Webtalk – Can You Really Be Social And Earn Commissions

Webtalk Review

Webtalk is the only social network platform where you can easily mix business with pleasure, by filtering what you see and how you talk to. Still, in BETA testing, and waiting for patents, which when granted will be rolled out fully including the affiliate side of the business.

RJ Garbowicz is the founder, chairman and CEO of Webtalk, which he founded in 2011. RJ is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company. He leads the design of Webtalk’s service and development of its core technology and infrastructure. RJ is a software UX Architect/Designer and serial digital entrepreneur, selling his first e commerce company in 2001, and a previous online networking and dating company in 2010.

Discover more about RJ on his Linkedin profile

Quick Insights

  • Name – Webtalk
  • Websitewww.webtalk.co
  • Price – Currently in Beta test. Free to join – Upgrade available but no details at present
  • Owner – RJ Garbowicz
  • Overall Ranking – 7 out of 10

The Good and the Bad

What I like about Webtalk

  • The platform itself is clean and easy to use. Very simple to set up as a model of most other social platforms.
  • Good to see that the owner is visible and not hiding in the background.
  • The 10% revenue share is something that could be genius when and if it arrives. (watch this space for updates on this one)
  • The affiliate program is free for life. (Never pay to be an affiliate of any product or service)
  • You have to be invited to join Webtalk which will help when it goes viral as people will want to join. Here’s your invite.

What I disliked

  • Having only recently joined I have found at present that there are many just marketers on the site, so if you are a business wanting to promote your services it may prove a hard task. This will probably change as the platform grows although at 2 million members it’s fairly big already.
  • Beware I have already had to block scammers after receiving messages (Be vigilant at all times, this of course goes for any social network not just Webtalk)
  • Would love to have been connected to the owner upon signing up, this would have been a big plus for me personally. The owners of Wealthy Affiliate do this brilliantly.

Why Is Webtalk Different

Connect with like-minded professionals

Webtalk contact list Networking with others is vital in business today, with webtalk you can connect with others very easily, following them, or sending them a connection notice. You then can the chance to add them into different categories. These are acquaintance, investor/donor, client/customer, colleague, vendor/service provider, entrepreneur/partner and classmate.


You can then add tags for this person so you can easily find them in the future. Additional notes and values can be added too.

Who viewed your profile

people who viewed your webtalk profileAnother valuable feature of Webtalk is that they show you who has viewed your profile over the previous 30 days. Ideal to connect with people looking for what you offer.

Profile segrigation

Easily add files, photos and videos to your account and save into separate tabs on your profile. This makes it easy for your to locate them and for your visitors to find them.

Social CPX

This is webtalks affiliate program, which unfortunately I was unable to join as Webtalk is still in beta testing. There is a short video about how you can earn through webtalk.

webtalk affiliate login imageBasically there are 3 ways you can earn 10% of the revenue share… Possible Scam Alert these 10% are paid down 5 levels hmm looking towards an MLM business model.

Anyway I will report back on this as and when then launch this side of the business.

The revenue streams are advertising, upgrades and product sales. A bit difficult to advise further as no real information on these as yet.


I could not find any visible support on the site maybe this will materialize once it is fully up and running.


The Webtalk platform itself is free to join (by invite only) there was a mention of upgrades in the short video. I will again report back on this as and when I get more details.

Is Webtalk Worth Joining ?

In short, I would say currently YES…

There are active people on the platform that you can connect with, you can also refer others too. Whether the platform will launch the affiliate side of the business, well the jury is out on that one. All I can say is I will keep you updated with any news on that front.

Initially my thoughts are good although when you start talking paying commissions down 5 levels then possible alarm bells start ringing on that front.

I would join for free, set up your account and invite some others if things move forward with the affiliate commission side then you are well-placed to make some serious money.

At worst you will be able to connect with a huge amount of like-minded people and grow your network.

In Addition :- You could join Wealthy Affiliate as a free member, and then refer your contacts to their online training platform

Disclosure :- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

8 thoughts on “Webtalk – Can You Really Be Social And Earn Commissions”

  1. I have read the article, I learned about webtalk for the first time through the article, I did not know before about this. After reading your article I realized that this is an honest review about webtalk, I agree with you that webtalk is 100% trusted social media network platform where we can easily mix business. site rating also good. I am interested to join in webtalk network. Thank you so much for writing the article.

    • Thanks for your comments Paul its certainly worth joining so you are placed well when the affiliate program is rolled out.

  2. Great review of the ‘Webtalk’ platform and I stopped reading through the post to go sign up! I see at the moment it is a free platform (good) but that they have no affiliate program (bad). Since it is likely going to grow, there will likely be some ways to monetize it over time I think.

    It sounds a bit like LinkedIn to me and this is the reason I decided right away to join. There have been several alternative platforms recently that I have rin across using searches (which is how I came across your review). I am interested in getting as much social exposure as possible for my brand, so I do tend to try new platforms out.

    Since I signed up through your link, I would assume that you will get credit for the referral. Even though there may not be any commission now, that might change over time, as you say. I will give the platform a try. Sometimes you get good traffic and leads through these lesser-known social platforms.

    I have had luck with a couple of others, why not this one too? Thanks for the clear review and tip, let’s hope that it will be beneficial to us both in the future! Best of luck for 2019 with your online marketing business and with Webtalk!


    • Thanks for your comments Dave, indeed a bit frustrating that the affiliate side of the business is no currently up and running. Yes I would assume I get the credit too ..LOL I will have to check on that one

      Be interesting like you say how this progresses only time will tell. 

  3. Great post and good info.

    Im using webtalk for a while now, and indeed, the majority are marketers for now, which is disappointing to me, because it has a huge potential, and I hope more people will join it. 

    Now, I don’t know if this will become the new Facebook, as they state, but they could reach close to it, if they have the patience and the sponsoring around it. 

    I like the concept, so I suggest you should try it too. 

    Thanks for sharing it with us! 

    • I think it is a slow burner, until the affiliate program is up and running fully people will be cautious. I look forward to it when it arrives

  4. Interesting article I had not heard of this program before. I guess since you can join for free to start with it is always good to explore all the options. I particularly like the idea to be able to connect with like-minded people. Thank you for sharing it , I will definitely have a look at it. 

    • Hi Barbara, indeed joining is free so nothing to lose but everything to gain. Be sure to connect with me once you become a member as here to help 🙂


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