Can You Make Money Blogging – $3875 A Month Says You Can!

make money bloggingHave you ever thought about starting a blog to make money? I had the exact same thought a while ago and I am already making several hundred dollars every month and it’s growing all the time.

In this article, I am going to show you how to start a blog and make money and it’s not as hard as you may think. So, whether you are looking to make extra money or eventually a full-time income to replace your job it certainly can be done.

I have even included some testimonials of others that are making it big time and hey if I can make money anyone can 🙂

Even if you have no technical knowledge or experience you really can start straight after you have finished this post.

So let’s get cracking and show you how to blog and make money.

Creating A Blog

Before will actually create our blog there are a few steps we need to do which will quicken the process as we go further into our journey.

Choosing Your Niche

Your step is to choose which niche you are going to blog about. My tip for this is to try and niche down and become laser-focused as the go-to expert in this field.

For example, I am in the money niche but I concentrated on affiliate marketing which means there is less competition. Another example could be in the diet and nutrition niche which is massive too so a sub-niche of this could a blog all about vegan recipes. You get the idea though!

If you have ideas but are not sure if its niche enough then drop them in the comments below and I will gladly assess them for you.

You really need this done first, but that said I have swapped niches before and there’s nothing stopping you doing the same.

Check out the video below for more tips on niche selection

Buying A Domain Name

Once you have chosen your niche the next thing is to buy your domain name this is your website name and should ideally link with your chosen niche. This is why we select our niche first so we can then look for related domain names.

Tip:- Use relevant keywords in your domain, keep it short, and try and find the dot com or dot net as from my experience these perform best


You can build your blog on a free platform such as Wealthy Affiliate but I would always look to upgrade to their premium hosting as you progress and your blog begins to get more content on it. If you have no or little budget then WA is an amazing way to start your journey, they even give you free training too.

I would recommend Bluehost as probably the best WordPress hosting site they have some amazing offers that start from just a few dollars a month.

There are two advantages to self-hosting.

  1. You can add your own domain name which helps build your brand online.
  2. You actually own the site so you have much better control over it.

Blogging On WordPress

wordpress home pageWordPress is the best blogging platform on the internet this is what you need to be using for your blog. If you have gone down the Wealthy Affiliate free blog route that will be WordPress by default.

If you are using other hosting such as my recommendation Bluehost then in your account will be a WordPress quick install button in your dashboard. Just click this, add in some easy information and BINGO! You have your blog live on the internet.

Choosing A Theme

When you launch WordPress will place a default theme on your site you can change this in your dashboard via appearance-themes. To help you select your theme to read this article 5 Pointers When Choosing A WordPress Theme This will make the process quick and easy for you.

Creating Content

All you have to do now is create some main pages such as an about, privacy policy and contact page. Don’t worry WordPress is really simple to use even for a beginner, but any questions just shout in the comments below and I am sure I can help.

You are now ready to consistently create amazing content on your blog follow this article to produce your first blog post.

How To Paid To Blog

There are four basic ways to earn money blogging so let’s run through them and show you how you can set these up.

Affiliate Marketing

This is by far and away from the easiest way to monetize your blog, and what’s more you can do so from day one too. Affiliate Marketing is the process where you recommend other people’s products and services for a percentage (or fixed amount) of the customer’s purchase. Percentages can vary from a few percent to the full 100% but most average around 50%. It’s very easy to find affiliate programs for any niche and all are free to join.


By joining advertising networks such as Google Ads you can then place ads on your blog when your readers click through on the ads you will receive a small commission this could be a few cents to a few dollars but this all adds up and all you need to do is get traffic to your site. Tip:- I would build up some regular traffic first before adding these and also add in just a few places.

Selling Your Own Products

If you already have products or services that you offer then, by all means, this is where you can sell them. The great thing about having your own products is that you keep 100% of the profit. Don’t worry if you don’t yet have any products of your own as your business grows you can add this income stream.

Sponsored Posts

This is probably going to be another income stream that will evolve over time although if you already have contacts in your niche you may even hit the ground running with some sponsored posts. These are posts that are specifically about a certain product or service and are normally supplied or commissioned for a set amount to have it placed on your site. As your site grows the amount you can charge for this will increase too.

As you can see to even make money blogging for beginners is fairly easy to do. Before you rush off and start building your first blog I just want to touch on a very important part of all blogger’s journeys.

Learning Is Key

Classroom view in Wealthy AffiliateI won’t lie to you blogging can be tough to crack, but with hard work consistency and setting some goals you will get there. I am now earning several hundred dollars a month and its growing all the time.

What I have invaluable is having up to date information and ongoing training from bloggers that are earning a full-time income from blogging. If this is something you think you could benefit from then read my Wealthy Affiliate University article.

Learning from others that have been there and done it will always make your success come faster and easier. Remember too I am here to help you all I can, leave any questions in the comments and or be sure to grab my 7-day email Bootcamp too as this has some amazing information you can use.


Before you head off as promised here are just a few success stories of people that are making waves in the blogging community.

Meet Ralph he had 30K of debt and how has a six-figure business

wealthy affiliate blogging success

Read his story here

Debs earned $3875 in one month

wealthy affiliate success

Read her story here

There are many others I could include here but I just wanted to show you that you could be this sort of money. All you have to do is take action, follow what others have already done and stay focused.

If you want some more proof blogging works just search bloggers income reports on Google and you will have all the proof you need, or better still join Wealthy Affiliate and connect with hundreds of successful bloggers.

start your own business


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