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Click To Watch This Video Important Information About Your Bonuses Worth Over $1239


I just wanted to tell you a bit about me and how I now making a passive income online.

After all, if I am going to be helping your build your online business you need to know about my journey.

My online journey began back in 2010, but before that I just want to turn the clock back to 2008. I had been working for myself running a successful offline business. I had about 30 employees. But, I was working sometimes 7 days a week and with a growing family I was finding things tough.

I started to look at other ways to produce income and of course I used the internet to do some research, I did try a few get rich quick schemes but, as you might have already experienced these tend to be more like get poor quick schemes instead.

During 2008 my wife had an accident at her work place and after a few months was told that she would never be able to return to the job she loved. To cut a long story short she become very ill and I was forced to sell my business and become her full time carer.

This was hard for all the family, but for me it gave some more time to look into more ways to make money, and even more so now as we had no income at all.

Over the next few years, I tried various businesses but nothing seemed to work. They were either scams that never paid out or network marketing businesses that just as I started to make money closed their doors. I even sort the help of a business mentor but the only thing I gained was a big hole in my bank balance and no results to show for it.

After a few years my wife, was improving but still needed help every day. With the help of family I was able to go back to work part time to get some much needed cash. Whilst still looking for that golden key to unlock those internet riches that so many people seemed to be achieving.

I had spent, lost thousands trying to make a successful business online but apart from a few bucks here and there. I had not a lot to show for my efforts. But, I had learned a lot, and I kept searching.

In 2018, I stumbled across the website that was to change my life, by reinstalling my faith that there were real people making money online and there was nothing stopping me from doing the same.

The website was called Wealthy Affiliate and although I was still cautious I joined as a free member to find out more… I don’t know what it was but something was different to all the other programs, businesses and projects I had done before. For the first time I had a feeling that this was where I was meant to find complete success.

Within a week I could see that this was going to work so I upgraded to the premium membership I had found what I had been looking for.

Fast forward to today, and I am building an online business that is generating me income every single month but still allows me time to care for my wife too. 

Here’s a blog a wrote on Wealthy affiliate achieving my first $100 month with Wealthy Affiliate.

There are many others making life changing money on Wealthy Affiliate. John made $3700 a one day

Nathaniel added another $1500 a month to his already full time online business

Now, is this a get rich scheme, definitely not this is a business that will take hard work, will take time and will need you to invest some money… but will also reap you the rewards as you have just seen. If you are really serious about living the dream lifestyle it all starts with hard graft.

Now you may not like the idea of hard work to build a solid business that’s cool, I will not be offended if you click away right now in fact I would rather did as I don’t want you to waste your time or mine.

Okay, so you are still here I had better tell you more about how I make a passive income online.

The way I generate these commissions is called Affiliate Marketing, which is the process of recommending other people’s products and services in return for a pre-arranged commission. You never have to sell anything, speak with people face to face or even deal with complaints and delivering the products.

Now like with any business there are always things to learn.

Wealthy affiliate has given me all the training, support and tools I need to build my business and I will show you inside the members area shortly, but first let me show you other members who continue to succeed using Wealthy Affiliate.

Michael hit his first 30,000K month

Grace recently made $624 a one day

And Jerry made 100k a one week as he says hard work definitely does pay off

There are many more just like this I could go on.  But these are just ordinary people that were where you are right now looking for a genuine way to earn money online.

The two things they all have in common they all worked hard and they all followed the Wealthy Affiliate training.

Even if you know nothing about, starting a business, affiliate marketing or making money that’s cool as WA has everything laid out for you all you have to do is follow the training and take action. Simple!

It’s what I did and I am now earning commissions like these

The 7 day Bootcamp is a shortened breakdown of the steps you need to take If you actually open, read and implement all my emails they really will help you. But, by combining this course with all the great features in WA you will be on course to guaranteed success just like Jerry, Grace, Michael and me.

Now I know I could just say go and join and take a look round yourself, but I want to give you something extra, something that only members that join me in WA get, I’ll explain more on that after I have given you a guided tour inside Wealthy Affiliate. 

Watch the video above for a guide tour of Wealthy Affiliate.

As you can see (if you watched the video) there is an amazing amount of value in Wealthy Affiliate and if you take action right now I am even going to add some of my own great bonuses too.

Bonus One – My 101 free traffic source guide  - Value $97

Bonus Two – Lifetime access to my Ebook library currently I have 12 on various subjects, say $17 each. - Value $204

Bonus Three – Build a blog 30 point checklist and resource pack for building a successful blog. - Value $97

Bonus Four – 12 months unlimited website consulting via email I normally charge $97 an hour for one to one consulting.  - Value $497

Bonus Five – Landing page checklist to increase your conversions. - Value $47

Bonus Six – As an AWeber certified expert I will give you free 3 months email consultation on creating optin pages, sales funnels and email campaigns. - Value $297

So that’s a total of $1239 just in additional bonuses

To claim these bonuses plus a complete month's access to all the Wealthy Affiliate training and support all you need to do is sign up for a free starter account at Wealthy Affiliate and then activate your discounted premium membership within 7 days... Which will cost you just $19

Simple, what are you waiting for...