Plexus Worldwide Review – Is It A Pyramid Scheme?

There are thousands of ways to earn money these days, but more and more people are looking for extra income streams that they can work to eventually take over from their jobs. Is Plexus Worldwide one of these businesses you can work part-time and build to be your main income or are you set to fail as soon as you start…

Let’s find out as I walk you through my full and honest review.

Quick Stats

  • Name – Plexus Worldwide
  • Website –
  • Owners – Tarl Robinson, Alfred Petterson, Alec Clark
  • Price – $39.95 Annually
  • Overall Rating – 5 out of 10

What Is Plexus Worldwide

plexus worldwide reviewFirstly, let me cover exactly what Plexus Worldwide is. Plexus is a direct selling company, know direct selling companies are not a new thing they have been around for decades some of the best ones are still growing year on year.

You may also know that these companies are known as multi-level-marketing or network marketing companies. Either term is okay as they all run and a similar principle.

  • You join the company as a representative and then start to sell their products when you sell you get paid a commission.
  • You can also recruit other Entrepreneurs looking to get out of the rat race and start their own business.
  • You then earn a percentage of the people you recruit into the business.
  • You then rinse and repeat this process.

Plexus was launched back in 2006 by Tarl Robinson, Alfred Petterson and Alec Clark all with huge direct selling experience. The company is in the health and wellness sector, selling weight loss, detox, and general wellbeing products.

What Products Do Plexus Worldwide Sell

plexus weight management

They offer four categories on their website shop:-

  1. Weight Management – These mainly meal replacement products and controlling carbs and sugars, starting from around $40 for a one-off payment or around 15% cheaper for subscription purchase.
  2. Nutrition – More around probiotics and healthy living products vary in price and again subscription purchase is available at a discount.
  3. Skincare – Serums and anti-aging products within this section. These are mainly combo packs although they do also have a sample pack for just $27.
  4. Personal Care – Just a few products in this range most have subscription options. These are body scrubs, lotions potions.

Certainly with the weight management and nutition people do tend to buy every month once they find something that works for them. As far as I could see there were no major problems reported with their products apart from a few cases as minimal side effects.

How Much Does It Cost To Be An Ambassador With Plexus

Maybe you are thinking of becoming an Ambassador before you do check out my alternative no1 recommendation at the end of this review.

Anyway, let’s go and find out how easy it is to join and what it will set you back.

Annual Membership

plexus success roadmapThe cost of an annual membership is $39.95 although this is low you will need products to test and samples to give away to potential customers. The benefits you will receive when you become an ambassador are the following.

  • Average 25% discount across the whole product range.
  • Yearly training events and programs. Oh if you time this wrong you may have to wait a while for these to come round.
  • Free success tools. Although it doesn’t actually say what these are but they could cost you extra money, beware!
  • Success Kit. Again very vague what this is.
  • Virtual Office. Nothing new there just a place to hold your stats, and marketing materials
  • Roadmap. Apparently, they have an online training portal although I can’t find any more information about this. Maybe this is the same thing as the success pack… who knows!

Welcome Packs

plexus welcome packsOnce you enroll as an ambassador you are then entitled to purchase sample packs at a discounted rate there are many different packs available with discounts ranging from 30-47%.

There are two price points for the packs $99 and $199.

Like any product selling business, you will need to have sampled and tested these so that you can recommend what is right for your customer.

This will add to your initial sign up fee… just something to remember.

If cost is an issue then why not look at affiliate marketing as an alternative online business

Can you Make Money With Plexus

Probably the most important question to ask about any online business opportunity, as this is the goal that people require, more income!

Before I take you through the Plexus Income Disclosure Statement let me go through their actual Compensation Plan. I will keep this to the main facts as they can become very complicated and immaterial.

10 Ways to Earn

According to their website, they have 10 different ways that you can earn money from being a Plexus Ambassador. Just to remind you it was only $39.95 a year to become one of those. So you should get your money back and more very quickly.

Note:- Before you can earn anything you must be qualified to be this you must maintain 100 Sales volume points each month, or buy a welcome if you are a new ambassador. A qualified Ambassador is only eligible for payment level 1.

  1. Retail Rewards Commissions – This is commissions on retail purchases 100- 499 SV equals 15% commission and over 500 SV will get you 25% 
  2. Retail Rewards Override Commissions – This is an extra 5% on all your qualified ambassadors that you recruit. This is only above 100 SV though.
  3. Preferred Customer Bonus – Various amounts and paid when a retail customer becomes a preferred customer (monthly subs)
  4. One Time Achievement Bonus – As you process through the levels you will get paid a one-off bonus for each level achieved.
  5. Business Building Bonus – A $50 bonus on any welcome pack bought which is distributed up 4 levels
  6. Plexus Points – These are points earned that you can exchange in the monthly ambassador pool.
  7. – 10. Are all bonus pools that you can earn a small percentage of the companies sales volume I will not go into any details here as if you need to you can find this out for yourself.

So as a qualified ambassador, you can only earn from 4 of these income streams the remaining ones will need you to climb the promotional ladder within the company.

Income Disclosure Statement

plexus income earnings statement

As you can see by only being an ambassador the average earnings for the year are just over $300 with less than 1% of members actually earning enough for a full-time income.

This is very disturbing as many people will work long hours and achieve very little in return, personally I don’t want to be one of these people. This is why I would always choose Affiliate Marketing versus Network marketing every day of the week.

Is Plexus Worldwide a Pyramid Scheme

Before I wrap up this review let’s just answer another burning question that always gets asked. Is Plexus Worldwide a pyramid scheme?

Let me answer this honestly!

From the research I have undertaken in this review my view is that Plexus is not a pyramid scheme, although there are of course more benefits the further up the ambassador levels you go.

I think they have some good solid products and a reasonable compensation plan to boot, but as I have uncovered earning from Plexus is hard to do and many fall way short of even a secondary income stream.

Alternative Income Steam

As promised, I said I would let you know of an alternative way to make money, even a full time income. My no1 recommendation is a company called Wealthy Affiliate.

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for a few months and I am already earning a good extra income which I can only see improving. If you wanted to see how you can become a free starter member then check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate or just hit the banner below and check out the site yourself.

I will connect with you once inside and help you every step of yje way to produce your own proftiable online business.

start your own business

10 thoughts on “Plexus Worldwide Review – Is It A Pyramid Scheme?”

  1. Wow! I love your honest review. I agree with you that Plexus Worldwide is certainly not a pyramid scheme from my little research also, however, one can certainly make money as an ambassador, and as you said it’s very hard to make money from the platform. I know a friend, who happens to be an ambassadors and he make just around $301 on average, that proves it’s certainly not easy. I will definitely look into your alternative.


  2. Good review! I never heard about Plexus until now and thank you for this! I am part of the WA community and this actually helped me grow my online business. So for the newbies who are looking to grow or start their own online business, go ahead and take advantage of the free trial! Anyway, this is a very well written article and indeed really helpful and informative! Will go ahead and share this one with my friends also. For sure they will benefit from this. All the best! Thank you!

  3. Hi Martin, I am still on the lookout for a way of making some extra money online, but there are so many crooks and scammers out there that I’m always a bit nervous about signing up to anything, that’s why I always search for reviews like your post here, so I can get some insight first, I come to your website because I know your reviews are genuine and honest, I must admit that I never like the idea of MLM, it’s not that I’ve ever had a bad experience personally, but it’s the things I’ve heard about them, and though you have said plexus isn’t a pyramid scheme I am still a bit skeptical, if I can ask, are there any MLMs that you would recommend without any reservations, thank you for sharing this review.   

  4. Hi! Plexus sounds like a good way for making some side income. Their product is solid and they do pay those that are working in their company. But a further inspection, as you have indicated shows that it’s difficult to generate income with this company. Network marketing has it’s limitations and Plexus falls into this category. Thanks for your review.

  5. Hi there,

    Awesome review, I really enjoyed the reading!

    It’s the first time I read about the Plexus company, and to be honest, I see it as an excellent opportunity to earn money for my son.  He is a student, and he always was attracted to a network system, so I think he won’t mind paying $39.95:).

    I’ve seen the graph, not bad at all! I’ll share this article with my son; I am sure he will jump on the occasion. Just a question, please.

    We are not US citizens, so I was wondering if all countries are allowed to join? Or are there exceptions?

    Thank you for this useful post!

    • Hi there Daniella, Currently they operate in USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia trust this helps 🙂


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