Meerkat Traffic Exchange Does It Really Work!

Is It Really That “Simples” To Get Traffic

The one thing that you are 100% going to need when it comes to running a profitable online business, and that is TRAFFIC!

Having a steady stream of traffic coming to your website should result in more leads, customers, and profit for your business. There are many ways in which you can obtain traffic here are some of the most popular ones.

  • Organic Ranking – Using tail-tailed keywords to rank high in search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo
  • Social Media – Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Youtube, and Instagram.
  • Forums – Communities of like-minded people discussing various topics around a particular niche.
  • Email Marketing – Traffic directly from your own email list is very targeted and works well.
  • Traffic Exchanges – This method has been around for years but does get somewhat overlooked in comparison to the others on this list.

So, with that in mind, I thought I would dive in and take a closer look at one such traffic exchange and see if they really do work. I must admit I get most of my current traffic from the four well-known methods, so it will be interesting to see how the results turn out.

The site I have chosen to look at is called Meerkat Traffic Exchange, If you are a member (or have been a member) then please leave a comment below on your experiences.

What Is Meerkat Traffic Exchange And How Does it Work

meekat traffic exchange

Firstly, Meerkat traffic exchange is an internet advertising program owned by Jeannie St, Cin. Members place ads within the site and then gain credits by viewing other adverts. These credits are then used to get visitors to your adverts.

Basically, you surf the website and visit other people’s web pages in return other members will do the same to you. It’s a simple process and everyone wins. The secret is to have relevant offers to place in front of these people to hold them on your site.

Let’s show you what I found when joining Meerkat Traffic Exchange.

Signing Up

meerkat traffic exchange sign up pageJoining Meerkat Traffic is very easy, from the home page click sign up and then fill in the required information. This consists of a display name and an email address. Maybe create a brand new email address when joining that way you will not have to trawl through hundreds of emails to find any personal ones.

You are then sent an email with your login details and a verification link which you will need to click to activate your account.


One Time Offer

Although, there is no need to pay for any services on Meerkat Traffic Exchange you may want to take a close look at the one time offer that is presented the first time you log in. This offers you more banner and link credits (I was hoping I wouldn’t have to click any other sites by doing this) The cost was just a few dollars so well worth it if you get some traffic…. let’s wait and see.

meerkat traffic exchange one time offer

Adding Links And Banners

It took me a little while to find where to add banners, text ads, and URLs but it was very simple once I found the place to do this all links, ads, and banners have to be verified before going live. This only took about 24 hours for my banners and website link to be approved.

Beware though as there are many exclusions that your site could fall into. They are all listed so make sure yours is clear from all of these stipulations.

banner ads in meerkat traffic exchange

How Do You Earn Credits


If you have no cash to take advantage of the pro offer (it’s just $8.95) then you can earn credits by surfing through and being shown websites, banners, and text ads. You can, of course, use this feature within the Pro membership too and another advantage is that you only have to view for 5 seconds before the credit is added to your account.

meerkat traffic exchange link boxLink Box

The link box is really simple just click through from your dashboard and you are presented with a box of 15 buttons that say visit link all you have to do to earn 1 credit is click on the link and visit the site. Very simple!

These credits are then used to show your websites, banners and text links to others.

How Can You Earn Money From Meerkat Traffic Exchange

From what I can see so far the best way to refer others to join the traffic exchange that way you will get 50% commission on any purchase they make.

You can, of course, add banners and website links to the site. It’s early days so far but I haven’t seen any traffic as yet from this source. TIP: I would add affiliate links direct to offers and not direct people to your website unless it’s a splash page where people can opt into your email list.

You can read more information on affiliate marketing (which is my number way of making money online.)

You may find sending people to your website/blog could result in your bounce rate increasing which could affect your organic rankings in the search engines.

I will update you as to whether traffic is forthcoming to any of my offers, so stay tuned! If you have used traffic exchanges before and have a story to tell then please leave your comments below, it would be great to hear from you.

To Start Your Own Online Business Check Out My No1 Recommendation in the menu above.

Is Meerkat Traffic Exchange A Scam

The answer to this is, of course, no and here are the reasons why.

  • There is zero cost to join
  • You don’t need to have a website
  • You are never asked to sell any products
  • You will not have to recruit others to benefit from Meerkat Traffic Exchange (although you could earn from doing this)

Support If Needed

I had issues when I joined as it locked me out of my account, and without logging in I could not access the support tab as it was in the member’s area. Luckily it is free to join so I was able to create a free account and then contact them via the member’s area.

I must admit that the owner was very quick and sorted my issue very professionally. So as regards to help it has been first class for me.

I did, however, mention not being able to message if logged out so let’s wait and see if things are improved on that score.



I covered various different means of generating traffic at the beginning of this article, I am still testing the traffic exchange route and will update here when I have more figures to assess.

From my short time on the exchange, it has become obvious that any traffic you do attract will be low quality. With that in mind, I would direct most of the traffic to affiliate offers or landing pages as sending to your own website could do more harm than good.

That said there is plenty of ways you can earn from using Meerkat Traffic Exchange, affiliate offers, referring others to the program, and using their solo ads to send people to your offers.

I think that’s it’s going to be what I call a nickels and dimes site as that’s what you will be earning from it. To build a huge business online check out my no1 recommendation and I will be happy to share my experience and help you build a great online business.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own business

22 thoughts on “Meerkat Traffic Exchange Does It Really Work!”

  1. This is a very nice post with some very good information about traffic exchange platform. It’s a very good thing that it actually works and that support us very good. I like how they have come around to try to help people get some good traffic to their own platform. I see that there is something gained for referral too. That’s good. I would try it out.

  2. Thanks for demystifying this traffic generating method that is not as widely used as the other four you mentioned. The review has given a lot of valuable information on the shortcomings of it, the various advantages and a good way to make it work when building a business. I look forward to your next article with your personal results after using it.

    • Thanks Lungowe, Initial results have been good so hopefully that will continue

  3. When I first saw the title, I thought the post was something to do with insurance, based on a long-running ad that uses meerkats. Thanks for demystifying this traffic generating method that is not as widely used as the other four you mentioned. The review has given a lot of valuable information on the shortcomings of it, the various advantages and a good way to make it work when building a business. I look forward to your next article with your personal results after you’ve used it. When can I expect that?

    • Hey thanks for dropping by I am sure they are using popularity of the Meerkat thing but hey my not…. I will test over the next month or so and then report back here. 

  4. Hi Martin,

    To be honest, I had this question in my mind quite for a while, whether traffic exchange sites can produce potential traffic to our site or offers. Your article provide me with valuable information and answer to my question.

    Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and it adds more value to the review and it’s great to know that the owner provided help to sort out things for you. This is a good sign!

    Thanks for the honesty and I will be eager to know your numbers and updates on the traffic generated by this traffic exchange. Directing traffic exchange traffic directly to our offers instead of website makes sense.

    For sure this is on my list and will give it a try, we have nothing to lose.

    • Thanks for your comments Paul honesty is always the best policy

  5. I have my website running, so at this point I am on gathering traffic 🙂 This article was exactly what I needed. My main focus is on Pinterest and little bit of LinkedIn, but like everything else in online or any other business, it is a process.

    I’ve also seen your another post, Best Pinterest Marketing Tool – Tailwind, it is very useful to newbies affiliate marketers.

    I will surely check Meerkat Traffic Exchange, as a meaningful way of traffic increase, and let you know the outcome.

    Thank you for sharing,


    • Hey Vesna

      Glad you found this article and the Pinterest one useful. I use Pinterest but always good to use a variety of traffic sources. Please let’s me know how you get on.

  6. Hello Martin!

    Well, the Meerkat Traffic site sounds interesting and promising. From your review it appears as a honest offer for people who want to earn online and at the same time help others with doing this.

    I am wondering if the credits that are paid to members for surfing/Link Box actually carry a real money value (like 10 cents per credit), because this way it would be very encouraging for Meerkat users – a daily activity that’s intensive would bring them some dollars every day!

    Of course, it does not mean a “Get quick rich” or a “Millionaire overnight” scheme – but it sounds attractive anyway!

    Best regards,


    • Hi Peter to be honest I don’t know that but will investigate further and report back. Thanks for your questions 

  7. I was looking for some information about traffic and how to get it to my website and came across your article. This Meerkat Traffic Exchange looks very interesting and I like that one can join it for free. Do you think even I with my three months old website and about 12 articles there could benefit from signing up to Meerkat? I don’t know if I shouldn’t just keep writing content and wait a bit until I have more to offer. I would appreciate your opinion.

    • I would always continue to write more content. I am currently testing a brand new site with just 3 articles so will be interested to see the results. I would also test and watch bounce rate as this could harm your site. 

  8. Hello Martin. Nice to see you share the different ways with which I can get traffic to my website, offer or landing pages. I must admit that I have used some of those sources before now and I am still using almost all of these sources.

    I don’t think leads gotten from Meerkat Traffic Exchange will convert because most of these persons are not really interested in the ads there but rather a majority of them want traffic to their websites. It’s similar to sub for sub usually done for YouTube. You’ll agree with me that those channels don’t really do well. Sub4sub causes more harm than good and I think this might be the case with this but it will not be as bad as I am sounding because we can actually get people to sign up to better ways to get traffic.

    Let us say we placed a banner to teach people proven ways to get traffic like SEO and the rest, I bet it will convert because most people on Meerkat Traffic Exchange are after traffic.

    What do you think?

    • I know exactly what you are saying it will be good to see my results. I am testing a brand new website to see what traffic if produces. I will report back 

  9. Hello there, thanks for this awesome article, I really like it because it has explained what affiliate marketing is all about and how it works as well. I think so many people don’t know what you detailed here about how to make a passive income with this website. This is a very important article and I think I too would try out the platform that you have shared here. 

    • Thanks for your comments, let me know how you get on with the site

  10. Hello Martin, earning money through this easy means is a really wonderful thing and going by the fact that on do not need a fee to join and you are not involved in any form of MLM program is very enticing. Here I believe you have nothing to lose but all to gain. Getting traffic to your site is very important especially as an affiliate and this just one of the easiest means to get it. Cheers.

    • Hi Bella, indeed you certainly have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Worth joining and testing it out

  11. Hello Martin, a very wonderful article you have here. making money online has been the aim of so many poeple but getting the trusted platform to give that money for services rendered is quite scarce and knowing Meerkat traffic exchange can do it even for a no fee membership is very enticing for anyone who is interested. I would check up your best recommendation to see what it is.


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