about the keywords, plus will do searches in just seconds saving you all the hard work. You get 30 free searches on your starter membership so worth joining just for these. There are also other tools such as Ubersuggest, SmRush, and AHrefs which you can check out too. They all have low entry trial offers you can take advantage of.

Link Building

Have you ever noticed how long the affiliate links are getting these days? They are huge and filled with numbers and letters, in fact not very pretty to look at.

Our next free tool is a link shortener. There are loads that you can use most being free but I have always used the most commonly used All you do is head over to their website paste the link you need shortening and then click to shorten it. Hey, presto done … how easy is that!

If you are using WordPress then a plugin called Pretty Link can be activated and used, the lite version is fine to use and free. Pretty link takes your URL as the first part of the link and then you add a custom name for the end of the link. Again copy and paste your link create your wording and bingo done! In this way, you are branding your website too with every link.

Pretty link shortener

Easy? Yes, it’s that easy but still, I see marketers using long, weird, and wonderful links… Don’t be one of those! Use a shortener!


Now you can of course take advantage of sites such as Unsplash and Pixabay which offer super images with no royalties. Search what image you want, then click download. Take care of image sizes if you are using them on your website as large image files WILL slow down your site, stopping pages loading which could result in visitors leaving and never coming back.

You may also want to create your own images, to use on Social media or your website. The site I recommend for this is Canva… you can create social media headers, website banners, in fact, any image you like. I use it all the time.

Email Marketing

One of the fastest ways to build your business is through email marketing. Now I would always recommend AWeber as an email service provider – Check out why here

With AWeber now offering a free account, with no credit card or time limit it makes sense that this would be your choice to make. Once you hit over 500 subscribers there are some minimal costs but, my view would be to look at this long term if you build your business fast, which you probably will, you will soon be heading for costs either way so I would look at AWeber to start with. But, the choice is yours! There are many others to choose from.

Follow this video once you have grabbed your free AWeber account it’s all you need to get building your list.

Content Distribution

Once you have created your content, getting eyes on it straight away is the main objective. I use a site called If This Then That or IFTTT for short. The site is free to use but could be a bit long-winded to explain in detail… I will in due course do a post just about this topic but, in the meantime…

I did shoot a short video explanation on YouTube check it out on this link. or watch below

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel while your there and hit the notifications bell too. I shoot videos regularly and you may just find them useful.

Video Creation & Distribution

Video is an amazing way to promote affiliate marketing products and services. Let’s face it. It’s so easy to make videos these days with a push of a button on your mobile phone you can create a simple video. Yes, you can use fancy video creation software but to begin with, just use your phone.

Once you have your video upload it to YouTube. It takes a few seconds, and if you picked the right keywords who knows you could rank in YouTube and Google combined. I do this regularly now with my channel and it gets me heaps of free traffic.

Any easy way to make videos without even being on camera is using a site called Vidnami they do a free trial you can use to get started.

Video is a very powerful tool do forget it!

Your Thoughts

These are a selection of free affiliate marketing tools that you could be using, maybe you know of more, if so please comment below I would love to hear what’s helping your business grow, likewise tell me which ones you are going to be trying out to build your business.


25 thoughts on “Free Affiliate Marketing Tools You Must Use”

  1. Hello there. Thank you for sharing this amazing info. You are right on the good track. These are the tools and services one needs to do incredibly well as an affiliate marketer. I must confess I have not seen a platform like Wealthy Affiliate Before. I feel privileged to be a part of this great community. I use too. Email marketing is the money. Kudos

  2. Thanks for sharing these tips! I think these are going to prove to be very useful, especially the mentorship you mention. I think most people think of someone who’s touring the country and giving speeches when they think of having a mentor, but a mentor can be anyone who is willing to answer your questions on a regular basis that have come just a little further in their online career as well! 

    Video marketing (like YouTube) is something that I personally find intimidating simply because I’m not really sure what information I have to add that isn’t already being written about, plus as a YouTube viewer, I know I would have to brace myself for some exposure to some pretty cruel people! Have you READ some of the comments on people’s videos lately? It’s madness!

    I’m sure I’ll break down and include YT in my arsenal of tools once my site is more established.

    • The more exposure you get online there’s always someone trying to knock you down. It’s something you will get use to. Most of the time people are just jealous of what you are doing. YT is a great platform just remember you don’t have to be on camera you can record your PC screen or just get someone else to do the video for you. Thanks for your comment i wish you every success

  3. This is a great list and such a valuable article especially to new people coming online to make some money.  Every dollar saved is key to success especially at the beginning when finances are usually tight.

    You are so right about the mentor ship.  If you can get into a great community that likes to work with people that is worth more than anything out there.

    Thank you for this article.  It is absolutely something every newbie should see and anyone trying to make money online.

  4. Hi, I like these free tools. One you didn’t mention is maierlight, it’s another autoresponder which lets you use the whole program for free for up to 1000 unique email addresses.

    It’s my favorite in fact, and I tried Mailchimp and Getreponse. I think MailerLight is easier to work with than Getresponse and cheaper for paid plans as well.

    You’re content distribution IFTTT I haven’t heard of, I’ll check your video to learn about this 🙂

    • Thanks for your comment Stefan. IFTTT is an amazing free tool I am sure you will love it.

  5. this is a very informative article and gives a good insight into what is required to excel your online business.

    Choosing the correct Keywords is an important part of an affiliate business as it helps get your articles ranked. I noticed you use Jaaxy? How do you think this compares to other keyword platforms? 

    Another topic that has grown is video content which I think gains importance in content marketing each year.

    • Hi Darren thanks for your comments, yes indeed Video marketing is becoming a must used media for your business, good shout 😉

  6. Thanks a lot for the informative and helpful post on Free Affiliate Marketing Tools.

    I really liked the first point “Mentorship” that’s the key to Affiliate Marketing success but many skip this. People need to understand before earning they need to undergo learning. We need guidance and advice, the do’s and don’t which is the key to success.

    I liked your keyword research tool recommendation I am using Jaaxy for nearly 2 years and its more than a keyword research tool.

    Email marketing is the vital tool for online success because as you know very well “Money is in the list”

    All the tools you suggested is vital and a must have one. Thanks for the Free Affiliate Marketing Tools.

    Wishing you great success!


  7. Thanks for the informative post! Kudos for the free affiliate marketing tools you suggested in your post! Things really work out faster and one makes faster progress by using the right marketing tools in the business. And when it comes to mentoring, it’s best found within the Wealthy Affiliate community.

    In the whole keyword research industry, Jaaxy would be the most integrated, yet, the best and easiest niche and keyword research tool. And free starters truly have some free credits to enjoy while using the tool for performing keyword research or brainstorming. Thanks for the other free tools mentioned in your post that could be helpful to an online business. Kudos for the great work!

    Israel Olatunji

  8. You provide a really useful guide to some of the essential  tools for Affiliate Marketing, which can also be obtained for free at the start, and will be very helpful to all newbies in the field, and I can certainly endorse the choices which you offer, especially Jaaxy and Pretty Link.

    I really would agree with you that it is essential to get some mentorship, and what you recommend will definitely supply that and will ensure that you are never left alone with no one to turn to. I cannot recommend Wealthy Affiliate too highly!

    I have never heard of IFTTT, but I am intrigued by it and I will certainly be checking out your video!

    Very many thanks for a really helpful and informative post.

    Chrissie 🙂

    • Thanks Chrissie, IFTTT is a great site I am sure you will love it 🙂

  9. These are all great Affliate marketing tools. I have been pretty much using all of them except  email marketing and you tube and this is just because i have only now started to spend more time building my business at Wealthy Affliate. I must say these tools are easy to use all you need to do is follow their instructions. They make a hugh difference especially to newbies like myself who have absolutely no previous experience in Affliate Marketing.

    Great post, very useful…..Thanks for sharing.

    • Amazing Brenda, well done for taking action. I am sure You Tube and Email Marketing will be some of your favorite tools in the future.

  10. There are a lot of tools out there that will make your life a lot easier. The best tool that any marketer can ever have is the knowledge and experience related to marketing. Mentoring is a great way to pass this tool (knowledge) to newer marketers.

    For images, I like to use Pixabay, Pexels and also Flickr. There is one more tool that I might add in the link building section, and that is AHREFS which has the largest array of linking data that you can find anywhere online.

    • Thanks for your comment. Loving the additional tools that you have mentioned I have used Pixabay and Fickr before but will be checking out the others. 🙂

  11. I agree 100%, you need all the affiliate tools you can find if u want to fasten your success in affiliate marketing. There is no doubt in that. Keyword research is something you’ll need, whether u just started or already an affiliate marketer for years

    mentorship is also one of the reason people arent succeeding, when u want to learn something difficult, you should learn from the best, and to learn from the best, you need to be able to offer something for their time.

  12. You have one among the best affiliate marketing blog post i have read thus far..
    I think it won’t hurt to post more blogs like this in the future would it?


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