9 Affiliate Marketing Websites You Must Visit

affiliate marketing websitesAffiliate marketing is not some new trend or fad, in fact it’s been about since 1996. Amazon associates first adopted the process of paying commissions to people who promoted their product, making it one of the first affiliate marketing websites.

Since then affiliate marketing has evolved helped by advances in technology and the creation of social media networks. Can you remember the days before Facebook and YouTube, hard I know but it wasn’t that long ago.

With the growing popularity of affiliate marketing I thought I would put together my top 9 affiliate marketing websites, forums and blogs for you to follow.

1. Smart Passive Income Pat Flynn

Pat Flynns Smart Passive Income website is full of great information on affiliate marketing, blogging, email marketing and podcasting. In 2008 Pat was laid off as so was able to concentrate on building his online business smart. Pat has a huge following on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube so I would connect with him on these platforms.

2. Affiliate Marketing Dude

Marcus Campbell is the Affiliate marketing dude and is a full time affiliate marketing. His website is pretty basic and uninspiring he does give away a lot of free materials that are very useful. Marcus however probably runs the best YouTube channel for affiliate marketing, with weekly live webinars full of great information. He does promote his own products all the time but if you can get past the sales pitches and take all the great info in then its well worth subscribing to his channel.

3. Wealthy Affiliate

The best internet and affiliate marketing training site I know of. Kyle, Carson and the whole WA community will guide you through from the basics to becoming a successful business owner. You can join wealthy affiliate as a starter member for zero costs and this includes two free websites hosted by WA, free training and mentorship, free use of their amazing keyword research tool Jaaxy. If you are struggling online or want to learn a great way to earn a substantial income, then check out more about Wealthy affiliate

4. Matthew Woodward SEO

An award-winning blog which covers everything SEO, as well as email marketing, blogging, social media, traffic generation and of course affiliate marketing. Matthew has built a renowned brand and is followed by people worldwide. He prides himself on being able to teach you how to achieve your online goals.

5. Affilaroma

Affilaroma is another community of affiliate marketers. There are free courses for every member level. Not as active as Wealthy Affiliate community but some good information is posted on their blog. Founded back in 2006 by Mark Ling and Simon Slade, Affilaroma has grown to over 300,000 members. With training on all aspects of affiliate marketing it’s a great place to hang out and learn.

6. Neil Patel

SEO forms a large part of any affiliate marketing business, master this and you could turn on the tap on to a continuous flow of cash. If you love listening to podcasts I urge you to hook up to Neils’ “Marketing School” podcast that he co-hosts with Eric Su. The podcast has new recordings every day and is only 5-10 minutes in length. I often listen to a few at a time when in the car. I normally listen on Stitcher but you can search them on all the popular podcast sites too.

9. Pro Blogger – Darren Prowse

Pro blogger has stood the text of time and is going from strength to strength having been helping bloggers create and grow their blogs since 2004. Darren offers an abundance of great information, resources and courses. It is a great place to pick up tips whether you are just starting out or a seasoned blogger.

Along with a regular podcast, Pro blogger has become one of the most popular sites for all things blogging. One to bookmark for sure.

8. Kim Garst – Boom Social

According to Forbes Kim is one of the top 10 social media power influencers. She has worked with corporate giants such as Microsoft and IBM. Kim is the co-founder of Boom Social a business strategies and consulting firm. Kim is definitely the “queen” of all things social and has a huge following on Facebook, Twitter and all the top platforms.

Kim is always keeping me updated with all the new trends and is certainly the go to gal went it comes to social media. A quick mover when it came to Periscope and Facebook live and continues to give amazing information on her blog.

9. Affiliate Summit

Shawn Collins and Miss Ward, Co founders of Affiliate Summit, have decades of combined experience in the area of affiliate marketing. Shawn starting way back in 1997 and Missy in 1999.

In 2003, the pair founded Affiliate Summit for the purpose of providing educational sessions on the latest industry issues and fostering a productive networking environment for affiliate marketers.

Summing Up

Make sure you check out these affiliate marketing websites more closely and connect with them (and me) via social media platforms. You can also connect with me in the Wealthy Affiliate community where I actively guide others to be successful.

Let me know in the comments if you already follow some of these industry leaders or maybe there is someone you could recommend we would love to hear from you.

Disclosure :- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

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16 thoughts on “9 Affiliate Marketing Websites You Must Visit”

  1. Wow, I never knew affiliate marketing had this much history! Thanks for telling us about when it started and who’s who in the business today. It’s always interesting to get some new background information on a topic, especially one that’s been around since 1996. This was cool to read, thanks.

  2. Hi Martin,

    I love Neil’s blog posts, he always gives great advices and his content for videos and posts is always up to date, useful. His website is also a good example, it is clear, design is great. Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform/program, I recently became Premium member there and I’m very satisfied! I would recommend it to anyone!

    I think that I haven’t visited the other sites you listed, so I will surely do that, cause I really love marketing, and especially affiliate marketing.

    Thanks for this post,


    • Thanks for your comments Suzana Wealthy Affiliate is an amazing site for both newbies and seasoned pros to gain training and keep up to date with what is new in the online world

  3. Hello!

    I like your article about affiliate marketing. I know some more details about Wealthy Affiliate cause I`m also a member, but till now I didn`t know much about other affiliate platforms, which you described very well. And yes, I remember days before Facebook and YouTube, there were different times.

    I`m sure people who are making decision where to start affiliate marketing will find this article helpful, keep up the good work!

  4. Hello Martin,

    I agree with you concerning Wealthy Affiliate, it’s a great product, and the community behind it is absolutely helpful. I didn’t know the other programs you mentioned in this article but I’ve heard about Neil Patel. Do you think that combining Affiliate programs could bring results?  And which one would you recommend apart from Wealthy Affiliate? I look forward your answer. Thanks for this article!

    • Hi Ben thanks for your comments. If I had to choose just one of these other sites then I would follow Neil Patel … SEO is a massive part of Affiliate Marketing as its free traffic. He also covers other aspects too especially on his podcast and at 5-8 minutes per podcast it’s well worth hooking up to.

  5. Hello and thank you for your informative and thorough article Martin. I really enjoyed reading it. Your recommendations are quite good. Every blogger should have their reliable source of information, and these guys are doing just that. They are at the top in their business and anyone looking for success should follow them.

    I would also add Backlinko website by Brian Dean. Also an amazing source of information and a huge professional and SEO expert.

    Thank you.


    • Thanks Strahinja for your comment and great shout with Backlinko

  6. I think that this article is great as it contain sites that I visit very often and I am more than satisfied. Neil Patel is one of my favorites and that man is truly a genius. I also heard that Affilaroma is great community platform but I did not have a time to visit it. This platforms are truly for true affiliate marketers.

  7. Thank You for this useful content.
    Now I have started to follow some of those websites, and get many interesting informations regarding to affiliate marketing.

  8. Hi Martin

    This is really helpful. I am with WA but like to keep my eyes open for other great info online. Neil Patel appears in every search no matter what I am looking for so i always listen to what he has to say!

    Thanks for the value to give day in day out!



    • Thanks Jean glad you found it helpful. Indeed Neil Patel has some great content well worth listening to. 🙂


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