Commission App Review – Point Click & Watch The Commissions Roll In

commission app reviewThis is of course their words and not mine. In this full review on Commission App I will dive into these very bold claims

and see exactly what it is all about, or is it all just sales hype.

Is it too good to be true … Simply, Point, Click and Watch the Affiliate Commissions Roll In. Before I make a judgment let’s go and investigate

more closely and see if this new software actually works that way.

Quick Stats

Name – Commission App

Website –

Owners – Billy Darr, David Kirby, Justin Opay

Price – $24.32 –

Overall Rating 5.4 out of 10

How Does This Software Benefit You.

This software claims to create affiliate stores (presumable using Amazon or similar sites) with just 1 click and if that wasn’t enough it even drives the hungry buyers directly to them within seconds of setting it up.

Wow! this is unbelievable, if of course it is true.

All you need is an internet connection to this cloud based software, you can even operate it directly from your mobile phone.

Perfect for both beginners and experts alike. Sounds like a complete game changer here, there just must be a catch somewhere.

They include free training which will get you earning $100 plus a day, and a free agency license worth $997 is an additional bonus.

3 Simple Steps

There is just 3 simple steps to start producing commissions with this app. Log in on any device, enter some simple information into the software and then experience affiliate commissions in just seconds.

You can then make commissions from sites like Amazon, JV Zoo, Clickbank and Warrior Plus. You can even use it to sell your own product or service.

Bonuses Included

Private members’ only $100K a year live call

Access to members’ only private training group, this will get you sorted and you should be able to quite the 9-5 rat race in no time at all. Tried to access the live call and got this … looks like I missed it or maybe it wasn’t the right thing.

training webinar commission app

Get Money Now Training

These special training videos will enable you (well a total beginner) to still make this system work and get you traffic, leads and money.

4 Quick & Easy Free Traffic Methods

Although this training maybe good, we were told that this amazing software would get us traffic so will it or not !

I think these two will be delivered via email in the next couple of days

Agency License

Not sure why you would ever need this as if this does what it says then why have the hassle of doing work for other people just doesn’t make sense.

It’s also dropped in value at the top of the sales page it was worth $997 and now in the bonus section only worth $497 Hmm!


Once you have purchased for the one time fee, you are taken to an upgrade page (well there’s a surprise) this is to add 1000x Edition to your purchases. That was not the only surprise as soon as I had purchased this software I received an email. no surprise there…. But this was the first paragraph….

commission app co founder Ginouchka Eugene

We have got ourselves another Co- Founder I wonder how many more are lurking in the background…

Anyway back to the upgrades …

I am going to get… commission app upgrade products

  • more traffic,
  • unlimited campaigns,
  • 3 more extra traffic sources,
  • more video tutorials, 1
  • 1 to 1 chat with Billy Darr himself.
  • 300 money making offers (the mind boggles)
  • 4 extra affiliate sites
  • 25 done for niches
  • 4 extra CTA buttons (really)
  • unlimited site storage
  • free updates
  • developers rights
  • agency pro
  • unlimited customization
  • 5 premium bonuses

All this for a value of nearly $73,000 but wait you will pay just $67

Well that’s a snip haha… and why wouldn’t you pay this especially as a newbie. You will have EVERYTHING you could ever need.

But I suppose they said that about the software app.

I refrained from purchasing this and went to investigate further if you could actually make any commissions as a total newbie affiliate marketer.


The training consists of just four videos and less than twelve minutes length in total. The first just shows you how to sign up and login which is not needed as you need to do this to see the video.

The others just run through setting up your store, finding affiliate products to add to your store and then promoting out to a few social sites the only big one here was Twitter.

All in all not very good training for a total newbie and if you are trying to promote products in JV Zoo or Warrior then you have to request to be an affiliate, this takes time and sometime you never even hear back from people.

Just to give you an example this actual product is on JV Zoo and because I was doing this review I requested to be an affiliate that was three days ago and still waiting


There be a link to a support desk I didn’t need to test this but I am presuming this will cover all their products and be manned office hours.

Money Back Guarantee

Any product offered through the JV Zoo network must have a 30-day money back guarantee. This be a great cover especially for products that say they delivery this. That and the other and actually when you look inside the members’ area they don’t actually deliver anything.

Summing Up

My thoughts were as I started to read through the sales page that they were going to deliver a massive amount of value but as per usual the value was about on par with the price $25.

There is nothing is this software that you can’t do yourself all they are giving you be a website to place your products to promote them out.

The truth be said that you can get free websites and heaps more training at my no 1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate. In fact, they give you two free websites, a community of members’ that will support you and free hosting, training and tools. I would definitely look at WA rather than buy Commission App.

Disclosure :- Affiliate links may be used within this post. This means that if you purchase through my site after clicking a link then I get a small commission, at NO extra charge to yourself. This helps me to continue giving great free content. Thanks

start your own affiliate business

6 thoughts on “Commission App Review – Point Click & Watch The Commissions Roll In”

  1. Thanks so much for taking your time to review this commission App. I had heard about this from a colleague who claims they are the best for me to get started with affiliate marketing and with the peanut price, I was seriously considering giving it a try but I was suspicious and thankfully you confirmed my suspicion that its not as what is claimed. How could you give a video training of less than 12minutes for a program that claims it is meant for beginners. This is bad. Going by this honest review, I am not willing to depart with my money for this kind of programs.

    thanks for the insights.

    • Indeed the training is very basic and doesn’t really cover anything at all … Maybe they just want you to upgrade to get even more videos that are rubbish too. lol

  2. Thank you for sharing this review on Commission App.    The idea of purchasing a program that would allow me to easily set up affiliate stores with minimal work sounded appealing.     Yet, if we have to actually take the time to research programs and add products to our stores;  I am having a hard time understanding what I would be paying for.   I can do that for free with Woo Commerce on a WordPress website.    Thanks for saving me $25.  

    • Thanks Sondra, you are so correct why pay $25 when you are still doing all the hard graft. 

  3. This was the second review I did about an easy way to make money online with little or no upfront costs. When I saw your 5.5 out of 10 rating at the beginning, I knew this was not going to be the place where I am going to get rich quick. 

    You did a thorough review of a product that seemed to be very light weight when compared to their claims. A number of red flags went up especially when you described the low quality and very basic training. 

    In the final analysis, this was the perfect review to segue the reader to Wealthy Affiliate that you did. I love it when you can present a product that has lofty claims and doesn’t deliver and compare that to Wealthy Affiliate. Great way to peek interest and win a free sign up. 

    This was a fun review to read and comment on. Cheers! 


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