Survey Junkie Review (Scam or Legit)

What is Survey Junkie

Student doing survey on laptopWhen it comes to the question of what is Survey Junkie I think the clue might be in the name. Just in case you are not getting it, hold tight and read this Survey Junkie Review right to the end.

Survey Junkie is an online website where you can sign up and take Surveys on products for companies. You can then get credits that you can redeem for gift cards or cash.

Today I am going to take a tour of the site and give you some honest feedback on whether Survey Junkie is worth your time. Having reviewed a few survey sites such as Viral Pay my first impressions are more confident that this company is not a scam.

Quick Stats

Name – Survey Junkie

Website –

Owners – US Marketing Company DISQO

Price – Free

Overall Rating – 7 out of 10


Is Survey Junkie a Scam

Straight from the first web page, I could see a great sign that tells me that Survey Junkie is a legitimate company. Not only is 10 Million members can’t be wrong and that they are associated with PayPal. The payment processor giant only aligns itself with reputable companies. eBay and Amazon are just two of these companies.

Survey junkie paypal and gift cards

Parent market research company DISQO are the owners of Survey Junkie. SJ is the online arm of the company, and launched back in 2013 and based in Glendale California.

I also noticed on the footer of their website that they own the trademark “Survey Junkie”. This is yet another good sign that this business is here to stay. Trademarking a name costs big bucks if you were going to flinch your customers and disappear then you just wouldn’t bother with any trademark.

The final proof that I found is that they have a large social following and are openly active on their accounts and so are their customers. They have over 117,000 likes on their Facebook page alone.

I think I can safely say that this company is totally legit and good to go ahead and join.

survey junkie facebook page proof

Is Survey Junkie Safe

The short answer is yes I have found no issues that you would have to worry about when joining Survey Junkie. They have a full SSL certificate on their website which makes it a secure place to have your details.

Obviously, doing any sort of survey could result in you having to give personal information, if you are not happy with this then don’t give it. There is no obligation on your part you are free to complete what surveys you want.

Having PayPal as a payment processor means that your payments will be transferred through their super-secure encrypted processors, making SJ a safe environment for all.

How Can You Make Money With Survey Junkie

Making money (well, earning points) through Survey Junkie is really simple.

First, a simple sign up process is needed which includes some personal details such as age and contact information, plus your consumer habits. This is used to align you with companies that are suited to what you like and buy already.

As mentioned above for every completed survey you will receive points. These points can vary between 50-450 for each survey. Each survey can take between 5-30 minutes to complete.

When you have amassed enough points then you can trade them in against gift cards and or cash…

points total in survey junkie

Yep, you can actually withdraw cash via PayPal but that said 1000 points can be exchanged for $10. If you are looking to earn huge amounts you could be doing surveys all the time. That’s if they have enough to keep you going!

If you are looking to earn a full time living online then check out my no1 recommendation

Who Is Survey Junkie For

Who is a typical user when it comes to SJ. I believe that stay at Moms (and Dad’s) would be an ideal fit as you can dive in and out of the site when you have a few minutes spare.

Students could also benefit from this type of income, and it can be fitted around their lifestyle and would give them some extra dollars a month to help with their education costs.

If you are someone that is looking to build a huge online business that will give you a full-time income and beyond then you would probably best look elsewhere. Even the Survey Junkie website says that you will not get rich taking surveys.

survey junkie help page

Things I Like About Survey Junkie

  • Free To Join – Probably the best thing with Survey Junkie is that is it 100% free to join up and participate in the surveys
  • Instant Points Allocation – There is no waiting process after you have completed your tasks. The agreed points are allocated to your account instantly. As long as you remain a member your points will be available to build on whenever you like. If there is no activity during a whole 12-month period your points will be wiped. Which is totally fair I think!
  • Low Payout Threshold – Unlike many other sites where you have to keep earning to reach the payment threshold, Survey Junkie has a low payout of just $6. Although this just proves that making big money is unlikely here
  • Immediate Payouts – There is no waiting around to receive your payouts either, whether you have exchanged for a gift card or cash through PayPal. Members in the USA can also get payments directly into their bank accounts.
  • Great Reviews – If you check out Survey Junkie on the review site “Trustpilot” you will see that they have over 14,ooo reviews and have gained the rating of  “excellent”.

survey junkie reviews on trustpilot

What Could Be Improved

  • Privacy Issues – Although on Survey Junkie your details are kept safe, they do require you to sign up to other sites to complete tasks. This obviously increases the risk of your details being shared or even sold on.
  • Emails – You will receive plenty of ongoing emails as you complete surveys I would recommend that you set up a brand new email account when signing up that way your main email account will not get filled with promotional emails on a daily basis.
  • Low Cash Returns – As I have already mentioned before Survey sites are great for earning a few extra dollars but to try to create a full-time revenue stream is just a pipe dream.
  • Not Available Worldwide – This program is only available in the following countries. United States, Canada, and Australia. When I tried to sign up it said currently not accepting members from this country (The UK).
  • Time-Consuming – Some of the surveys can take up to 30 minutes plus complete, with only a few dollars earned.
  • Limited Survey Opportunities – Some members have complained as there is only a small amount of surveys for them to do, thus making it harder to build-up any substantial income.
  • Not Qualified – On some of the surveys you plow through loads of questions only to be informed that you do not qualify for that particular survey, this must be very frustrating.


Site support looks pretty comprehensive with questions about all aspects of the site. Plus you can contact them through email too. The only bad thing is it may take 5-7 days from them to answer your query. Well, at least you have been warned!

My Conclusion

My overall view of Survey Junkie is a good one. With things like trademarks, established sister companies and associations with people such as PayPal all added to my thoughts that this was a legitimate business. Yes, you can read some negatives but Let’s face it even the top companies in the world have some issues, it’s how you deal with those issues that count.

I am confident that with a strong support team and active social media profiles any issues would be sorted swiftly.

Although joining Survey Junkie would get you some cash solely relying on this for an online business would a foolish move. Combined with my No1 recommendation you would definitely have a more optimistic chance of creating a full-time online business.

This is not a get-rich-quick business, and to be fair Survey Junkie never mentions that you will be rich either. What you see is what you get. They deliver surveys to members and then reward them for their time and effort.

You can check out my no1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate before you make any decision about starting an online business.

Disclosure:- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link when I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own affiliate business

10 thoughts on “Survey Junkie Review (Scam or Legit)”

  1. I’m glad to see a decent rating on a survey product as I’ve come across many garbage ones out there. Gift cards are good because they can be sold for cash if not used. That they are legit is a good start. Great recommendation of setting up a new email account due to heavy email volume. Survey Junkie looks pretty decent and I’ll be checking it out further through your link. Meanwhile your alternate choice in Wealthy Affiliate is outstanding!

  2. Hi Martin

    Thank you for the review of Survey Junkie as it seems a good way of making pocket money, as long as you are prepared to answer the same questions over and over again. I have done a number of surveys in the past, but I found them to be very repetitive and very frustrating, as often you are rejected halfway through, even if you have qualified for a survey and met the criteria. As long as you are fairly rewarded it looks a promising site.



  3. Great review Martin,

    I’ve been on Survey Junkie for almost a week now and I started to wonder though if I might be the only one thinking that doing tedious and menial tasks for a pence is worth it in the long run, or not – Glad to know I’m not the only one! At most at the end of the month, I might be getting $100 if I stick with it, that is so low and I wouldn’t want to be doing that all my life. 

    Thanks for opening up our eyes on this one, I’m thinking of taking up your offer on your #1 recommendation 😀

  4. You have a pretty good job with this post it’s very easy to understand and full of info. Unfortunately I do not reside in any of the countries accepted by survey junkie, I would have loved to try it and make some money. It’s the first survey, where I do not see any condition or delay to get your pay, surely because they are working closely with PayPal. 

    I have bookmarked your post to share with some friends studying in New York, it can be of great help. But what are the surveys about? 


    • It’s a shame you can’t try Survey Junkie, but please send the link to your friends it may help them. You can always join my top recommendation as they don’t have the same restrictions with certain countries.

  5. Hi, Martin.
    Thanks for your review on Survey Junkie.
    It seems to be a good option to earn that little cash as it is still running since 2013, but as confirmed by you that it is available for only five countries, I doubt if I will be accepted.
    Do you have any information if India is among accepted countries?

    I liked your Recommendation#1, as they allow Free Starter Membership in India.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur


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