What You Should Know About Making Money With Global Moneyline – Full Review

Global Moneyline guarantees you leads, by signing up for a free account everyone who signs up after that is then in your money line. You can of course upgrade to various levels giving you different advantages.

Sounds simple enough so let’s take a closer look at how this site works and can you actually generate leads from it. I joined and upgraded to Bronze just to give you all a better idea of the benefits.

Quick Insights

Name – Global Moneyline


Price – Free – Bronze $20 (one time) – Silver $175 (one time) – Gold $350 (one time) IR ($20 a month)

Owners – Not Known (Hmm not good)

Overall Rating – 2.5 out of 10

The Good and The Bad

What I like about Global Moneyline

  • Even as a free subscriber you can message anyone that joins after you, this is your money line. You can only message then once though.

What I dislike about it

  • Only being able to contact somebody once, not good for building relationships but of course, I know why they have done it to stop people constantly spamming people.
  • Having commissions roll up, you do all the work and others get the credit, not for me.
  • Everybody is just spamming sorry, promoting their business if you hate emails turn the notifications off.
  • The upgrade procedure is weird as you pay your up line directly, starting to find this a possible flaw.
  • I couldn’t find a mention of who owns the site, yet another alarm bell ringing for me. If you know who it is let me know in the comments below and I can update this review.


There is a support tab where you can raise a ticket. I didn’t test this out but you would like to think there is quick response time. FAQ’s are available too.


Free – There is a free membership that entitles you to message every member of the money line this is effectively anybody that joins BML after you do. You have to message individually and can only contact them once.

Bronze – Cost of Bronze is just a $20 one time fee, this gives you the same powers as a free member, with the addition of bulk messaging 20 people at a time. Plus if people you have referred upgrade you will get a small commission. $5 to you and $5 rolled up to your sponsor.

Silver – Silver membership is a one-off payment of $175, all the entitlements stand as the other levels but the number you can message at one time increases to 50. Commissions applied to silver membership are $50 to you and $50 rolled up.

Gold – You get contact 100 people at a time at this level and get a personal funnel list box to manage your contacts. There is a one time fee of $350, with commissions on this level being $100 to you and $100 rolled up.

There are also Platinum, Diamond and Double Diamond available these are similar but just more expensive so not going to bore you with these details.Global moneyline proof

As you can see I have over 194,000 people in my money line at 20 people a time. It might take me a few years to message them all .. πŸ™‚ Sorry got more important things to do right now!

Independent Representative

This is someone that has completed the Independent Representative Agreement and has 3 qualifying sales.

You must attain 3 qualifying retail Bronze Subscription package sales (of which 1 may be your own retail product/service purchase) in order to become a MoneyLine Independent Representative (I.R.) qualified to earn retail qualified up line commissions and 100% personal retail sale profit payouts.

A $20 a month fee is payable at this level.


Global moneyline diamond subscriber advertising imageWhen you become a bronze level and above you are allowed to place an advertising banner on the site, this is then shown to your money line when they sign in and browse the site. You are more likely to show up if you are a gold or silver member, so no real benefit from bronze level although I placed one anyway just to see if I got any clicks.

When clicking on your money line (you do this to message people) you are first shown some ads and you have to click one to continue, these seem to be the next level up eg mine where silver ads.

Final Thoughts

There were a few things that started alarm bells ringing on Global Moneyline. Firstly no owner could be found anyway on Google or on the site itself. You do have to ask yourself why! The second thing I was uneasy about was the upgrade payment going straight to the person and not through the website. Luckily I know this person quite well so I wasn’t too worried but if you don’t know the person then this could be a stumbling block.

Although you can place your advert other than this there are no real products not even any training apart from how to use the site.

It is nothing more than a gifting site and bordering on a Ponzi scheme. All the focus is to recruit more people to join and upgrade. Even if you do message people, and I did this to test it, you don’t even get a response because they can’t message you.

Everyone on the site is just promoting other biz ops, That said it’s a great way to find products to review LOL

Personally, I would steer well clear of this one.

Alternatives – If you are needing to learn how to build a business online then look at check out my no1 recommendationΒ and to build your own Moneyline (email list) you could use Thrive Architect and your own autoresponder. Both of these products I would recommend as I use them every day.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your affiliate business

22 thoughts on “What You Should Know About Making Money With Global Moneyline – Full Review”

  1. This global money line sounds a lot like MLM programs. It doest offer any value, apart from the monetary gains. It all depends on building a large network of followers. In the scenario that the website crashes, where do you go for your investment. Especially with the owners hiding in the dark, wouldn’t be long before the bubble burst on this.

    Wouldn’t think of registering, and wouldn’t advise anyone to do so too!


    • Some great points Louis totally agree with you there. The bubble will burst soon no doubt.

  2. Hi,

    I love people that look at a site in two perspectives when reviewing a platform. Honesty is the keyword. I’ve known Global moneyline to be a ponzi scheme after I carried out a deep research on it some months ago. After then, I had to advise my students to stay clear from the platform so as to avoid any form of loss in any angle. 

    Thanks for taking time to give an honest review. 

    I appreciate.

  3. Wonderful writeup and a great post. There are a lot of funny online programs on the Internet and I think this is one of them judging from its description and review. Besides being able to message others once, I think the subscription rates are too high and most will have to go for the free and and the bronze for their various purposes. Great work on the article, keep up the good job. 

    • Thanks for your comments, the fees are a one time fee but like you said most will go for the free and bronze level

  4. Firstly I would like to State here that there are numerous money making website that claim they are legit and they can help you make money online enough to get you Rich. I also do not support a system that doesn’t allow u send frequent message to people in that community, how else do you create relationships. This is one of the many reasons I love wealthy affiliate. 

  5. Wow, thanks for this review.

    So many network marketing websites coming up and it’s hard to know which one I trustworthy.

    I agree with you, no owner, identified, that’s definitely a red flag for me.

    I don’t also like the idea that no other training is available except how to use the site.

    Thanks for this ,staying away.

    • Sir, thanks for the review. I am almost trapped with this moneyline platform. Since one of your policy is honesty, can you provide me the best platform to make money online?

      • Hey Lemton thanks for your comment and question. I find the best way to make money is with affiliate marketing (I make several hundred dollars a month already) You can learn all about starting your own online business with affiliate marketing by joining wealthy affiliate (its free to get started by the way!) I would be happy to help you out too once you have joined. I look forward to working with you.

  6. Making money online has always been one of the most important thing for any online business and so it is very important for me but the problem I face almost every time is the fact that most platform don’t usually offer what they promise and it has always dettered me from them. So is this platform any different?

    • Well you do generate a downline of leads just difficult to get hold of them… and all they are interested in is promoting their own biz op. 

  7. I recently read another review that also did not recommend Global Moneyline. Am I correct to say that the only way to really make money is by referring other people to it? That is what I am gathering. I do find it interesting that you have almost 200,000 people in your moneyline, but you can’t reach out to them in bulk. Seems like a pretty bait and switch marketing effort and like a complete waste of time to me. Thanks.

    • Yes I agree the only real way to earn is by referring others which is fine if they had training or other products but they don’t. Indeed nearly 200,000 people and even if I was gold member I could only contact 100 at a time. 

  8. Hello there, thanks for this wonderful review about Global Moneyline, let me say personally apart from my little research I have done about them online and virtually most online article called it ponzi, scam and advice not to join, your article has shed more light to it and let me say at this point, Global Moneyline is nothing but a pure scam. Looking at the website review, it’s can’t be traced to any owner, he or she is using anonymous which is a big scam. I will advise people not to join. 

  9. Nice review on global moneyline.i must commend you for taking your time to analyse both the Pros and construction of this program. There are many red flags in this program.firstly the fact that there ceo can’t disclose it identity which is very essential for me to know before participating in  any program online. There are many program online like this, and there main target are newbie that is more reason is so important for newbies to do their findings before participating in any program. And I know many will find your recommendation helpful in there way to make legit money online 

  10. 100 contacts at a time would still take 2,000 batches. Still very inefficient, even with the upgrade. Like you say, we have more important things to do! LOL.


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